Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Just popping in to wish you a merry chrimbo - hope you have a good one. Lots of hugs xxx
Hi Jess
Hope you had a good Christmas Day x:)
Hi everyone, hope you all had a nice jesusday :) I had a nice time but glad to have my house back to myself.

I must say I'm looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow on the 1st. I don't think I've put on loads, had a sneaky weigh on boxing day and was 13st 2lb but I think I've been a bit worse since then. I bought some bras from La Senza today and they're a size 38FF :( Can't wait to start losing weight again! I did get a waist cincher from santa like I asked though and it's fantastic! I also got a gaming mouse and gaming surface which I've just started using.. I'm in love. It's a beautiful thing. Got a few other bits too.

I'm going to my favourite restaurant for new years eve. The last meal! I had to choose in advance and I'm having French onion soup to start followed by beef wellington and wedges with baileys cheesecake and chocolate mint sauce to finish. Om nom nom.
How spooky is that jess for our meal for new year at the hotel i have chosen french onion soup,beef wellington &winter fruit crumble(only cos no nice cheesecake on offer)!

Am i completely out of touch? ive just had to ask my 13yr old what a gaming surface is:D

How spooky is that jess for our meal for new year at the hotel i have chosen french onion soup,beef wellington &winter fruit crumble(only cos no nice cheesecake on offer)!

Am i completely out of touch? ive just had to ask my 13yr old what a gaming surface is:D


Great minds Charly! It was a tough choice for the main though.. there was roast quail with chorizo mash and champagne sauce, salmon with rissotto and lamb cutlets with spiced new potatoes. I loooove beef wellington though. Won't be able to have pastry for a while so getting it in now ;)

Haha, no I didn't know either. I was looking for mouse mats as my mouse is £50 and using my old mat would be a bit like buying a diamond and putting it in a plastic ring. All the good ones were called gaming surfaces. I didn't know until then. It's really big and made of metal and plastic!

Hi Jess

Its great to see you back after Xmas and raring to go. The undies sound excellent.


Thanks M :)
I got my hair cut :) I wanted a bob but the hair dresser was horrified. My hair was very long so I settled for shoulder length and will cut it again if I still fancy it later. I really like it! I took a pic on my webcam but it's got a watercolour effect on as the cam wouldn't show how nice my hair actually looks! I will try again once I've styled it myself. Here's the watercolour pic, my new avatar:


  • 2009-12-30 16-17-04.880.jpg
    2009-12-30 16-17-04.880.jpg
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Hair looks great Jess' i think your face shape would suit a bob. i've never had really long hair but it took me years to pluck up the courage to have it short,but dont think i would go back now
What a splendid 'new do' Jess you look lovely and I quite like the water colour effect from the web cam..

Just popping by to Wish You A Very Happy New Year :)
Hair looks great Jess' i think your face shape would suit a bob. i've never had really long hair but it took me years to pluck up the courage to have it short,but dont think i would go back now

Thanks :) I'm still thinking about it, but it's good that I can still tie my hair up for when I start gyming it.

What a splendid 'new do' Jess you look lovely and I quite like the water colour effect from the web cam..


Thank you. Me too, webcam isn't very flattering but I look quite nice hidden under effects, har har :)

Thanks fitz! :)

Hope everyone has a lovely evening tonight and if you're starting tomorrow, make the most of tonight ;)

I can't wait to start again tomorrow, I lay in bed last night feeling very sick for eating too much. No more!
I like the idea of this 10 for 10 so here's mine.

1. Stick to Weight Watchers until goal. I not only need to lose the weight but I need to learn to eat properly again.

2. Get fit. The main reason I'm joining the gym is not to aid my weight loss (though big plus) but to get fit. I get tired walking up a couple of flights of stairs. I'm 21!

3. Stop being so wasteful. This concerns food and money. I have the opportunity to save money and I shouldn't waste it by thoughtless spending and buying so many takeaways. I throw away so much food but I'll be much better this year.

4. Be greener. Adam's grandparents recycle so it'll be easy there but I must continue once I move out, plus walk short distances more often and do anything else I can to be greener.

5. Work really hard towards my degree. Last stretch, I finish in May so I need to give it my all and try to get a 2:1, possibly even a first(!)

6. Work more on my appearance. I hardly ever wear makeup during the day and don't make much of an effort to look nice most the time. I think this will become easier when I start losing weight and have some more money for clothes!

7. Read more books. I love reading but spend too much time monging in front of the computer and hardly ever read these days.

8. Spend less time on the computer.
Sometimes I just sit at it finding things to do when I'm not even enjoying it. Hopefully with going to the gym this will giving me something better to do. However, not to be replaced with TV!

9. Learn to knit. Self explanatory.

10. Be healthier. Get more fruit and veg in me!
Happy new year jess & i love your list of 10,im a bit slow on the uptake,havnt really thought of mine yet but i will! x
P.s like the hair you are v brave cutting it im forever trying to grow mine longer
I've started :) I forgot to weigh myself before I ate so I'll do that tomorrow morning and take measurements too. I'm on 22 points, but probably not for long; I think I'm low 13s.

I'm starving! I didn't get any food in but I've got an online shop coming tomorrow. I woke up at 12, had 2 weetabix, milk, 1tsp sugar (3) and now I'm trying to hold out 'til 6 for my dinner of salmon fish fingers, mash and beans (11). I've had 2 satsumas (0.5) but still hungry. Might attack the remaining pickled onions in a bit. Leaves me 7.5 points but I'm not sure what to use them on. I don't really have anything left to eat! Might have some baileys to make up the points later. I may just save some or have 18 and count it as a kickstart day.

I'm going to jot down my meals as I always look at the ingredients and wonder what exactly I was supposed to cook with them :p Veg curry, spag bol, chilli, salmon & new pots, pasta bake, veg burger/potato croquettes/beans, grill-up, omelette.
Well done you - what better day - 1st of the year - good for you - most folks are waiting till Monday so you deffo have a head start xx
Brilliant start hun x
Hi Jess

Happy New Year! Love your 10 for 10 :) Might have to nick a couple of them for my own :)

Any diet where you have to have a Baileys to make up your points sounds like a plan to me lol
