Total Solution Just started today


Hi guys, I am new here. I have started exante total solution today! The shake wasn't worse than some I have tasted before, definately not worse that CD. I hope I can reach my goal, which is one month on total solution for now.

Thanks for listenting!
I am well into day one and I start to have hunger pains ... I had a coke zero to quelch the pains a bit, but they are back -.-
I hope I can power through my run tonight before I have to have my soup! So far, my will power is going strong!
Yes I want to make a radically change. I should have said "walk" but I like to call it run, because one day that is what I want to do!
Hi Pomodora,

You might find you have less energy for a couple of days but once you get going you'll have so much energy! I am on day 6 and I feel really really good. Had a headache yesterday but much better today!

Best of luck with everything and hope all goes well!

Sarah x
First day went really well I think. I went for a 3 k "run" and I had my soup. I feel good, not too hungry and not too tired.
Just started day 2 with half a banana shake. I thought I'd try splitting the shakes up as I am not that hungry this early in the morning. I just hope I an catch a break at work to have my second half!

Hi Pomodora,
I am trying the same thing but was late this morning so had half a bar and put the other half in the fridge for when I come home tonight. I hope day 2 goes as well as day 1 went!!!

Sarah x
I have to go have a work luncheon today, which I conviently forot about. I think I will ask for a steak with 1 tomato. I figure that will keep me in line with the diet, even if it is not total solution. I am quite bummed as I wanted to stick to it 100% :(
I am now craving food badly. I think it was not a good idea to have solid food for lunch. Makes sticking to the diet harder! No more until saturday!
Stay focussed!!! You can do this! Lots of water and think of the weight you're going to lose!!!

Sarah x
I have been good for dinner! Had my pack of soup and feel full! I made myself a cup of tea to relax with. So all in all not a bad second day!
And thanks for you support Sarah! It helps to stay on track!
Your welcome and well done for staying on track!!!!

Sarah x
Day 3 - got to say that I really hate the strawberry shakes ... I thought the banana one yesterday was bad, but the strawberry one is just disgusting. My taste buds aren't happy!
For lunch I had a bar and, hate to admit it, a tiny tiny piece of chocolate! Now I am suffering from hunger pains, so I figure that is my punishment for not sticking with it 100% today.
Day 4 - starting off with the chocolate shake, which I really like. Also, have stomach cramps and pains. I guess today is the day. If i get through it should get easier!
Well done on the last 3 days, surprised you like the thai chicken soup, I just can't stomach it!

The hunger should wear off soon, by the end of day four I had loads of energy and no hunger through ketosis and my water intake so touch wood it goes that way for you soon :)

Good luck with everything!

Hol x