Karens Herbalife Diary- bad penny returns :D

i got pulled aside by Ks teacher at the end of school and told she hadnt been well. 2 other kids in her class had been ill too but only one of them got sent home early.

they have been wailing and wimpering since they got home so doubt either of them will be at school tomorrow ...HELP!!!
they r completely fine now. they slept late and have been wimpering around but they have now eaten properly and are playing games upstairs.

back to school tomorrow for sure!!!
Bless them, I hate it when they are not quite fit enough for school but too well to be under your feet......lol.
they've been suprisingly good, tho im frightened to type that as I may speak too soon!!

verything else is going fine. got loads of housework done, have just finished with a lovely hot bubble bath and the SSing is going well.

I ate a piece of chicken last night. dunno why but didnt beat myself up about it. I have been 100% today and it'll stay that way :D


im making chicken and chorizo paella for dinner and when its served i will be sloping back here and hiding in the arcade.

some git nicked my scrabble blast champion title and im getting it back! hehe!!
Hey Karen was just gonna ask how you were doing, I had a nibble last night but nothing major. Though having a down day today but have not reached for the food
day 1


Day 1

good stuff sonkie! theres plenty we can distract ourselves with. just gotta keep our heads on straight. i popped a few bits of shredded chicken in my mouth yesterday but it had been cooked in the wok with other things so probably had sauce or juices mingled in with it. just wasnt worth it! i am going to aim for 100 days without one single bit of food passing my lips (except AAM Week!)

today i have been 100% and drank 5 litres of water. now im gonna go to bed and listen to Paul McKenna

Im going to be in the 15s in a couple of weeks and thats ruddy well that!!!

Well Ive been good again today and have pretty active.

spent morning in local shopping centre, bought myself a few bits :D and for the kids, of course :rolleyes: typical mummy guilt which insists u cant enjoy anything selfishly...tut!

then took little ady to the park for a run around. then back to my mums for adys lunch. THEN popped to sonkies for a brew...walked to school with her, collected 2 eldest monkeys, then back to mums to collect my niece nd cook their tea....then home and loadsa housework. sigh...long day and here i am at 3.30am!!!

Im up this late cos I have a few concerns about VLCDs that I never thought about before....

I have 2 friends...they r a married couple and they are herbalife agents. they've never tried to sell me anything or even really discuss their business at all. however...tonight kevin was keen to take mr herbalife to the pub for a drink. when they came back kev started telling me how he had been getting the low-down about herbalife weighloss and how he now had concerns about CD.

I have spent the last couple of hours trying to research everything i was told.

mainly...this "RDA" amounts we r just about getting on VLCDs...he was telling me that the RDA was a test carried out by the Navy on only 10 males and 10 females in the early 1900s??? they basically wanted to know how little a person needs to have nutritionally each day to keep scurvy, ricket and other such yummy things (including death!!) at bay. "How little an we give these people to keep them going and not starve the poor gits to death??" i sriously wonder who VOLUNTEERED for this test but anyways...
they put these people thru their paces and at the end of the diet they were given Limes and Lemons to ward off the scurvy they had been so close to. apparently, this is why we british folk are called "limeys". so based on all this, apperently the RDA was born. the RDA we see on foods is just a little above what we need to keep starvation and deseases at bay.

so...if this is true then I have major concerns that I am eating/drinking only enuff of the RDA to just about ward off scurvy and rickets and death etc. 3 packs a day give only 100% of the very basic nutrition needed to not die or get a malnutrion desease.

there were a few other tings as well that made perfect sense and made me very worried about being on CD.

now, I know what u r thinking, hes just trying to move me over to their diet...line their pockets etc. Well, i have known this couple for a very long time and they have never ever tried to anything of the like. all of this was only discussed cos kevin approached them after all this time and it was very clear to me that I was being given information by concerned friends...nothing more, nothing less.

he was also saying stuff about how it damages ur body to go in and out of ketosis and all kinds of amazing info about how the body distributes everything u put in it and so on.

i am too tired now to give this post the proper time it deserves but needed to put my concerns down before turning in.

will re-read tomorrow. one thing is for sure...i need to do more research.
well i have done more reading and found a few alarming things out.

"That brings up a few other problems with these meal replacement schemes. Another issue is that they are a relatively poor source of nutrition. They are made basically from milk protein, and have added vitamins and minerals in there to prevent a micronutrient deficiency. Basically, they contain the very bare essentials you need to stay alive, and that's it. Most of them contain little or no fibre (which is why constipation can be a problem) and they contain little or none of the beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids. They contain no disease-fighting phytochemicals found in abundance in fruits, veggies and whole grains. Basically, they have a nutritional quality even poorer than that of baby formula."

