Jo's Journey - 175lbs to happiness...

Well done on getting your 1.5 stone award Jo, brilliant :D
Well done on the loss hun and getting your 1.5 stone award. You should be very proud of yourself. You will be in the 20's next week :)

That is awful about the break in. There are some terrible people in this world. Would you be able to look up a second hand sat nav for hubby over the weekend? Or if he has google maps on phone could he use it instead of buying another?

Hope you get sorted & have a fab Friday :) xx

Thanks i am very proud especially with it being star week wasn't expecting a loss. The sat nav we got was only cheap it is probably cheaper than buying a second hand one lol

Just found out they were trying to steal my tyres. Neighbour round corner had his car left on bricks on Wednesday. Theres 2 bricks left beside my car, jack and locking nut have been stolen, and idiots took the bolts out my back tyre. I went to supermarket in it and came bk told hubby it sounded like we had a flat then he just did an 80 mile round trip to work and bk and then noticed the bolts had gone...either of us could have had a major accident if tyre had come off.
Aw man sorry to hear about them breaking into you car not nice. You feel so violated when someone breaks in.

Well done on your loss. Its star week fir me also i lost .5 which i was suprised at as i really thought id gain. Im only 3.5 away from my next stone.

Hope you have a nice weekend xx
Oh no that's terrible! Glad you are both ok and well done on the weight loss.

Your daughter's wendy house is so cute! x

Will post pix when we've finished it was guna be this week but can't afford it now thx to the twats who did my car over
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Aw man sorry to hear about them breaking into you car not nice. You feel so violated when someone breaks in.

Well done on your loss. Its star week fir me also i lost .5 which i was suprised at as i really thought id gain. Im only 3.5 away from my next stone.

Hope you have a nice weekend xx

Congratulations on your loss.
Sorry to hear about your car, there are some real peices of sh*t around unfortunately, dont even let me get started on it!

well done on your 1.5 award!
Sorry to hear about your car, there are some real peices of sh*t around unfortunately, dont even let me get started on it!

well done on your 1.5 award!

Thank you hun

Sorry didn't have time to do an entry before work this morning but I'm here now lol Same old same old today...up at 7am, got me ready, daughter ready, had my breakfast - porridge, yogurt and fruit, fed the kittens and went to work...haven't done my cross trainer yet decided to stay in bed a little longer instead lol can't do it till police have been supposed to be here at 12 guess what? LoL. Why? because if I go upstairs I can't hear them knocking on the door. So hopefully they'll come soon because I'm just sat here like a chuffing muppet and I have things to do...totally pissed off with the hubby and sorry but I feel a rant coming on.

My in laws are...(be nice Jo) role reversal...that's the nicest way I can put it. They're the kids and their kids are acting like the parents. They don't do anything...father in law cooks and shops for himself that's it...they don't clean their house, they don't do the gardening and we've just found out recently they apparently don't pay their bills. So my pompous, arrogant martyr of a brother in law who is sooooo not perfect...came over to save the day he then decided to recruit me and my hubby and his other 2 siblings to go and clean my in laws house for them...uh don't think so...I'm not going to go up to their house and clean their mess up and their 10 cats mess up (I mean **** all over the kitchen floor, in the bath etc) because they're too ****ing bone idle to get off their arses and do it their selves. No doubt my mother in law is ill...but my father in law and other brother in law both live there and they do **** all except sit around getting drunk and/or high. So anyway yesterday happened with the car and we were told the police would attend today hubby knew this...decided to break it to me at 7am this morning he was going up to his parents to 'sort the garden out'. Now you may be sat on the other end of this thinking 'yeah and?' but if you haven't read it previously my hubby is a recovering alcoholic and my father in law and brother in law are both full blown alcoholics and they don't think what they're doing is wrong...and they still encourage my hubby and don't try to hide their ways around him and obviously as dieters you can probably relate because if someone left your favourite meal/chocolate/take away in front of you you'd find it pretty hard to I can only assume that my hubby is the same with drink. And in the past when he's gone out 'to help' his family he's either come back in trying to hide his drinking which never works or he just doesn't come back at all. So I am sat on the edge of my seat panicking about what's going to happen today whether he is going to fall off the wagon and until he gets home I am going to think the worse because he's never given me any reason to trust him. My hubby was 1 year sober on August 3rd and I am proud but as I mentioned before he was 14 months sober the last time he fell off the wagon so it really doesn't mean that much that he's a year sober. All the while my garden and house are half done while he's up there cleaning their shithole up. And to boot, my hubby has my car all week so I can't go anywhere during the week without risking my child on public transport and I get the car and the weekend and get the chance to **** off out for the day and what does he do? Leaves me sat here like a friggin' numpty waiting for the coppers...I am sooo fed up. I mean I am hoping this calms me down because I'm ready to pack all his **** up and dump it at his mothers...I really really am fuming with him. He's texting me and I just can't answer him because I will say something I regret...and I can't upset him while he's at his mums because that might give him reason to I'm walking on eggshells while biting my tongue...(big sigh)...and all I wanna do is scream and cry my eyes out. Doesn't help that it is totm either.

