Kaitlyn's Diary

It's a great feeling going shopping for smaller sizes!

Well done Kaitlyn. I have salmon quite often and although it's an oily fish, it is the good omega oils that it has (and usually the pieces you get are fairly small)

I know it's hard to carry on cooking for 1 but it's a really good habit to get into and freshly cooked food is so much nicer than processed stuff.
I know it's a good habit, and I don't mind doing things like veg and fish or whatever, cos they take practically no time. It's just things like veg curry or soup or veggie type shepherds pie (with lentils, very yummy) that I don't see the point in cooking for 1. But when mum and my sister get a bigger freezer, I can always cook and freeze for myself.

And I think it's two portions of oily fish you can have per week? (I remember something about that from my first year in uni).
Kaitlyn when does Uni start would you like a buddy???

I go to Thailand 5th April and would like to loose about 8 lbs by then.

I've finshed uni, Bren. We finish later than the graduation ceremonies are held cos, unlike most students, our academic year is 42 weeks. Our uni has the graduation ceremony in July, and we don't finish until the August, but the exam board meets in September (so I guess, officially, it was then that I finished uni). We have to wait until the following July to graduate. It's a bit rubbishy having to wait really, but I guess it means we at least have a shot at a nice day for graduation (unlike a friend of mine, whose university has graduation ceremonies in Novemeber-they're pretty much guaranteed awful weather).

You can add me as a buddy (I don't know how to do that, sorry-I know how to accept though).

I bet you're getting excited about Thailand. And I'm sure you'll lose your 8lb by then-you're doing great so far.

I don't know whether to be sad or happy. I put on one of my favourit tops (which I thought I had lost but found hidden in my wardrobe, no doubt from when I had the plumber coming round and had to quickly tidy my very messy room). Anyway, it's really lose in the bust and keeps slipping down (which isn't good cos it's very low cut as it is). Which means my boobs are shrinking :cry: Obviously good as it shows I'm losing weight, but upsetting cos I love my boobs.

Anyway, talking about losing clothes, I have a really nice denim skirt that I bought before I went on holiday last time (or maybe the time before that). And I know I brought it home cos I remember wearing it home on the plane. But I can't find it anywhere. And it's really bugging me cos I quite liked it, and I can't find it anywhere in my house.

Oops, I think I've rabbited on a bit too much here.
Very excited about Thailand. Trying on clothes last night instead of eating was good motivation. Find that skirt and perhaps use it as your next goal.

Know what you mean about the boobs, I wear push up bras now, never had to before.

I seem to have reached a hiatus on the weight loss!

You should have a ticker counting down to Thailand, Bren.

Well, my mum and sister have decided to start eating home cooked foods again today, which they decided to tell me when I came in from work, so have spent the afternoon shopping and in the kitchen cooking loads of food to freeze for them (and a little for me). I hate preparing veg and one of the foods was a veg curry (there was 3lb of veg to peel :eek:).
Oh but think of how yummy it will be!

I might when I get into the 60's start a ticker for the holiday, I dont want to think about the time I have left as I'm very focused with the food and feel I might jinx myself or risk sabotage..... does that sound silly?

Not at all, Bren. But you're nearly in the 60's, it won't be long.

Unfortuantely, due to going to cadets stupidly early the other night, I took my tea with me. As I didn't have time to do rice, I defrosted and heated the curry, and then had it luke warm. The curry kind of tasted nice, but it would have been better either hot or real cold. Luke warm curry wasn't a very nice temperature, though.

My sister asked me last night if I had lost weight. It made me very happy.

I'm still struggling at the moment with my fluid intake. I think, today, I've had a cup of coffee (which is a very rare occurence to me) and maybe two glasses of water/squash, which I have measured and which is 300ml each.

Tomorrow, I'm going to make sure I have a minimum of 2 litres. Am also going to try and remember to weigh myself.
Hi Kaitlyn

How's the water intake going? It's always nice when someone notices that you have lost weight, gives you a little proud feeling with yourself inside.

Luke warm curry doesn't sound very yum at all, but the coffee does!!!


