Karenlou's diary - Hello, I'm home!

good to see you back. glad you had a good time
Oh it all feels right with the world now you're back and married to boot. Glad it all went so well and now the added pleasure of the birthday do to look forward to.

Thanks guys. I'm enjoying this married lady lark as well - could get used to it ha ha.

M, pleased to see you have a date for your surgery - have LOADS of threads to catch up on x
Glad you had such a lovely time on your honeymoon! xx
aww glad u enjoyed it :)
It was lovely and I played with a polecat. Actually, that sounds rude, especially as it was my honeymoon!

I have pics and am just trying to figure out how to post them up. Bear with me...
cant wait to hear all the details this weekend :D xxx
Sorry Jane - I'm trying to get them uploaded onto Photobucket but I have a very s...l...o...w... internet connection and it's taking ages!

Rachel I'm afraid you probably will get your ears terribly bent at the weekend :D
Hi Gem. Good to be back - how's it going?

I'm struggling to upload the pics onto my album (I have a DREADFUL internet connection!) so am going to post them in the next few posts on here instead x
aww Karen you look gorgeous - your sari is beautiful and i love your hair! the length and colour really suits you :) x