Yeah so that's my day so far...lets hope it picks up lol
Oh Jo.... let it out hun.. That sounds like a hell of alot of pressure on one person. You're sure you're human right? Think I might of broke down before even typing this all out. Did you feel a little better venting? Sometimes its good to put pen to paper ( or finger to keyboard :p ) and just let it out and say what you wanna say, especially if atm theres lots you want to be saying to hubby but you've been selflessly biting your tongue as to not make things worse.

I've never been in the position you're in, I think if I'm being honest, I don't do very well around people that are depressed or an addict because I just dont understand the mental state of it all, I've always had people chuck around the " Depressed " like it was going out of fashion and I've grown up in the mindset that its a choice. If you're unhappy with your job, Get a new one. If a friend stops being there for you and f*cks you over, Stop calling them a friend and cut them like a dead arm. So for me, I have all the respect in the world for you, Being someones rock like that when they have an addictive personality and obviously his vice is alcohol. I can only hope when and if he is presented with an oppertunity to drink, He thinks of you and your life and doesn't. I guess we all have our limits and yours certainly sound like they are being tested atm.

I hope you're okay and your OH is okay and my thoughts are with you xxx
Oh Jo.... let it out hun.. That sounds like a hell of alot of pressure on one person. You're sure you're human right? Think I might of broke down before even typing this all out. Did you feel a little better venting? Sometimes its good to put pen to paper ( or finger to keyboard :p ) and just let it out and say what you wanna say, especially if atm theres lots you want to be saying to hubby but you've been selflessly biting your tongue as to not make things worse.

I've never been in the position you're in, I think if I'm being honest, I don't do very well around people that are depressed or an addict because I just dont understand the mental state of it all, I've always had people chuck around the " Depressed " like it was going out of fashion and I've grown up in the mindset that its a choice. If you're unhappy with your job, Get a new one. If a friend stops being there for you and f*cks you over, Stop calling them a friend and cut them like a dead arm. So for me, I have all the respect in the world for you, Being someones rock like that when they have an addictive personality and obviously his vice is alcohol. I can only hope when and if he is presented with an oppertunity to drink, He thinks of you and your life and doesn't. I guess we all have our limits and yours certainly sound like they are being tested atm.

I hope you're okay and your OH is okay and my thoughts are with you xxx

Thanks hun, I have no sympathy for people with depression and I sincerely apologise if that offends anyone but I haven't had an easy/stable life and I'm not popping pills to keep me smiling...depression I feel is something you allow to happen to yourself...if I wanted to I could take to my bed and stay there for 6 months claiming I'm depressed and avoid my life and all that comes with it but I choose to get up every morning and keep fighting. I believe depression is solely based on the person themselves you can either fight or fall and to me those who claim depression have chosen to give in to things. Yeah I may have a meltdown every so often like yesterday but today I'm need for a tablet. I have dealt with alcoholics and drug addicts all my life first in my own family and then with my hubbys family. I still say to this day that is why I'm with my hubby because I wanted to save him because I couldn't save my brother and it is hard work being in this relationship but just because its hard work doesn't mean it isn't worth it. When my hubby is sober you couldn't ask for a nicer, sweeter man he just doesn't react well to alcohol and he was in with the wrong crowd when I met him...he now doesn't have anything to do with them and has repeatedly said to me he didn't have a life until he stopped drinking just a huge blur.

