Jo's success story

I am constantly having a mental battle!! Its hard, be strong. You'll feel great when u go to bed guilt free :)

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I resisted! Training finished early, at 430, and normally I'd be so pleased as that'd give me more relaxing (and eating!) time for the evening, but I need to eek out my two shakes left and am not due the first until at least 630, ideally 7! So I'm going to try and occupy myself with watching catch up on my laptop.

Colleague of mine on the course who's also staying overnight suggested dinner (posh burger bar!!) but I said I was meeting a friend to avoid that, as I wouldn't mind spending the evening with him, but I can't bear to watch him eat!!
Well done on resisting!!

When people ask me to go out and eat I just give them a flat no lol

People always to seem to encourage 'a day off'. I don't like those people anymore

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Got further news on the house sale this evening that may not be problem at all but may stop the sale entirely. Won't know til Thursday. Trouble is, we need to sign the new flat lease this week or early next week and if the house sale falls through we'll need to move in instead. So we could potentially lose the flat cause we don't wanna sign the lease if we're uncertain whats happening.. But don't want to commit to a 6 month lease if we then need to put the house back on the market and pay mortgage too!

So frustrating and all I want is to order room service and a giant piece of cake :(
Right, bedtime for me and a resolution to stop whining, as I managed today successfully, and I can do the same again tomorrow. I'm going to zone out all the other stresses I can't control because what I can control is that I'm on plan and I'm doing well. 40 days done 100% on SS, 13 to go, and then hello to the rest of my life!

Going to sleep positive, and intend to wake that way too.
Got through today, back home, and didn't fall off the wagon :D So proud to have got through these two days, as there were so many mental challenges involved. Only 12 days more of SS, which I know will fly by. I'm a happy bunny.

This time round, the plan is all about overcoming my psychological struggles and I genuinely think I'm doing that. Getting quite excited about doing the steps 100% too, as that'll feel like a massive massive success.
Hi Jo,

Have been reading your diary and you are doing so well! This is day 1 for me. I lost 4 stone on SS+ last year and have gained 2 back! So dissapointed and cross with myself! I know exactly why I put the weight back on and that makes me even more angry with myself! Its now got to the point where I have to do something about it! Not only don't my clothes fit anymore, but I feel fat, frumpy and disgusted in myself. There's always an excuse for me why I can't do it/stick to it today, why tomorrow is a better day to start etc. I have been reading dairies on here and looking at some before and after pics and reminding myself why I WANT to do this. Your dairy has inspired me!
Hi Pink Tulip

Welcome back! I had so many tries at restarting after having a similar loss and regain to you and then something just clicked because I was so irritated with myself and realised no one is going to fix my issues but me!

For me, as you've probably read, this time is not all about the loss, its about the maintenance as I was so arrogant to think I didn't need the steps! I'm hoping this time ill be a little more humble and keep it off, and be one of those people posting in a year to say I've stayed at goal :)

You know from doing this before it gets much easier after day 4, so just take a day (or slots of a day!) at a time for the first week and before you know it you'll be weeks in!

Keep us updated :)
Thanks Jo :) That's a good idea about taking it by slots in a day. I think that might just be what I need to do until I reach Ketosis. I'm also definately going to go through the steps this time. Though, once I've lost this 3 stone, I probably still would want to shift another 1.5-2 stone after that (my end goal is to be 9.5 stone by beginning November). I'm hoping I've given myself a realistic enough goal to shift 3 stone in 12 weeks.

How do you find your losses compare this time round to last? I've heard that some find they lose less on re starts than they did the first time round. x
Nope pretty much the same for me- I seem to lose 20lbs the first 4 weeks then 14lbs each 4 weeks following. My losses do go up and down week to week but they balance out the same.

I think November should be fine if you stay strong and 100% :) Maybe try your last stone on the steps.

I thought of my first week as days being four hour slots with a goal to have a litre of water in each slot and a product (I'm on 4 due to my height). It makes every day seem so much more doable!
Think my diary is due an update! Back into routine for two days and doing well, no food cravings and no real desire to eat since I got back, which makes it even more obvious the London thing was totally psychological. I feel like if I went to London again now for an overnight stay I wouldn't even be tempted :) After today, 10 days left of SS! Exciting.

Had a funny tummy all day (felt like trapped wind, nice!) and have had an incredibly upset stomach since I got back home this evening. Don't feel ill otherwise though, so have a feeling it may be from eating my chicken on Tuesday that hadn't been in the fridge since Monday morning. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be fine again.

Feeling very positive today, know the next 10 days will fly by as I've got an exam on Tuesday and moving next Saturday so lots going on. Then I'll be working up the steps and have 7 weeks left on plan.

I'm so glad to be in this headspace again, feeling great.
S glad you're feeling positive, so crazy how emotions change on this diet. One min in arghh im going to donit and next min im like, whyyy :'( lol

Hope you're week hasn't bee bad n you stay strong over weekend

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Upset tummy disappeared today so glad I ignored it rather than let the 'maybe it's the plan' thoughts creep in.

However, still have my extra period going (6 days in) despite continuing to take my pill through it. I'm not worried health wise as it seems to be a pretty normal side effect but its very inconvenient and I'm desperately hoping its a transient thing and that it corrects itself as I move up the steps as it'd be horrendous to be dealing with this during my wedding / honeymoon.

Only another week or so on SS though, don't really expect step 2 to correct it (doing that for a week) but hope step 3+ will sort it out.
Excuse the overshare but now I'm flipping constipated! If nothing else, this plan really makes one appreciate normal toilet habits! Just a shame that the time I save not eating is spent in the bathroom!

