Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

Evening joodlebob, hope all is well in you busy, hectic life? Hope your hanging in there......
you ok joodle ??
I will shout louder. JOoooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!:D
Adding my voice to the search party: joodlebug, where are youuuuuuuuuuu? We miss u girl!
Maybe she's a busy bee again, hope you ok Jude xxx
Joodle said:
Thank you guys, for all your lovely and thoughtful answers. I think there is truth in all you say and it's also reassuring that so many of us feel the same. I will check Anja's diary an keep coming back to all your comments here for inspiration. Yes, it's all linked to emotional eating and feeling like food is a reward and the triggers (red wine with crisps, coffee and something sweet...), you are all so right. I just haven't found a way to deal with it yet.

Caro, interested to hear how you go with paleo, it makes sense to me too. I do think I want to give conso a proper chance though, as despite having been doing it for about 5 weeks now (in theory, I actually don't think I've done it properly for even one full day), I do want to be able to get to the point where I can eat a piece of fruit, a small amount of bread and cheese in a day and then stop.

I felt so great when I wasn't drinking, like you say Sara, even though yes, it was dull at times. But now it's sort of half allowed sometimes, the thought of 7 weeks booze free seems impossible. So funny how easy it is to get out of the zone huh? Plus, my daily diet has been horrific these last few days - barely anything nutritious, just sweet stuff and crisps and booze basically. Aaargh.

In terms of an update then, things went from bad to worse the last few days! Tuesday I over-indulged, yesterday was worse and today was going the same way....until I read up on lots of your diaries and just thought, no, I'm being ridiculous, I need to get back on the wagon NOW. So although I was heading home with thoughts of a cocktail and some snacks then Dukan dinner and probably some chocolate or ice cream, I realised I was actually full from the snacking in the day and that if I resisted, I would feel so much better, better than the feeling of eating all that.

I'm going out tomorrow night but will do Dukan all day then see what happens without beating myself up. I know if I can stay in control in the day, I've a good chance of staying in control in the evening, even if I have a few drinks. This weekend I need to think long and hard about what I've learned so far, the good stuff but also need to figure out why I am letting myself sabotage my good efforts and why I have slipped so quickly back to old eating patterns.

It's not too late though. I weighed 8st 6.2lb this morning which is up almost 2lbs on my lowest weight on Monday, but for sure could be worse.

Bottom line: thank you ALL for your diaries and posts here, which have acted as a virtual kick up the bum and got me back on track, at least for now.

Wish me luck!

Joodle(bob) xx

PS No! Nothing happened with the 22 year old, we were just out drinking!!! Sheesh, am old enough to be his Mum! And yeah, sorry, internet dating hasn't happened. No time at all until a few days ago. I know, I know, I'm rubbish. Still need to find decent pics where you can actually see what I look like.... Excuses, excuses, you don't have to tell me.....

Joodlebob, this is your last post. Its just a week ago, youve been a great motivator since becoming a Dukaneette and such a positive influence us all. Your probs busy and been a good Dukaneer but even if youve slipped its only a week ago and any damage will take the same time to get back off. Hope to hear from you soon. Xxxxx

Oh my goodness, I just logged on after getting a message from Trudy asking if I was ok and am bowled over by all your messages. I feel small and humble and big and proud, all at the same time.

So firstly, sorry. Sorry for disappearing without word! I have pretty much been flat out for the last couple of weeks with work and Paralympics and being ill and it just got easier not to even look on here as I was starting to feel so guilty for not catching up with diaries and keeping on top of things. I've never been part of an online community before and am only just starting to realise the depth of commitment we have all sort of made to each other. (Not like, marriage or anything but hey, you know what I mean.) So it never really occurred to me that my absence would be noticed.

Secondly, ouf, well, Dukan. If we're just talking numbers, it's all fine. I weighed 8st 4.4lbs this morning, which having eaten at least 1kg of veg the day before is not bad. But I can't say I've been doing conso properly. After going off the rails for a few days last week, I pulled it back and Tuesday - Friday this week was PP or PV all the way. I felt great, back in control and quickly shed the few pounds I'd put on. But next week marks my supposed half way through conso and as I said in a previous post, I can't say I've actually done one proper day as described by Dr D. I'm basically either eating rubbish all day, or I'm doing cruise.

Now, all your amazing, ultra kind, ultra motivating posts have shifted my mind again. I need to show myself I can do this. We need to show each other we can do this. We clearly all struggle with similar issues when it comes to food. For me, I don't even think it's an emotional thing. I can have a really bad day but still stay in the zone. Instead, I think the problem is having too black and white an approach. I'm either being 'good' or 'bad'. And if I eat even one little thing that is 'bad' then that's it, I might as well eat whatever I want. This is what's standing between me eating like an overweight person and me eating like someone who's naturally thin. This is my struggle and this is what I WILL overcome.

Several of you mentioned that this is the point of conso - to show us how to introduce some non-cruise food stuffs back into our diet but in moderate quantities. By not doing this, I am denying my brain of the chance to practice how I need to be able to eat for the rest of my life. The eating a small amount and then STOPPING is the crucial part and this is where I need to focus. I know I can just deny myself completely, that's easy. So I need to let myself practice. Ok, I get it now.