Anyway he did come home yesterday and he was sober so that's a good sign...not going to say it will change anything and I won't meltdown the next time he does it but you have to earn trust. Anyway the anger did me some good the police finally turned up at 2pm so as soon as they left I said '**** it' and went and used the last little bit of my credit card balance on fence paint and interior paint I came back and painted 4 fence panels (huge arse fence panels may I add lol), the patio table and chairs and then started my daughters picket fence before the rain came at 8:30pm. I've picked the wallpaper for my bedroom and the paint. I've picked the wallpaper for my daughters playroom which is sooo cool...would have it in my bedroom if I wasn't 30 this year lol. I will post pix later of the wallpaper and I'll get pix up of the garden when its stopped raining and I PROMISE I haven't forgot about taking pix of my folder to help you people with motivational ideas. Also consider this my entry for today lol normal day woke up fed babies, fed me, got ready for work went to get Darcy ready for my mums and she'd fell back to sleep so left her with hubby. Just got home and quickly came on here before I go out for my dinner with the family. I will be back soon to update you on the rest of my day lol
Thanks hun, I have no sympathy for people with depression and I sincerely apologise if that offends anyone but I haven't had an easy/stable life and I'm not popping pills to keep me smiling...depression I feel is something you allow to happen to yourself...if I wanted to I could take to my bed and stay there for 6 months claiming I'm depressed and avoid my life and all that comes with it but I choose to get up every morning and keep fighting. I believe depression is solely based on the person themselves you can either fight or fall and to me those who claim depression have chosen to give in to things. Yeah I may have a meltdown every so often like yesterday but today I'm need for a tablet. I have dealt with alcoholics and drug addicts all my life first in my own family and then with my hubbys family. I still say to this day that is why I'm with my hubby because I wanted to save him because I couldn't save my brother and it is hard work being in this relationship but just because its hard work doesn't mean it isn't worth it. When my hubby is sober you couldn't ask for a nicer, sweeter man he just doesn't react well to alcohol and he was in with the wrong crowd when I met him...he now doesn't have anything to do with them and has repeatedly said to me he didn't have a life until he stopped drinking just a huge blur.

Anyway he did come home yesterday and he was sober so that's a good sign...not going to say it will change anything and I won't meltdown the next time he does it but you have to earn trust. Anyway the anger did me some good the police finally turned up at 2pm so as soon as they left I said '**** it' and went and used the last little bit of my credit card balance on fence paint and interior paint I came back and painted 4 fence panels (huge arse fence panels may I add lol), the patio table and chairs and then started my daughters picket fence before the rain came at 8:30pm. I've picked the wallpaper for my bedroom and the paint. I've picked the wallpaper for my daughters playroom which is sooo cool...would have it in my bedroom if I wasn't 30 this year lol. I will post pix later of the wallpaper and I'll get pix up of the garden when its stopped raining and I PROMISE I haven't forgot about taking pix of my folder to help you people with motivational ideas. Also consider this my entry for today lol normal day woke up fed babies, fed me, got ready for work went to get Darcy ready for my mums and she'd fell back to sleep so left her with hubby. Just got home and quickly came on here before I go out for my dinner with the family. I will be back soon to update you on the rest of my day lol

Now this may come across as evil but I don't care...karma most definitely is a b!tch...hubby has been laid out since last night with sunstroke that will teach him to ditch me and our house to go clean his parents mess up. I have to admit evil or not that made me smile a little lol

Anyhoo lol went to dinner and it was a carvery but it was soooooooooooooo busy that it took less time to order from the menu than to wait for the carvery so I ordered chicken escalope with peppercorn sauce, chips, garlic mushrooms and peas...worked syns out to be about 30...a lot I know but I'll bring it back and use all todays syns on it and then pinch some syns from rest of week here and there.

Supposed to be going out delivering daughter birthday invites etc but hubby wanted to try have a nap first as he's unwell why I can't go alone I have no idea lol.

Then home I think snacking tonight as I am fit to burst I'm so full.
Ok as promised the contents of my slimming world folder. There honestly isn't anything in there but common sense (weird for me to have common sense lol) by all means have a gander and if anything helps steal it and do it yourself. I just find that documenting everything is easiest for me so that when I hit a brick wall because it will happen it always does in weight loss I can literally look back and see my progress and see how I have over come things and so forth. Ok I will explain things as I go along I won't just stick pix up for you to figure out.