Given the fact I make up my shakes/soups with boiled water (i cant stomach them with anything less that boiling hot) then i am killing off a lot of this goodness. so this probably means i am having less than the bare essentials needed to stay alive?

i think that is pretty worrying. then of course there are the problems caused by rapid weight loss as well. irregular heart beat which will killme! and brittle bones etc. I am wanting to lose weight (quickly too) but i am not willing to give myself long term problems. I dunno what to think really. the whole reason i am wanting to lose weight is to lengthen my life. i dont want to replace an early grave with nothing but a different cause of death.

i know there are lots of good benefits to a vlcd but it is proven that it is harder to maintain weightloss on a vlcd as well.

after an evening and morning of reading, my hubby is dead against me doing CD or any kind of VLCD. I cant understand his concerns and i share them too.

can any shed any light on any of this for me ....PLEASE?!?
Hope this helps put your mind at ease

The Cambridge Diet is probably the most researched diet in the world. Extensive research on nutritionally complete very low calorie diets (VLCDs) has confirmed their safety and efficacy in assisting weight loss and weight maintenance.

Carrying reports submitted on behalf of the VLCD European Industry Group
to the
SCOOP Working Group
Very-Low-Calorie Diets​

1998 to 2001
consolidated 2001
John Marks MA, MD, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCPsych
Life Fellow Girton College,Cambridge CB3 0JG​

Here is a link to what is in Cambridge Diet.

The Science and Research beind the diet

cambridge research()

Diet Formulation

cambridge company history()

My feelings are that we are killing ourselves being obese, and losing weight is the only way to eradicate this. Even if there are concerns I would rather get the weight off then sort myself out. I feel fitter than before so that can only be a good thing. Surely if it was doing us no good we would constantly feel s**t and run down.
This is my opinion and I havent read the links mini put up, but Im sticking with it and have no concerns at all.

As Mini has stated above CD is probably the most researched diet in the world.

It is used in hospital settings and also can be obtained from GP surgeries via a Primary Care Counsellor.

It is 100% nutrition and has everything you need it it.

It is perfectly safe providing the guidance is followed.

Boiling water should NEVER be used as it destroys some of the heat sensitive vitamins.

A recent report from NICE The National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence actually advocates the use of VLCD's. It is named and acknowledged as an option above all other commercial options.

One of our clinical consultant advisors is a leading Endocrinologist lecturing at Kings College Hospital he is also a GP. He is a very eminent and respected man in his field.

I do not think someone of this calibre would work with CD if it were not totally safe.

He has recently completely rewritten our diabetes protocols enabling more patients to have access to counsellors and the diet. Counsellors are about to undertake advanced training in diabetes in order to assist more people.

In the long term, the correct use of VLCD's can help dramatically in the battle of obsesity, safely and effectively.

There will always be people against the use of VLCD's as perhaps their understanding is not complete.

I hope you will be reassured by the information supplied by Mini and also the fact that the NICE guidelines now support the use of VLCD's.

Hi Karen, just wanted to say Ive just read your diary from beginning to end and really enjoyed it!! Know your having a few concerns but im sure all those in the know will have reassured you, keep up the good work. Sarahxx.
hello all!

thanks for all ur comments and thanks for the link mini. xx

I totally agree that being obese is a bigger danger than following cambridge and i have no duobts that no doctor would encourage patients to follow a diet that wasn't thoroughly researched and approved. im not trying to say that cambridge is a dangerous diet at all.

what i am saying is that i am shocked that the "RDA" for vitamins and minerals is of a low standard in general/worldwide and it cannot be denied that cambridge use this rda as a minimum. i can point at a dozen websites right now that shows research on how shoddy the "rda" system is and how it is not nutrionally sound for GOOD health. its just healthy enough to not get scurvy so can be considered to be "everything u need" in that regard. again, im not trying to say that following a vlcd is going to give u rickets or anything lol. i am saying that in lots of research done, vlcds only have a little more than the level where u could develop these things, if this research is to be believed.

i would feel safer if they added 200% of the rda or more! it doesnt have to mean more carbs or calories.

u cant take into account the research that goes into a vlcd and decide to ignore other, just as important research just because it goes against vlcds. well u can but its biased.
just like u cant say that its ideal cos good doctors endorse it. just as many good doctors speak against vlcds too. in the end it is only opinion based on research and ultimately, u can find research to speak for and against everything in life!

when i started cambridge i knew i was making a dratic move but i considered it to be a drastic diet based on the fact u give up food. i didnt consider that it is drastic in the sense maybe, u r barely having enough nutrition to stay alive.

sonkie u say that if it wasnt safe we would feel constantly crap. ive mentioned b4 that i do feel that way. i have the odd day of energy but otherwise, i feel **** and run down all the time.

maybe i am boiling the goodness out of my packs but if i dont, i cant stomach them. i have wondered about taking extra vitamins with my packs. am still following cd while reading up more.

im not about to start running around claiming everyone is gonna die on a vlcd cos thats a stupid thought. im just wishing i had understood it a bit more and that i am considering things on a personal level. i believe people should make informed choices and it is up to them to research these things. that is why i am not posting links against vlcds. i feel that wouldnt be right in this kind of forum but if anyone wants to, they can be found easily on the net.

