Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred

you are making me think about doing this again.......arrgh! can i commit to another 30 days???

:) x
you are making me think about doing this again.......arrgh! can i commit to another 30 days???

:) x

yes of course you can! go for it elle :D
I'm thinking of doing this.....I'm intrigued as it seems to get such good results. I will admit though I'm scared of the pain!

I have to walk fromt he station to work and back every day and also walk my daughter round on her pony. I'm worried that by doing this I'm not going to be able to walk for days....
Another question.... !! What size weights did you use? I've got 3kg ones and they are ok on some exercised but not on others. Not sure whether to perceiver or get some smaller ones? x

Yo! I use 3kg. It does get easier after a couple of days but scale down if you need to. The chicks in the vid use 5lb weight which is about 2.5kg if that helps
You guys I have inspired me, ordered the dvd a couple of weeks ago and haven't used it yet, lots of excuses as to why not but the real reason is I couldn't be arsed. So I'm at the theatre tonight but tomorrow night is the night. I will start and continue and hopefully not die ha ha.
I really hope mines waiting for me when I get back from work - how long do Play usually take? I NEED it!!!
I was a bit naughty. I couldn't wait either and went on youtube where this girl had posted a video explaining what all the moves were and how long to do them for....
This might sounds daft however I'm only on day 3 and I'm sure I can already notice a difference to my bingo wings. Don't get me wrong they are still big but they do look slightly better and not as 'fatty'. I took my measurement on Monday and I'll do it again after day 10.

How are you getting on Nettie? Thanks for inspiring me by the way!
Not here yet but I've just done 50 mins cardio at the gym and the power plate so at least thats something.

Might go and have a look on youtube just to see what I've signed myself up for!!!
This might sounds daft however I'm only on day 3 and I'm sure I can already notice a difference to my bingo wings. Don't get me wrong they are still big but they do look slightly better and not as 'fatty'. I took my measurement on Monday and I'll do it again after day 10.

That's not daft at all, I noticed that my gut was flatter about 4 days in! She's a miracle that Jillian, I tell you - a miracle!
This might sounds daft however I'm only on day 3 and I'm sure I can already notice a difference to my bingo wings. Don't get me wrong they are still big but they do look slightly better and not as 'fatty'. I took my measurement on Monday and I'll do it again after day 10.

How are you getting on Nettie? Thanks for inspiring me by the way!

i didnt do it last night as i took the children to a bedtime story session at the library and i have 3 assignments due in tomorrow so really didnt have the time but i promised the children a trip to the library. I will do it again tonight and i have decided that whilst doing so much exercise i am going to weigh in every 10 days instead of 7 and just rely on my clothes and how i feel for a guidance. I was talking to my friends today and we were discussing how the number on the scales dont really mean anything its how i feel about myself that really gets me down. So heres to a smaller me hehe x
mine arrived from play just 2 days after ordering, very fast delivery :)
definatly have a look on you tube, I'm glad I had a rough idea of what it was like and also be prepared for the pain. my legs arent too bad today because i couldnt do it last night but in between my shoulder blades is really achy and round my shoulders. I have also commited myself to walking home from work at least 3 times a week which is a 40 minute walk.
nettie said:
i didnt do it last night as i took the children to a bedtime story session at the library and i have 3 assignments due in tomorrow so really didnt have the time but i promised the children a trip to the library. I will do it again tonight and i have decided that whilst doing so much exercise i am going to weigh in every 10 days instead of 7 and just rely on my clothes and how i feel for a guidance. I was talking to my friends today and we were discussing how the number on the scales dont really mean anything its how i feel about myself that really gets me down. So heres to a smaller me hehe x

I've been back on slimming world for almost 4 weeks now and my clothes are starting to better already. It's gonna be hard not jumping on the scales on saturday morning however it's not worth the upset they cause. I feel sooooo much better in myself and my clothes feel better so that's all I need to focus on x
I have bought it but am saving it for the 6 weeks holidays, so I can blitz away on it and *hopefully* still do the usual gym/class routine too....
day 3 done and i pulled a muscle in my shoulder. it hurt so much i was almost sick its soooo painful i thought i was going to cry!
i wont be doing the dvd tomorrow anyway as im out with friends straight after work. this is bad but i am no wayyy going to be within syns tomorrow.... take away, shots, cocktails, beer... more shots! ah well will be extra good over the weekend and im not doing anything next weekend so hopefully wont do too much damage. going to be partying from about 5pm so will be a messy night!
whats everyone else doing this weekend? xx
I'm out tonight too whcih will be fine if I just drink my usual vodka and diet cokes - its resisting the chippie at the end thats hard

Then tomorrow I've got a barbie as my in-laws are over from Spain so will have to drink again to get through that.....but thats obviously necessary so syns shouldnt count!!!! I'm doing chicken and a cooked ham too with salad and new pots so thats fine but then theres homemade cornbeef pie and then profiteroles to follow. Also I have a huge apple crumble to use up and my uncle from cornwall is also coming and bringing clotted cream!!!! Oh dear!
i am all over this again from Monday. Bring on the lunges - and the planks....oh my god - walking planks....i will have to remember its all for my own good. x
I did level 2 yesterday morning and then level 3 in the evening cos I'd somehow ended up having 25 syns yesterday. Don't know what I was thinking, it nearly killed me!

I do mine at the gym so I can add a little warm up to it - plus it motivates me more than trying to do it at home. I was getting the strangest looks off the flicky hair/flirt with personal trainers type girls cos I was pouring with sweat doing the good old walking planks. I had my ipod on as well so I think I was prob swearing much louder than I thought I was!!