The Folder.jpg - The folder...nothing special lol I do have one with elephants on but I thought it was wrong to have elephants on a slimming folder so opted for yellow lol

2lbchallenge.jpg - my 2lb challenge sheet, I try to lose 2lb per week for a set amount of time this one is easter to my daughters birthday and as you can see I had a hiatus and went off track and I have left myself little notes saying I'm rubbish and should know better and then telling myself I have it in me to reach my target.

awards.jpg - Awards I do SW from home and I find it annoying that we don't get certificates so I found them all online so ner ner :p lol I just print them off as I achieve them currently upto 1.5 stone award and bronze body magic.

Chalk8814.jpg - This is my weight loss chalk board bought from ebay by searching just that. My cousin had one in her kitchen and I thought it was cute and I keep it above my computer so I can look up at anytime and remind myself of how far I've come. And also others notice and can't help but comment...always a bonus cos they feel obliged to say wow you can tell you've lost weight. LoL

FD.jpg - Food diary need I say more? I keep a computer copy and a paper copy as its easier to jot down on paper than to sign in here. I also make notes on it when I've been bad lol.

Fit Log.jpg - Fit log same again I keep a comp copy and paper copy as paper is more accessible.
foragainst.jpg - For and Against List - this was actually from SW website and it's personal to each person as we're not all losing weight for the same purpose. Mine is simple as you can read.

ilostwhat.jpg - - recently came across this and love it, it puts your weight loss into perspective. Standing here today I wouldn't think I was 16 basketballs lighter lol. It like someone put a 1lb bag of sugar in front of you for every pound you've lost it's just a visual aid but cheaper than buying bags of sugar lol

Meals.jpg - Meal Plan - I always plan my meals, for some people this works for some it doesn't. I tried it ages back but I kind of did it in reverse to the way I am now I was picking recipes and buying food in that I needed. Now I make my meal plan around the food I already have in. It's easier, more enjoyable, less costly, and it saves me from coming in at the end of the day and using exhaustion as an excuse to reach for the takeaway menu because its all prepped and ready to go.

mini goals.jpg - Mini goals - this is basically every stone bracket with a couple of others thrown in like Club 10, pre-Darcy weight, WW weight so before OH lol
Monthly.jpg - Monthly checklist this is to make sure I am taking my photo each month, my measurements each month, and reflect back on my month just so I can sum up for myself how I feel, what I did right, what I did wrong etc.

noscales.jpg - No scale victory - for those who don't know a no scale victory is when something happens that relates to your weight loss that has nothing to do with weigh in for example: a friend who doesn't know you're doing SW noticing you look better, an item of clothing fitting better, going into a new size in clothes and so on.

Pix.jpg - My pix and a few comments criticising myself not harshly but constructively.
rewards.jpg - Stone Rewards - I know it says awards but they're rewards lol for each stone I lose I get something there's a few blanks cos I don't know what else I want but there's a things from a food processor to another baby on my list and again this is personal to everyone.

View attachment 148968View attachment 148969 - The jars I showed you the other day again just a visual aid to show you your progress.

Hope this is helpful to someone and feel free to ask me questions.
Hi, I have spent the past half hour or so reading through your diary and I must say, I feel so inspired. You have had a lot of sh*t to put up with and yet here you doing sooo well!! You should be so proud of yourself :girlpower:. I'm looking forward to reading more entries from you , hope you have a great day today!

Ooops forgot to ask, where did you get the 1/2 syn garlic sausage from? I love anything that has garlic in :D

Hi, I have spent the past half hour or so reading through your diary and I must say, I feel so inspired. You have had a lot of sh*t to put up with and yet here you doing sooo well!! You should be so proud of yourself :girlpower:. I'm looking forward to reading more entries from you , hope you have a great day today!


Thank you for reading and I am proud doing a lot better at my 3rd attempt on Sw lol...they say 3rd times the charm. And I got garlic sausage from Aldi originally but bought some from Tesco this week. I'm fine with it as long as it isn't open but once it's open the smell is intoxicating so good to know I can enjoy for just 0.5 syn lol.