The other thing I'm struggling with is having a busy life and keeping up with everyone's diaries here - this is another reason I disappeared I think. The guilt! How can I post on my diary and ask for help when I'm not keeping up and supporting everyone else? But with so many people joining (brilliant, so glad they are!) I just feel more guilty for not keeping up with things. I think I need to just allow myself to check in on everyone but maybe not feel so obliged to read every last word. How do you all manage? Advice please!

Ok, so, here's my pledge. I am going to try to do proper conso, with the piece of fruit, portion of cheese and of bread and one celebratory meal a week. I'm going to make up a little wall chart with boxes so I can tick them off every day and keep track. And I will post here how I get on, for better or for worse.

I will do my very best to keep up with diaries, but may have to reduce the amount of time I am on here so it fits with how busy things are. I hope this can be forgiven.

Finally, I would like to make a very public THANK YOU to Trudy for her email to me which was so kind and so gentle and encouraged me back to the fold. Also to everyone who posted while I was AWOL. I simply cannot believe that there is a group of people out there who I have never met but who are so genuinely and generously supportive. I feel very luck indeed and will do my best to support you all back.

Ok, now I sound like I'm making some kind of acceptance speech so I'll shut up now! You're all FANTABULOUS and I love you loads!

Off to read up on y'all and then...drumroll....I'm going home to set up my online dating profile. Yep, the time has most definitely come. Blurgh!

Jooblebob....great to hear you, we all understand your v v busy, post regular catch with us lot when you have time. Great to hear you a Dukan success. Xxx
Hey sweets, SO good to hear from you. And how could you think we wouldn't notice your absence? You're right, though: this is the first online community of 'strangers' I've belonged to and people seriously do care about each other here, and get worried when a regular poster disappears. I guess there is a level of commitment involved, because people will worry if you vanish. Not necessarily that you've been abducted by aliens, but that you've fallen off the wagon and given up the diet. And we take some kind of responsibility for each other's successes and failures here.

Maybe you're having the same problem with the posting that you are with the food, I.e. that it's all or nothing, either very strict or bad all day? We love the long posts but 1 liners are just as welcome! And I honestly don't think anyone minds if you don't have time to keep up with all the diaries.

Very happy to hear you're taking the plunge with the dating. We're waiting with bated breath! And good luck getting back on the conso plan. We're all cheering for you, you know!

Nice to have you back, jb!

Hey sweets, SO good to hear from you. And how could you think we wouldn't notice your absence? You're right, though: this is the first online community of 'strangers' I've belonged to and people seriously do care about each other here, and get worried when a regular poster disappears. I guess there is a level of commitment involved, because people will worry if you vanish. Not necessarily that you've been abducted by aliens, but that you've fallen off the wagon and given up the diet. And we take some kind of responsibility for each other's successes and failures here.

Maybe you're having the same problem with the posting that you are with the food, I.e. that it's all or nothing, either very strict or bad all day? We love the long posts but 1 liners are just as welcome! And I honestly don't think anyone minds if you don't have time to keep up with all the diaries.

Very happy to hear you're taking the plunge with the dating. We're waiting with bated breath! And good luck getting back on the conso plan. We're all cheering for you, you know!

Nice to have you back, jb!


Very perceptive Caro, I definitely think you've nailed the problem! Although in some ways I'm much better than I used to be (I always exercise now, even if it's walking rather than the gym) but food seems to be all or nothing and so does minimins! I am now focussing on moderation. To be honest, I'm never that off the rails with food now, it's all relative I guess, but I want to avoid ever eating until I'm unpleasantly full, that's the main thing.

It's incredible to me how strong our support circle is on here and you're quite right, we are now accountable to each other and need to take this as serious as our 'real life' relationships. I always thought this sort of thing was for geeks and weirdos. Haha, no comment!!!!

Blooming love you all for all this.

Ok so in the spirit of total honesty, here's what happened yesterday.

Everything started well. Had a muffin en route to meet my sis then picked the most Dukan friendly lunch from a non-Dukan friendly restaurant (feta and watermelon salad) and didn't finish it so as not to go over the conso limits on fruit and cheese. My nephew helped with the watermelon - he's newly weaned and loving everything it would seem. At least some of the melon even got into his tummy I think ;). After I'd finished I wasn't hungry but certainly not full and enjoyed that feeling while I walked the whole way along the southbank from Pimlico to Borough market (about 4 miles) where I picked up a ridiculous amount of half price fish and seafood - must remember to get there around 5pm next week - got a huge bag of scallops, 10 giant prawns, a whole squid, 2 tuna steaks and a huge slab of shark (what was I thinking? What the heck am I going to do with shark???) for £25 instead of £50. Still a lot of money but much of it will freeze and last me for ages. The scallops alone would have come to £20 before the discount. I love scallops.

Then I did what I'd promised myself and sat in a little cafe with my laptop, catching up on minimins for the first time in a while, enjoying a cup of herbal tea and a small piece of brownie. This was very much part of the plan - my aim is to be able to enjoy these little treats, truly enjoy them, but not over-indulge. I'd just had 4 cruise days so the brownie was a permitted treat.

