maybe its a bit of low blood sugar lovely, I would suggest having small regular meals or maybe some glucose tabs in the car and in your pocket. Remember the little bean inside you is playing havoc with all your hormones at the moment. So try and relax while you get the chance! once the little one is here you won't get the chance for a little while!

wishing you a healthy and amazing pregnancy!

awww thanks guys :) Went back to the doctors and was signed off for this week too. Its nice being able to relax in these early stages tbh

Im 8+1 today.....getting closer and closer to that first scan! Wooop!

Hope you're feeling better. Have you got a scan date? It's mine tomorrow!

Hey! How did your scan go? Let me know! Hehe :)

Funnily enough, Ive booked myself in this afternoon for a private early scan so we can both share our news together...nervous but excited at the same time!

I just couldnt wait until 12 weeks to see my baby lol Im so impatient!! Well worth the money though

I still havnt had my 12 week scan appointment come through yet - rang the doctors on Wednesday and they said give it one week and if no appointment still then ring them and they will chase.

Hey! How did your scan go? Let me know! Hehe :)

Funnily enough, Ive booked myself in this afternoon for a private early scan so we can both share our news together...nervous but excited at the same time!

I just couldnt wait until 12 weeks to see my baby lol Im so impatient!! Well worth the money though

I still havnt had my 12 week scan appointment come through yet - rang the doctors on Wednesday and they said give it one week and if no appointment still then ring them and they will chase.


How did u go?? Xx
Unfortunately my news was not so good.

I should have been 8 weeks 5 days pregnant but baby is measuring 6 weeks with no heartbeat. Think its a missed miscarriage (baby has died but body still thinks its pregnant). I have had no bleeding or anything and because my body still thinks its pregnant I still have all the usual symptoms.

Its been advised that I have another scan next week just to make sure and if the news is still bad then I have to decide whether to wait for my body to miscarry naturally, take medicines to bring on the miscarriage or have surgically removed.

I am beyond devastated. If its for definite then this would be my second miscarriage. I lived with the hope from reading online that after you've had a miscarriage, many women go on to have healthy happy pregnancies...I guess not in my case.

There are no words to describe the pain. Im currently in tears.

I didnt want hubby to go to work this morning but knew he had to. He brought our dog upstairs and put him on the bed so I have some company.

Part of me is hoping that I will have another scan next week and they will tell me its a mistake..but the other part knows that isnt going to happen.

I keep going from feeling completely numb to breaking down and crying. Just to think that I am still pregnant...but my baby is dead inside me - there just arent even words to describe the pain.

Sorry if this depresses anyone
Ah Jo I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be awful for you and I'm sure no words I can say will comfort you in any way. I'm thinking of you and hope you get definite answers soon to at least put your mind at ease a little. You will go on to have a healthy pregnancy in the future Hun. Sorry I don't know the right words to say xxxxxxx
Oh Jo I'm so sorry to hear this. No one deserves this, especially at this time of year. The waiting bit must be horrible for you. I hope your dog gives you lots of nice cuddles. Don't give up hope, my sister in law had a few miscarriages & has 2 healthy boys now. After her second they started investigating & found she had a problem with carrying girls. I seem to remember a couple of people posting on here who have had more than one. Hopefully they'll start looking for some answers for you. Thinking of you x
Really sorry to hear this :(
Iv had 2missed miscarriages and had then surgically removed, for me it was the best option so I could move forward not be waiting for what would happen and didn't want to have to see anything coming out (sorry) iv had 4 all together, this was Inbetween my oldest son who's 3 and my youngest who's 7months, we thought he was never going to come and gave up after 4 miscarriages but then came our surprise!!
I know nothing I say will make you feel any better but if you want to talk then feel free to pm me, i know that feeling of being in the scan room and hearing those words is just horrific! such an awful thing to go through but it does get better xxxx
I'm so sorry Jo :( :( Like the others have said, I know someone too who had two miscarriages (first one was missed and she had to have the surgery, second was spontaneous). She now has a gorgeous 2 year old son, her third pregnancy was textbook! It can work out and it will for you. Make sure you doctor is checking things out for you though in case there is a reason why that they can fix.