MORNING! Hubbys on a training course today so he didn't leave until 8 so I got to have a lay in until 8 lol so I'm bright and spritely this morning. I sat on the edge of the bed for what seemed like forever drinking my cuppa that hubby brought me (see he is sweet) and then I put on my hubbys trainers, realised it doesn't hurt my feet as much on cross trainer if I wear his huge canoes as you wind up putting all the pressure on your toes well my toes don't reach the bottom of his shoes lol doesn't look funny at all my lil size 5 feet in his huge size 12 trainers lol. Got my 15 minutes done on there and today is the official start of week 2 towards my silver body magic award so doing well. I then came downstairs fed the kittens and came to find my dumbbells and one was missing and then this conversation happened.

Me: Darcy where is my weight?
Her: No Mummy
Me: Darcy where is my weight?
Her: Love you Mummy *kiss on cheek*
Me: Darcy where is mummy's weight?

She then wandered off and came back in carrying her Peppa Pig backpack and there was the weight inside it. She's been carrying it around all day yesterday and I had no idea lol.

So anyway got on with my bingo wing exercises and then sat down here to reply to everybody on here and update things.

Now I have a confession and it's not a bad one as I had done my time for silver award on Saturday but I didn't get to do cross trainer yesterday as my hubby was in bed with sunstroke in the morning then I was busy all afternoon having pub lunch and delivering Darcy's birthday invites. Now I may add 5 minutes onto some days this week to get back on track but I also may not there is a reason for this confession...I've found that my hips hurt they started yesterday...and the only thing that's changed is I'm not I don't know if this is normal as I have never exercised before lol but if it is to do with exercise then I think it's fab because it's yet more encouragement to keep exercising because I'm in agony lol hopefully it will ease up now I'm back on the cross trainer.

Also on Saturday my friend text me to invite me and Darcy to her daughters birthday party and we got talking about stuff and turns out she's on SW too at my old group and has been for 3 months lol oops should have known that really...and we decided to go swimming...told her I wasn't going to arrange anything with her until after the party as I'm spending my time up till then sorting the house and garden out ready for the nosey parkers and there will be some there always is...especially with it being our new house lol. So I will then be doing cross trainer, weight training and swimming...I think that's amazing...I am so proud of myself because like I said a month ago I didn't exercise.

Oh and I read my bible yesterday (the argos catalogue lol) and looked at cross trainers and they had weight limits on them I think most was 19st lol so oh dear lol mine hasn't broken yet...but how embarrassing to be too fat for exercise equipment...I thought being too fat for the pregnancy bouncy ball thing was embarrassing lol just goes to show it's a load of balls doesn't it.

One last thing...every time I think I'm done I remember something else lol. Tonight, Channel 5 @ 10pm there's a show called The 70st Man who couldn't be saved. I have it on sky planner ready to record...I love programmes like this my fave being my 600lb life. So just letting you know in case you fancy having a look at it.

Anyway plans for today are...get washing in as it's grown into quite a pile lol. Oops lol then I'm taking advantage of the good weather and I'm getting back in the garden to finish my fence painting and my daughters fence painting as we're 11 days and counting until the birthday party. If the weather should turn I'm then coming inside and starting to decorate my bedroom...busy busy busy.

My hubby chopped down loads of trees when we moved in here to open the garden up and they've been sat here since May well apparently someone's coming to pick all the wood up tonight this will be the 4th time he's said he's coming but I did tell him the other day that if he didn't come for it today it would be at the tip first thing Tuesday morning (it won't as hubby nicks my car for work but he doesn't know that lol) so the garden is almost completed now.

Right I have to go now otherwise I will never get the garden back soon. Happy slimming today folks.
It's raining lol. I managed to paint 3 fence panels and had just started painting Darcy's picket fence and the heavens opened. Going to go do mine and the babes dinner now. I have tuna salad down as my dinner today but I may swap it and do the picnic I have planned for later in the week because whether I have it now or then I'll still be using the same syns. It's just my mum brought me some kiplings cake slices down for the picnic and my daughters spotted them seems cruel to let her wait till Wednesday for them lol. That's it decided...picnic it is...