JUDDD 2.0 The Return

Well not much to report, I have not killed Mr L just yet, he's really been quite good and only minorly *****y!

Looking good for about 1.5 off this week which is grand considering I have not been a nutritional saint this week, but I've done a lot of running about so Ireckin thats burning off a few mcvities fruit shortcakes, hey ho as long as they over all trend is down I don't care.

Is it a sign that I'm getting old perhaps that my biscuit of choice these days is a fruit shortcake or do I not have to worry until I'm thinking oooh I could really go a bourbon or a custard cream? :D
Well not much to report, I have not killed Mr L just yet, he's really been quite good and only minorly *****y!

Looking good for about 1.5 off this week which is grand considering I have not been a nutritional saint this week, but I've done a lot of running about so Ireckin thats burning off a few mcvities fruit shortcakes, hey ho as long as they over all trend is down I don't care.

Is it a sign that I'm getting old perhaps that my biscuit of choice these days is a fruit shortcake or do I not have to worry until I'm thinking oooh I could really go a bourbon or a custard cream? :D

Glad Mr L is still alive ;) I am not a fan of biscuits but really love huge ( and I mean huge) chewy cookies with massive chocolate pieces in them.
Sts for me this week, thats actually well deserved as I've pretty much been totally up in the air diet wise, I only have just over 2 weeks left to get 4lbs of before my AD trip, so need to kick this into gear this week
How goes it now?

Does he still breathe?

Good. Now pass those biscuits over here.... and the chocolate bar you bought when you weren't looking :)
Well Mr L is still in bed, I feel bad for him as it's his b'day today and he's flat on his back, he got up for a little while on Thursday but he really can't sit up for very long or the pain just gets too much, I was hoping for more of an improvement than this at this stage as it's nearly a week since we were at the docs, he's due back on Thursday so we'll see how we go from there.

Quiet weekend and nothing planned for today, I really hope he's back on his feet for our trip :(
Happy birthday to Mr L. Sorry it so crappola for you both tho. :( I hope the docs can come up with a solution that will work on Thursday xxx
And birthdays can always be rescheduled... OH had his moved by about 3 weeks this year. He is just so inconvenient!

Stiffen that upper lip, smile and get on with it. Remember, perfect princesses get their rewards... in hard cash and a shopping spree :)
Sorry not been updating, I'm not in good form as they say and I am currently reminding myself of one of those old adverts about askit miseries ( if you are old enough to remember), or perhaps Mrs totally grumpy for no apparent reason. No idea why I am in such a bad mood, but I am!

Mr L is back at work, he's not supposed to be but he's back anyway, no point in saying anything to him about it, he's feeling a good bit better but still can't sit down for very long. He's back at the doc on Thursday.

Diet wise, or should I say no diet wise, I haven't really been following anything this last week or 2, I am really going to need to give myself a kick up the backside now as I'm away 2 weeks tomorrow and I have no idea what to do, I am all dieted out I think, and in a bad mood, did I mention I was in a bad mood at all?
That was me a few days ago! But I figure everyone's entitled to a Bad Mood Day once in a while, right? Embrace the bad mood and do something nice for yourself today!
My bad mood is due to dh being an arse ( nothing new there) DD leaving home for uni and the weather turning autumnal. In that order. I hate winter with a passion. The animals will arrive in the rescue in droves and I freeze all day long. whine, whine whine...... I also need to get my backside in gear and start Christmas shopping but I can't be bothered. Instead I'm messing about sewing all day and avoiding the world.
Dh early return to work is typical really. What can you do? They drive me insane. I love your bad mood in progress badge. I need a large one - not that no one's not noticed.:D xx
Bad mood over, I woke up feeling normal this morning, I dunno maybe I am sensitive to barometric pressure or something LOL, normally I'm quite a stable person that way, never too many ups/downs, suffice to say Mr took cover last night for fear of getting it both barrels but I just kept it shut instead, saves all the apologising the next day ha!

Braved the scales, considering my lack of effort this week I am only up 3.2 lbs, I am reasonably happyish with that as essentially it's just my water weight going up and have decided to stay down until 6pm tonight then go down again from 6pm Saturday, busy day ahead catching up on cleaning and trying to pack in a bit of studying this afternoon, Mr won't be back from work until 6 tonight, normally Thursday is an early finish and drinks in the garden but they've agreed to work a full day and next Friday and then have the whole week off for the Eid holiday , there was some talk of going to Abu Dhabi for Xmas, we were going to go home but my step dad can't get any time off so thats bombed that plan. Exams loom once again 19/20th November and as usual I am no where near my study plan, why do I always do this to myself, and why do I always end up in houses that have 4 bathrooms.....which I am now off to clean :mad:
I've decided to so slim and save until my break in Abu Dhabi, as Mr is going to be working straight through now until we go away, so no weekend drinkies are on the cards and it's a good window of about 11 days to try and get back to my happier weight where all my clothes fit me and not just some, I'm not exactly thrilled about it but it's only 11 days and I know I can do it.