Almost cried while catching up on your messages and diaries and thoroughly enjoyed every crumb of the brownie. Was sat there for quite some time, felt truly relaxed for the first time in many, many weeks, and when I left I was congratulating myself for having had that little brownie treat (probably half a normal sized piece) and feeling pleasantly neutral in the full stakes.

Got off the bus and realised actually, I wasn't neutral, I was almost faint with hunger. I really had only eaten a small amount in total that day and by this point it was after 8pm. Angels and devils played out their acts on my shoulder the whole walk home, which includes passing a fruit stall and an ice cream place. I had all your words ringing in my ears though, so bought a single fresh fig and ate that to get me home.

Was planning how I'd cook my scallops and what I'd have them with but as soon as I was in the door, I just had to eat as I was feeling quite wobbly. Started with some leftover roast veg and Thai tofu salad but then went a bit crazy and ended up having a handful of peanuts, a scoop of mint choc chip ice cream (damn Haagan Daaz for bringing it out over here...), 15g of chocolate, a handful of cheesy popcorn and some salted watermelon seeds.

Now, this was very bad and I felt a bit icky. But....I did stop at this point and although I didn't end up having my lovely scallops, I didn't eat anything else and didn't have any wine (which was at the back of my mind) and instead drank a ton of mint tea and pondered what went wrong.

Well, I'm seeing it as a mixed success/fail. It's clearly a fail because I lost control and ate more than I should have of non-Dukan food. But I still managed to avoid a full on 'binge' and didn't get to the point when I felt I'd completely over-indulged. Rather than wringing my hands in despair, I'm going to see it as a half way step to success. I need to make sure I don't get over-hungry and I also need to work on the 'off switch' so I can eat enough to stop me feeling wobbly but not so much that I ruin my appetite for a proper meal. When I look at it objectively, eating a bunch of fat free roast veg, a handful of unsalted nuts, a small handful of popcorn, a scoop of ice cream, some tofu and 15g of chocolate really isn't that terrible. And this morning I still weighed 8st 4.6lb, so no harm done.

Has anyone read the Paul McKenna book 'I can make you thin?' I think there's a lot of sense in his 4 main points and I want to incorporate them into how I approach food. As far as I remember (correct me if I'm wrong) the points are:

- Only eat food you enjoy
- Only eat when you are truly hungry
- Eat slowly and savour every mouthful
- Stop eating when you're full.

If I can master this and be mostly eating Dukan conso food, I will have achieved all I want when it comes to food.

Let's see how it goes. I still have a lot to learn.

Hey Joodle :)

Your plan of Paul McKenna + conso foods looks great :) I definitely think mind control is as important if not more so than food control for us all :) xx
Welcome back Joodle!
This journey is difficult but as long as you have a plan, it will work in the long run! I agree with what Sarah said. :)
Love the idea of combining Paul McKenna with conso- I had hypnosis before starting Dukan and although I don't think it was the reason I succeeded on Dukan it did help me to understand my personality and relationship with food..... I am defo an all or nothing person - can't do anything by half - just not me and that sadly includes binging!!!! But being aware of it surely has to be half the battle - when I have gone off the rails before it has never been for one day - usually lasts for weeks and then becomes a pattern I can't unlock! So odd days here and there is an improvement so gotta be happy with that I guess!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, gotta be worth a try folks!

Today has sort of gone to plan...well, kind of. Had a small bit of brownie with a coffee and enjoyed every crumb. Came home intending to make a fabulous sounding tuna and shirataki noodle salad but got waylaid by 101 chores and then, by the time I'd ironed and stitched and tidied and done my online dating profile (oh yes I did....), it was far too late and I kinda missed the boat. So I've had a somewhat random assortment of a few prawns, some roast veg, a taste of this and a nibble of that...and far more sugar free sweets than are probably good for you.

Hurm. Actually, that doesn't sound so good after all, but what is good is that I had treat food and didn't over-indulge and so I feel pretty ok with things.

Am actually thinking of making some alterations to conso but will ponder it some more and post tomorrow. Have also just caught up on Pauline's JUDD diary and am definitely intrigued, even though I can't tell so much what it really involves, I just know that she talks as much nonsense over there as she used to over here. Which is FRANKLY THE PROBLEM, EH PAULINE!?!??!!! (You are much missed m'lady, thought you should know.)

Have also just been emailed by the dating site to say my profile pic breached their site rules. Breached the rules!! First thought: omg, I'm actually too ugly to go on a dating site?!? Anyway, have now trawled all my photos on facebook and everywhere and do not have a single photo that conforms to their strict guidelines. I can see this is going to be harder than I thought....and I always thought it would be hard....

Joodle said:
Have also just caught up on Pauline's JUDD diary and am definitely intrigued, even though I can't tell so much what it really involves, I just know that she talks as much nonsense over there as she used to over here. Which is FRANKLY THE PROBLEM, EH PAULINE!?!??!!!


How very dare you, madam! ;) ;)

P x