Did you weigh youself???????
Also I got into the 60's then out again.......
I know. I read in your diary. Congratulations on getting there-you'll soon be comfortably in the 60s I'm sure-you're doing really well, Bren.

Not got round to weighing myself yet-I think my sister's stolen the scales to weight her luggage for holiday and I really don't want to go hunting around her room.

Water intake is getting better (except today when, on my day off of all days, I ended up having to sit around all morning in a couple of hospital clinics with my aunt).

Luke warm curry is not nice. The curry is much nicer hot, but, unfortunately, we've no heating facility on squadron, so I had to make do.

I'm sure I've lost size. Not only do I keep losing my jeans, but my cadet skirt is stupidly lose now. I think I'll aim to lose a few more inches, and then get a new one (else, if I get a new one every time it gets lose, the ladies in stores might get tired of me).
Kaitlyn hope your aunt is okay.

Loose skirts or any clothing for that matter is a lovely feeling. Slow and steady we go!

Yeah, she's OK. It was just out patients appointments, but she doesn't drive and lives sort of in the middle of nowhere. The hospitals a good while from my house so pointless going home. I guess I could have gone into town but her appointments were in different departments and don't know if she'd have managed to get to the other department without getting lost.

A family friend asked if I'd lost weight today :). It's making me feel so good people asking.

Made a lovely stir fry today. Absolutely tonnes of veg in it-onion, carrot, mange tout, mushrooms, 3 different peppers, leek. It was very yummy.
Does sound very yum! Did you manage to get on the scales???

Youre doing well Kaitlin. It is a good feeling when people start to notice isn't it.

Change your skirt when you get fed up of having to pull it up every 5 minutes !!

2 litres is a big aim to do all at one if you're not even drinking a litre a day. Might be easier to aim for say 1.5 litres (3 x little bottle of water) and although you go to the loo alot to start with, it dioes wear off after a week or so, when your body adjusts to taking in more fluids.
Yeah very true Caw. I drink 3 ltrs a day if not always get to around 2.8 mark. First bottle about 750ml is cold green tea that I make the night before.

I also try and drink a glass or two whilst getting ready for work in the morning, just starts the ball rolling and then when I get to work I try and drink 2 more 750ml bottles by lunch so then all I have to worry about is drive home after school and the rest with my dinner.

I still can't find the scales (I've even hunted in my sister's room-I don't know where she's hidden them). I will find the scales and weigh myself by the end of the weekend, though. I promise.

I am really struggling with the fluid intake. Although I think I am managing to drink more than before, it's really difficult. Yesterday, I drank no where near enough and I knew that (my lips were quite dry). Today's been better, but not great. I had a mug of coffee this morning, a small glass of water at morning break and at lunch, and one at home with dinner. I know that's no where near enough. I think that's a good idea to gradually build up to it. Right, this weekend I'm going to aim for about 1.5 litres (which is only 5 of our big glasses :eek:-still seems a lot to me).

Nice to see you back, Caws. I was wondering where you had gone.
Start with a glass in the morning when you get up, half before your shower and the other half when you hop out of the shower.

Another half a glass with breaky and then half before you walk out the door?

What does the weekend have installed for you? It's a long weekend for us in Melbourne.. YAY!!

Did you get a new skirt for cadets??

I'm going to wait for the skirt. I have to travel about a 50 mile round trip to get new uniform (and the last time we had it delivered it, it went to the wrong squadron). I'll just wait until we're heading to that station some time (should be some time soon).

So far, I've had 3x300ml water (2 glasses with breakfast and one at lunch), one of them big cups of coffee (I'd guess about 250-300ml) in a cafe when supervising cadets swimming and a mug of coffee this afternoon (250ml?), which means I'm almost there with the water-very proud of myself so far. I can't believe how much coffee I've been drinking recently. Usually, I only drink it at cadets, twice a week.

Not a very exciting weekend this weekend. Today was at the leisure centre where the cadets were doing lifesaving, and tomorrow I'm teaching them first aid. And currently, I'm tidying my bedroom, as it's a complete tip.