Still, I'm in a very good mood and hope by the end of the weekend my body will be behaving.

Lovely long weekend, exam done by Tuesday 'lunchtime' and moving Saturday eeek. Also got news today house stuff has all sorted itself out and may well complete next Friday!

Looking forward to being here on Monday 2nd starting the rest of my life with the steps.
So I'm feeling really fidgety this evening. Not feeling like eating or anything, and I'm not hungry, but feeling restless.

I've been thinking a lot about the steps today and trying to find out if people still lose on them. Doesn't seem to be a hard and fast rule. I'm going to be about a stone from goal once I start step 2, and was hoping to lose at least a lb a week for each of the 7 weeks I'm on the steps, cause otherwise I'll be way off goal still. I'd be happy with being 11st 9 instead of my 11st 2 goal, but feel any more than that would make me feel I hadn't lost enough.

However, I'm not going to let the fear I won't lose on the steps keep me on SS or step 2 longer, as I know deep down its far better to lose less and keep it off (and still be a great weight) than lose more and put it all back on because psychologically I won't have completed the plan (if I don't do the full amount on the steps). I may well be one of the lucky ones that does lose on the steps, you never know!

I always feel fidgety and restless over the weekend, but feel less tempted by food, while I'm calmer in the week but have to work harder to resist! I hope when I peek at the scales tomorrow morning I'm on track for 3lbs this week. That'd make me a very happy bunny.
I've reset my goal weight today to reflect that I'd like to lose 10lbs rather than 14lbs on the steps, as I felt having the lower weight as my goal puts too much pressure on me, and ultimately, I can't control what my body does!

Still intend to be 100% on the steps, and if I lose more, great, but want to be realistic.
Arghhh feeling like eating tonight!

Did a load of revision for my exam Tuesday and v pleased with where I am in terms of thinking I'll pass the exam, and cleaned the flat top to bottom, so it was a really productive day. BUT I've also been planning in more detail what I'll eat on the steps, and thinking about food just makes me want to eat a giant pizza! Hence why I need the steps, so I don't slip back into old eating habits and get used to eating meals that are low calorie and healthy.

Just feeling like I've got a long long way to go tonight, 8 weeks more in total! Just have to get back in my day at a time, step at a time mindset, as another week of this and then 7 weeks of the steps feels like way too much pressure.

I'm glad we're moving next weekend so I'm occupied. The following weekend bf is on his stag do, which will be harder as I always want to binge when I'm by myself. Still, one day at a time. Every day I successfully complete on the steps is an achievement. I'm probably just feeling like this as I'm terrified of the steps and only have 7 more days of the security of SS.

It'll be OK, I won't cave! I'm glad I still have weight to lose, as if I was at goal, I'd be more inclined to think bugger the steps. Have to do them to get to goal, so double motivator!
Ok, it appears the steps have come sooner than expected for me!

Spoke to my CDC today and she said she was no longer happy for me to be on SS as my BMI is now below 25. She also said that in light of the extra period (still going 9 days later) that my iron levels are probably getting low and will make me feel weaker so that combined with the healthy BMI would not be good for SS.

So I'm now on Step 2 for two weeks instead of SS this one and Step 2 the following. I should be pleased, but the thought of having the food is terrifying even though Step 2 is hardly any different considering I'm basically on SS+ because of my height.

Still, the naughty food thoughts creep in so quickly, and when I went to Tesco to buy my chicken and quorn for the week I bought a twirl, thinking it'll still be in my Step 2 cals if I eat less protein, and that the carbs shouldn't push me out of ketosis.

Got back in the car, announced 'I've bought some chocolate', to which my bf replied 'is that allowed on this step of the plan?'.. I said 'errr not strictly, no, but carbs and calories wise it'll be fine'.. To which he asked 'why have you decided not to stick to your plan?'

Thought for a few seconds and handed it over. He opened it, ate one finger and threw the other out the window!

Shouldn't have bought it, and not ideal I had to have that conversation to kick me into touch, BUT proud I didn't eat it.

Still, I need to be aware that as I go further up the steps these mental justifications for bad choices will only increase and I need to just ignore them and keep telling myself the food will still be there when I've successfully completed this, ready for maintaining for the rest of my life.
Didn't sleep well at all last night, and my tummy was making some very strange gurgly sounds, probably as a result of more food!

Assume my lack of sleep was partly due to my body adjusting and partly as today is exam day and the day our house buyer instructs (or not) his solicitor to exchange. After today I'm hoping that's two big stresses down leaving my head free to focus on moving on Saturday with the sale hopefully completing next week.

After that, I should be starting on step 3 of the plan (which I think will probably be the most challenging) so am seriously hoping all stresses are gone, leaving me to focus on the plan completely.

Not planning on doing any proper cardio on the steps but I think I'll try and do 10 minutes of hula hooping on the wii in addition to two 10 minute Pilates toning sessions (legs and arms) three or four times a week as I'm pleased with my goal weight but think it'd be nice to be a bit tighter all over! Wouldn't have thought itd help much with my loss on the steps but hoping it won't slow it either.

Anyway, this time in 3hrs I'll know if I've passed my exam, and hopefully this time in 10hrs we'll definitely have news on the house. Also aim to have got through my first day at work on step 2, eeek!
So, exam done and passed :)

However, another issue has come up with the house that may stop us selling. Hugely stressful and so frustrating when we thought we were there with it.

Food is not the answer!