Take it easy and be kind to yourself xxx
Thank you so much everyone for being so really does help.

Its just the thought of carrying a baby that is no longer alive that I am struggling with most at the moment, alongside having lost it in the first place of course.

My doctor was helpful as ever (can u sense the sarcasm)....he arranged another scan for next week but said they only do investigations after 3 miscarriages. Which means if there is something actually wrong with me...I have to miscarry again before they will help me. Devastating.

I thought I had distanced myself quite a bit from this pregnancy until I got the all clear at 12 weeks but obviously not as much as I thought. It horrible to have the joy of finding out you're pregnant and then the sheer terror of having to wait so long to find out if the baby is ok/made it.

I think I will definitely take the option of the surgery if it comes to it...I cant handle playing the waiting game and keep carrying a dead baby. I also cant handle my body thinking its still pregnant and giving me all the symptoms still. As horrible as it sounds I just want it be over with so I can grieve properly etc. I dont want to prolong the agony any longer than I have to

At least writing all this down seems to marginally help. Its horrible and really makes me fearful for the next time I fall pregnant again.
You know what - another reason why I didnt think it would happen this time is that I thought when you miscarry you bleed (this is what happened with my first and I naturally miscarried). But it seems with missed miscarriage you dont know at all unless you have a scan. So if I hadnt of paid for that early scan - I could have found out at my 12 week scan. I would have continued on not knowing anything is wrong.
So now Im scared for next time because I now know that a pregnancy can fail whether you bleed or not.
I know what you mean. My friend had a mmc and i had no idea about them until then. It scared me too. It's awful Hun xxxxxx

Ps. Got your friend request yesterday but don't know how to respond as I use this on my phone - I'm not ignoring it x
It is horrible, with my last one I had awful morning sickness and was still being sick even after the surgery! Don't let them try and talk you out of it if that's what you want because they will (because it's more expensive for them)
They can be so insensitive! I know the feeling well! We did have investigations after our last mmc as the baby had a chromosome problem but luckily it was ruled out as just bad luck.
I was also told I had a mild clotting disorder which i later found out i dont have! and took aspirin throughout my last (and successful) pregnancy. My consultant told me that aspirin in low doses as it thins your blood creates a very hospitable environment for baby so something to think about trying I swear that's what did it for me. If you want some advice about the surgery etc just message me, thinking of you xxx

Also you can explain and ask for an early scan next time for reassurance I was scanned 5 times up to 12 weeks with teddy as luckily I had an understanding consultant x
I get the feeling that my doctors dont really care tbh. Asked about testing and he just said not until at least 3 m/c.

Might ask the EPU next week when I see them and just explain that my doctors surgery are less than useless and I really need help/advice.

I would definitely next time be asking for early scans...I dont think I could make it through the next time without them anyway

Been trying to numb myself to it all the last few hours, I know in the end i'll just end up in tears again but trying to distract myself/being numb to whats going on seems to be helping a bit
I get the feeling that my doctors dont really care tbh. Asked about testing and he just said not until at least 3 m/c.

Might ask the EPU next week when I see them and just explain that my doctors surgery are less than useless and I really need help/advice.

I would definitely next time be asking for early scans...I dont think I could make it through the next time without them anyway

Been trying to numb myself to it all the last few hours, I know in the end i'll just end up in tears again but trying to distract myself/being numb to whats going on seems to be helping a bit

I has to change hospitals 3 times and make alot of complaints before anyone bothered helping me!
Just do whatever you need to do hun, be selfish! And keep talking to your OH and be honest with each other and how your feeling. Our first one I think DH took it alot worse than me. It's healthy to grieve and cry. Nothing but time will make you feel better, i still get upset about mine even though its been a while and iv had another baby since xx
My hospital offer a counselling service which I had after my daughter was born as my husband nearly lost us both. We both went for counselling separately so if you think it would help ask about it Hun x