JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

well done joanne thats really good.
Super congrats on the loss and roll the 100s
Lol, thanks all. Well honking shouldnt be too much of a problem for me this week if today is anything to go by. Ive spent the last 3 hours sitting in traffic before finally giving up and walking due to what is apparently the worst snowstorm to hit us in 10 years so Ive only had one pack at 6am and nothing since. Means I have less time available to want to eat so shouldnt have too much trouble sticking to it, lol.

That said I am now going to have my soup coz I am freezing and starving.
How lucky are you? Our weather has been absolutely dreadful. Cant believe it took me 3 hours to get home. Although its safe to say if it doesnt improve by tomorrow Im not evn going to attempt work. Fed up leaving the house at 6.30 to get to work for 8!
Well today has been great so far. I got up at my normal time for work this morning, checked on public transport which claimed to be working albeit on a reduced timetable and have since been standing at a bus stop freezing to death for the past hour. There are no taxis running coz I tried that option as well and I can no longer feel my toes, fingers or ears.

Needless to say I have just called into work to say I wont be arriving coz I refuse to walk it in this as its just too dangerous and am now attempting to thaw out.

I hate snow!
It is a total nightmare. Great when all you have to do is stay tucked up at home and look out of the window but when you have a life of any kind its not quite so pleasant. Im just considering getting back into bed for an hour so I can get cosy and warm - the kids are off school anyway so they are both still tucked up in bed.
Hope you thaw out soon!!
Well like an idiot (although the fact I dont get paid if Im off contributed to the decision) I decided to try to get in this afternoon to make up my hours. After another hour in the freezing cold waiting for a bus we discovered that a lorry had jack knifed on the road about half a mile from the bus stop. At that point I decided enough is enough and am now home again. Will just have to try to make the hours up later in the week if I can.
After eating half a bounty Ive come to the conclusion that Im just not getting very far with this at the minute. My head definitely isnt in the right place.

So Ive decided that Im going to stick with it as best I can for the rest of the week and then switch to WW until January or February before I give it another go.

Its not been an easy decision to make but I do think its the best thing for me just now although I may have changed my mind again by next week, lol.
good luck with whatever you decide - you've lost a lot so maybe a change of diet might just boost your metabolism a bit and get you going again - I am really struggling and have ballsed up good and proper today :17729:- hey ho tomorrow is another day.
Im exactly the same. I feel as though since my losses started slowing Ive just given up. Im finding it virtually impossible to be 100% - Ive managed 1 day in the past 10 days. And my thinking at the minute is that if Im not going to do it properly then theres not really much point in doing it.
best of luck whatever you decide sweetheart and never feel down about your journey cause you have done SO well. might be time to shake it up and try something new on your descent to goal.. xo
Thanks Colly.

I know Ive gotten amazingly far but the fact that I still have such a long way to go means I am getting really fed up now so hoping a change for a while might be the way to go and then I can consider giving vlcd another go since I still have loads of packs left. Fingers crossed.
All the best with whatever you decide to do