JUDDD - Introduce Yourself!!

Hello and good evening all,

I have eventually decided to give JUDDD a go. After a long history of SiS and calorie counting, I am fed up. I lost 2 stone at the beginning of 2009 and since then I lost nothing whatsoever. The upside is I have not put any weight back on, the downside is well I haven't lost any!
I have ordered the book and I will wait until I have received it and read into it a bit more before I actually start. I copy Eilean here and name my start date the 01.06.2010. I am confident and willing to lose the extra baggage I am carrying with me. I hope my will is strong enough.
About myself: I am female, 30 years old, live in Northumberland. I have been pudgy all my life. After changing the contraception in 2007 I reached my all time high of 16.6 stones (105.5 kg). I denied the fact that I had become bigger and bigger until I saw some photos taken at a birthday-do. It was shocking, and maybe that was the right kick for me. At the moment I am at 14.7 stone (93.9 kg) and a size 16. My goal is a size 10/12. For me it's more an optical goal than a weight goal. I stop losing weight when I reached the size I want. I do not care if I am still overweight by then.

Thanks for reading this novel!! I am looking forward to talking to you, and hopefully we can reactivate this JUDDD thread again :D
Hi Eilean, sorry I missed your post, I completely missed this page lol, see what i get for taking my eye off the ball. welcome to our small judd community. I will add your name to the list. Jackie I think we are on the same day as each other. just nearing the end of my down day today. havent done too badly, been busy making wedding cake so not much time to think about eating (i was doing the flowers not the cake today lol). had 2 bags snackajacks and a ham sarnie. about 400 cals today so yay me lol.
Hi everyone .
Eilean , yes its photos that bring things like this to a head ... or full lengh mirrors too .
Maybe I should have one as I don't , I might run away from it lol
Welcome to the start of a new you .
Karen , so you do wedding cakes , hows that going .
Today is a down day for me , but I really want to get back onto CD full time if I can , as I need to shift 2 stone fast . I am 217 I need to be 140 , so you can see what i'm saying . will see how that goes .
Shanny how are you girl , what foods did you have yesterday ?
Just taking some time out guys , hope to be back sometime , but in the meantime I hope you all do really well x
ok jackie, hope all is well. take care, come back to judding soon xxxx
Hi all,

Just wanted to officially introduce myself as I've been lurking but not saying anything lol!

I lost 7 stone on CD 2 years ago but in the last 12months have gained about 21/2 stone:cry:

I've tried going back on CD numerous times and failed and I tried WW and gained:eek: (and i stuck to it by the book)

Anyway so now I've found you guys. I started just over a week ago and lost 4lbs my first week which I am pretty please with because I had a BBQ sat night and had lots of alcohol and ended up doing Sun and Mon as 1000 cals due to family meals and stuff.

So anyway I'm hoping that this will finally work for me. Wish me luck;)

Speak to you all soon
Hi Oneday. I hope it does work for you. NOt sure if you have been reading but I had come to major standstill, I got stuck at 13 stone 3 and nothing I was doing would move it. I tried Judd for a week and lost 5lbs!. that is unheard of for me in the middle of a diet to lose more than 1 and a half pounds. anyway next week i stayed the same and last week i lost 1 and a half and hopefully looking at the scales midweek, it is possbile that i have lost this week too. I dont find it a hard diet, yeah some days when I do the down days are harder than others, but compared to what i was eating during my first 2 stone weight loss, this is a much better way. the best of both worlds. I am not going too over the top on an up day ie eating chips and pizza but instead trying to have healthier meals with the odd curly wurly thrown in for good measure lol.

best of luck with week 2. keep us informed.
Hi Karen,

Yes I have been watching you lol!! I'm so glad you are suceeding. I'm hoping this will work for me. CD is a quick weight loss programme but I just can't stick to it so i think a slower approach will do me good!
Just read this! welcome oneday, hope juddd is going really well for you! I found juddd when I plateaued on slimfast, and it was fantastic! Haven't been sticking to any diet this year for a number of reasons, mainly my head hasn't been in the right place, but I'm sure if i stick with juddd it'll get me right back on track and wish I hadn't gone off the juddd train as it is a great diet and I would've been at goal by now :(
Hello everyone!
I've been interested in following this diet for a while so finally started last week and had my first weigh in this morning - 6lbs gone! :D
I lost almost 3 stone last year but completely fell of the wagon at Christmas and have struggled to get back on until now. In that time I regained 11lbs and was fed up with seeing the numbers on the scale rise so I'm hoping with JUDDD I can reach my goal weight.
I've been lurking quite a lot recently and you're all doing really well - fingers crossed I can follow suit! :)
Hi All

I've come back to this forum after a long time, to cut a long story short I was on the cambridge diet for a while and lost quite a bit, didn't move up the plans, gained all but a few pounds back and can't seem to start it again. Tried Paul Mckenna, failed and now trying JUDDDing, lost 4lbs last week, binged all weekend, feeling bad but back on it today (DD). Hope to monitor my progress and keep getting motivated to stick to it from the advice and support on here.

So, nice to meet you all, thankyou!:D
Hi everyone,

just wanted to introduce myself- I reached my goal weight last december by calorie counting and since then have gradually started to put weight back on as I seem to alternate between 3-4 days of eating 1000-1200 cals then binge for the next 3-4 days! I have only just discovered JUDDD and am hopeful that it will work for me as (fingers crossed) it will keep the urge to binge at bay!

I am starting today on a down day and am hoping that being an active member on the forum (have been a long term lurker) will keep me motivated....so thanks everyone for all of the support and advice offered here and I look forward to talking to you all.
Hi Kenny, welcome, I'm a new member of Juddd too, started last week but like you my problem is bingeing so being on the forum helps to stay on track. I'm sure you'll do fine on it, and well done on getting to goal and your weight loss so far!
Thank you Reena :) this part of the forum seems really quiet so am glad to have someone else just starting out on the diet who I can talk to :)
Hey all, my names Gina. Was initally on the slimming world diet n lost 4lb (not a big splash in the ocean considering iv 6 stone to lose!!). Problem with slimmin world is i just find i have to think about it too much. I want to break the whole thinkin about food cycle so thats y i think ill give judd a go. I am a bit skeptical about it for some reason but gona give it a go! First weigh in will be next sun morning so il keep yas updated.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Lol i know! It is v.quiet! We'll change that tho! Think im gona keep a food diary. Of the down days at least just to make sure im doin it right! Nice to meet u 86. Look forward to hearin ur progress!
Hi everyone. Nice to see you here Gina! Hope everyone's doing well, I've binged all through half term, it was never going to be easy but want to get back to it tomorrow! Let's keep the forum going, need all the support I can get :-/