Julie's diary...this time I will do it!

Well done hunnie, glad your enjoying Atkins.

:eek: Jim, a confession of being naughty.. from you surely not ;)

I have always been a cheap date, but on Atkins oh my ...:eek:
Well day 2 of my second week and I can't complain. Not very hungry which is great but I am drinking lots of water.

Yesterday I had pancakes for breakfast, just a bit of cheese and salad for lunch and the beef stew with dauphanoise celeriac. Wasn't too different to potatoes!

Today has been scrambled egg and bacon for breakfast, soup for lunch and just waiting for mince and mushrooms to finish cooking. I'll serve it with cabbage, I think.

So all in all feeling ok, far better than I thought and not missing carbs at all. :)

Mmmmm I forgot.....I'm a bit constipated though, any tips???
Ladyf, I read the hermasita post as an answer to this! Lol!
Definitely more green leafy veg - ordinary lettuce not good enough although baby leaf spinach is:D
Loads of spring greens in at the moment.
Morning Julie, yes green leafy veggies is the answer. I picked up a couple of spring cabbages at Tesco this morning.
Unfortunately of all the veg there are I dislike dark green ones the most. I can eat white cabbage quite easily but savoy or greens I just can't get down. Any good recipes for them which would help?

Everything else is going good, I think. Again not mega hungry but trying to eat at least 3 times a day. I'm going to search out some tasty soup recipes as when I am working it is hard to make something for lunch when I get in. Soup would be ideal. Plus sometimes I just need a bit of something, if you know what I mean.

yesterday was poached eggs and bacon for brekkie, cheese salad for lunch and then pork loins with celeriac chips and creamed leeks with cabbage. Still managing to drink a fair amount of water and the scales are showing a 2lb loss up to now this week. The more the scales go down the more I am determined not to do anything to scupper my weight loss. Sometimes I have a craving for....don't know, a mint, a sweet, just something to eat but not food. Does that make sense???

This morning I am having kippers for breakfast with poached egg. Haven't becided on the rest of the day yet but will dig some meat out of the freezer for tea. I've seen a recipe for a chicken dish which I quite fancy so I might give that a go.

Any way have a good day every one. :)
Had chicken for tea with.....green veg!! It was ok but still didn't go a bundle on it though. I have a white cabbage for tomorrow's tea...does that count?

I've managed to make some mushroom soup and some cauliflower soup as well to keep me going for lunches. OH says they are very nice and he will have some tomorrow with his freshly baked bread (he's a baker)!! Told him to keep his mitts off! hahaha.
How about some spinach soup to get some greenery in:D and the baby leaf makes a lovely salad!
Spinach soup, mmmmmm, now there's a plan. I'll search for a recipe. Thanks Katie. :)
Morning Julie, I was never successful with the spinach soup, but found it was easy to just toss a handful of spinach into anything cooking a couple of minutes before it was ready.
Thanks Jim, I'll give it a go :)
Must admit I wasn't mad keen on green veg before Atkins, find it nice now though.

Savoy cabbage shredded and quickly stir fried with a lash of soy sauce added is a fav of mine.

Also broccoli soup, leek and broccoli cooked and blitzed then add philli and stir till melted yummy and warming too.

Grated courgette sautéed with lemon, pepper and butter in nice too.

You may find as time goes on your tastes change, mine did. I now find veg tastes so different because I am not eating sweet carby stuff.
Jim, I have just made a chicken curry with your recipe on the recipe thread and it was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!! Had it with celeriac chips and feel like I have had a feast, thank you so much. :)
Hello, my oh loves to stir fry cabbage with bacon and garlic, smells gorgeous but I'm a veggie so don't eat it although I am tempted on occasions!!
Hello, my oh loves to stir fry cabbage with bacon and garlic, smells gorgeous but I'm a veggie so don't eat it although I am tempted on occasions!!

Go for some with just soy, delish.
Or with just the garlic. Good healthy veg for a veggie.