You're more than welcome back with us Jo but it's wherever you feel most comfortable posting really. I know there are ladies on both pages who have had similar experiences to you. And those of us who haven't will still try to help! Even if you do take a little break from TTC we'll look after you ;) Hope you and your OH are holding up ok xxx
I was wrong about thinking it was over :-( Been in hospital in the most agonising pain ever. It literally felt like I was in labour for like a day with the contractions I was having. Comparable to what I can imagine having your insides ripped apart is probably how I would describe the pain

Ended up being put on a drip and having morphine etc. Was completely different to my first miscarriage.

Been told that miscarriage contractions are very similar to actual labour contractions so its no wonder I was in so much pain. Nervous about labour in the future now too

Meh. Sorry for the relatively negative post - just hoping its all dying down now and I can start to move on. Still getting period type pains at the moment though
I always think miscarriage contractions are probably more painful than labour, because when you're in labour you know your getting your baby at the end of it, miscarriage you're already in a bad place.
Sorry you had to go through that hope the worst is definitely over now xxx