Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

We will do some power thinking when I come over to try and come up with some quick and easy meals that will be easy to rustle up when you get in late, I did a beef in black bean sauce with noodles last night in 3 minutes flat it was quicker than phoning the chinky lol
bless you Jess, please promise Mummy K one thing hun and that's not to do the Cambridge diet.
I'm asking you this because you know i've had a weight problem all my life hun and i've tried every and i mean every diet under the sun
hell yes the shakes, soups, bars etc do give a rapid weight loss in a short space of time they also absolutely ruin your metabolism and you'll find after you've finished you'll put weight on more quickly and find it harder to lose, there is absolutely no quick fix to losing weight
it has to be to re-educate yourself about what you eat and why you eat it and deal with it from there one step at a time.
Wise words kally.
Jess always listen to mummy she knows best! or in this case adams mummy! xx
pimms is lush - if you're ever cold, pimms and apple juice nuked in the microwave is BEAUTIFUL! <3

i agree with you on the kettle chips, theyre totally worth the point hit. could easily eat a share bag though! :p

i agree with your MIL (almost) though.. shakes and sh*t will ruin your metabolism - look at all the people who come back to WW cause they learn buggar all about healthy eating and lifestyle from the diet they followed before!

hope your restart goes well xxx
Eurgh, warm apple juice and Pimms? You's crazy, woman! :p Plus it's not as cold all the way down here as it is in the clouds up there ;)

We went to Westfield today to get mother's day pressies and trainers for Adam. I got my mum a pamper box.. lush stuff, a book and a smelly candle. Can't say what we got Mummy K, obvs! You are one hard lady to buy for as Adam flipping useless and I don't know what you have already. I thought about getting you a nice outfit in a size 18 as you're not far off but it's so hard buying clothes for other people! Anyway, you'll find out soon enough :p Popped into Evans, really nice stuff in there.. what's the lowest size?

Had GBK for lunch, yum yum and got a kinder bueno with peanut butter milkshake topped with malteasers from the milkshake place :jelous: Nearly threw up afterwards, so sick of choc! Going to have a nice tag bol tomorrow (no spag, tagliatelli instead). No idea about lunch as have to buy from college but they're not too bad for choice at this one. The campus I go to on Tuesday (well, not really anymore) is all burgers and steak bakes.
I definitely agree with mummy K on this one - sure some people can do CD and come off it fine - look at Porgeous! - but some people can't, I certainly shouldn't have done it a second time.

I'm absolutely the same with chocolate! I just don't have any in any more, its lots easier as then I'm not tempted, and the effort it takes to go get a chocolate bar just isn't worth it! In the past 7 days I've eaten a mini Kinder bar, a creme egg, a hot chocolate and some maltesers. And that's been it! I've started eating pineapple as it's really sweet and I definitely need some sweetness after a meal :D nom nom.

Why not make something to take to uni? Sandwiches or a wrap or something :)
Jenni, I meant to but I forgot to buy anything. I went for a brown turkey and cranberry sammich which I guesstimate at 7.

Turkey sammich - 7
Watermelon - 1
McCoys - 4
3 Jaffa Cakes - 2.5
Chicken Kebab - 4.5
Apple Tango - 0.5

Total = 19.5/21

Sooo, didn't have tag bol as we went to the Broadway International Food Thingy and it took ages as Adam took us a bum way. Was very hungry so got kebab instead and will have tag bol tomorrow. It was an awesome kebabby!

I forgot to weigh myself before I got dressed this morning so I will do it tomorrow.. if I remember. I miss having an ensuite! Need to put the scales on a flat surface and I used to just leave them in there.
good luck with your WI a day late :D x
Thanks dude!

I forgot to say I bought some popping corn. What can I put on it to make it taste nice but not too high in points?

Also found some apple tea :D I didn't find Turkish tea as they obviously aren't going to write Turkish tea on it and I don't know what it's called, doh. I noticed they sold a lot of ceylon which I've recently bought a pack of. I'll try that without milk. Plus got some bulgar wheat as my German born, Cypriot raised, American schooled ex-flatmate taught me a yummy recipe with that, spaghetti, tomato and onions. I got fine bulgar though, I hope it'll still turn out ok? It annoyed her that I boiled the crap out of the bulgar wheat to make it soft :p
I like salted popcorn, does just putting salt on it work?

I gained 1.5lb, but I expected that. I can't believe I didn't put on more, I ate sooo much. I'm in a good place now though so it's all good :) No more gains!
Hi, just catching up on everyone's diaries. Hope you're having a good day! (Apple Tea sounds yummy, I'll have to look for that next time I'm shopping.)xx
Just salt on popcorn is my fave too. Can't quite imagine how bulgar wheat and spaghetti work as a combo - sounds weird?
Won't take long to lose the 1.5 again, probably mainly water anyway.
She snipped it up into small pieces and boiled it in a tiny bit of water with fried tomatoes/onions.. very weird, but tasted nice with garlic lemon chicken and tzatziki.
Just had a fat footlong sub stuffed with salad. Very colourful it was :D

Sub - 12
Dinner - 8


2.5 left to eat or save. The only thing I have in the house is dulce de leche icecream.. wonder how much 2.5 points worth is?
I almost cried when I read this statement, it was so lovely and caring (probably PMT bringing on the tears) - But very wise words.

Hope you're having a good day Jess. xxx

Aww I do care Nikki, Jess is like a daughter to me she and Adam have been together a lot of years now :D
you couldn't actually imagine Adam without Jess lol

And glad to see that your back with your Weight watching Jess :D
you'll get there hun, we both will this time
Aww I do care Nikki, Jess is like a daughter to me she and Adam have been together a lot of years now :D
you couldn't actually imagine Adam without Jess lol

And glad to see that your back with your Weight watching Jess :D
you'll get there hun, we both will this time

Aww, that's so nice :) You are like a 2nd mum to me, especially as mine is so far away *sniff* It's very nice to have another one around :D Plus I have grandparents now, my dad's parents died before I was born, as did my mum's mum. My mum's dad and stepwife were a bit too old fashioned really, baking and knitting and all that flapjack so couldn't really relate to them.
Adam suggested we have a picnic at some national trust place at the weekend :) I wll start planning the food! May have to keep our coats on though, brrrr. I am going to make a lemon drizzle cake. The recipe is on BBC good food website but I'm going to try and make it WW friendly. If I change the butter for flora buttery and the caster sugar for sweetner it will be 4.5 points per slice but I think I'll only change the 225g of caster sugar in the cake and not the 85g caster sugar in the drizzle making it 5 points... might make the drizzle go funny? I hope it tastes ok and turns out alright with flora buttery and sweetner!

Hmmm, what yummy foods to have with my picnic? :rolleyes: I'll have curry in the evening to leave me with lots of points!

Edit: Ooor, just found some brownies for 2.5 points without adapting :) They have buttermilk and mayo instead of butter? Picture looks gooood though. Decisions.
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Aw, I got a lump in my throat with the closeness of you and Mummy k!!! So sweet..x

Picnic idea sounds lovely Jess, there's a recipe for sticky toffee pudding in this weeks handout from my meeting if you want
Aw, I got a lump in my throat with the closeness of you and Mummy k!!! So sweet..x

Picnic idea sounds lovely Jess, there's a recipe for sticky toffee pudding in this weeks handout from my meeting if you want

Thanks, that would be good :D

I finished off my points with 50g of dulce de leche icecream and some strawberries. Mmm.