we heard back about my FIL and it seems he has leukemia. hes in good spirits tho experiencing a lot of pain. they feel it is most likely at treatable stage but arent committing too much until they have looked into it more. they will know more later.

anyways, i am having a bad time with my laptop. the screen has to be pushed and held while i type one handed otherwise the screen freezes and then goes blank so i need to sign off! will try to get hubby to sort it when he wakes so i can come online properly


Hey Karen, good to see you've had one day behaving ;) keep it up - one day at a time girl.
Re dieting death wish - you are so going to have to stop boiling your vits.
Have you tried any of the other stuff - bars etc. Haven't had that pleasure yet, looks less than a mouthful to me and i would feel cheated :(
May bump into you tomorrow - BFN :D
Hiya Karen

Difficult one! Remember that Cambridge can only on the RDA's as that is what is recommended. It isn't recommended to have more than RDA with recent research saying that too much of a vitamin can be bad (vitamin C tablets are now frowned upon by some in the medical profession) so tough one, if the medical people recommend that you have 200% of what it is now then Cambridge will change the packs accordingly!
I've been reading your posts about the rda's etc, and health issues relating to the diet.

I want to thank you for your comments, I didn't realise a lot of the points you've made. Starting this diet I was worried about how my body would react to lack of food etc. I decided that if I felt ill, I'd stop. Luckily for me I only felt ill on day one, and have felt fine since (promise I've stuck to it 100%). But I can understand your concerns if you are continually feeling unwell.

I have tried herballife, I did it about a year ago, I only stuck to it for about 3 weeks, you have to take lots of horse pills, they were huge and I had difficulty with that (I'm a wimp where tablets are concerned) Also my pee went bright flourescent yellow:eek: I found the biggest drawback was that I was told to have a full proper meal in the evening, well that was fine, but it set off me wanting to binge later in the evening. So once again I yoyo dieted (that's been my lifes work so far). However I do have a friend who did really well with this diet and has maintained her weight now for over a year:D :D

I think the main reason I like cd (this is the first time I've done it) is because it's very strict and not having food at all apart from aam actually keeps me from picking.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. The most important thing is that you feel well and healthy. Have you thought of maybe doing the 790 plan?

Take care

thanks for your comments everyone :)

I have had nothing but hassle from hubby this weekend about my lack of energy and of course he is putting it all as a downer on CD. he had his doubts from the beginning but of course now he is being very outspoken about it.

he is starting herbalife and I may join him. it would be nice to do a plan together and he wouldnt do CD. as long as the weight comes off i dont really care what i do to be honest.

I am happy to stick with CD but not if feeling crap is going to be the norm. Im worried about gaining water if i come of CD but at the same time would like to give herbalife a chance with hubby.

am still thinking about it all at the moment.

on other news....I had a lovely Mothers day. got n MP3 player for my hypnosis thingies lol. a new pair of slippers...so thats about 15 pairs in the wardrobe (u know u r getting old when u own more than 1 pair and even moreso when u look forward to wearing them in the evening :eek: ) and i got a new book "the alchemist" which i have been meaning to buy for about 5 years and never gotten round to it so i was a happy mummy. also had lots of paintings and pics and cards made for me. was really lovely. my mum came over for dinner and the kids behaved really nicely all day (today will be a diffeent matter tho :rolleyes: )

watched a flick with hubby last night "the recruit" with Colin Farrell and Al Pacine. straight after that i took my exhausted butt to bed and listened to paul mckenna until i fell asleep.

hubby then came to bed and started listening to his paul mckenna thingy on his MP3 player. god i remember the days when we used to end the day with a good ole sh*g. Oh my, how times have changed!! only been married 3 years lol.

Well my neighbour came over for a cuppa yesterday and some reference was made about me and kev not having sex. I laughed but he started giving me evil looks!! it was very obvious to neighbour and she thought it was hilerious. he is usually such a private person but bloody hell...he was making it so obvious that we dont have sex and that he doesnt like this arrangement. takes a lot for me to blush but blush i did lol. He'll have to wait til i feel comfy enuff to do it. tuff crap really!

Ive taken to avoiding him...rushing to bed before him or being very slow to follow him up but the fact is, he knows i dont want to do it at the moment. have been honest and open about it and i know it isnt fair on him but it wouldnt be fair to do something out of duty either.

i reckon a lot of all this is down to my lack of energy as well so maybe things would improve on herbalife?? well he reckons it would which is why he is so keen for me to try it lol.

havent heard anything more about my father in law but i have written to him and hope that kevins sister will email us the hospital phone number so we can speak to him directly. I am praying that his illness will be fully treatable. u hear words like "cancer" and its hard to keep positive but the doctors seem quietly confident so im gonna hope thats the case. hubby isnt really talking about it but then he isnt really talking about his brother in iraq either. not since he got shot by that sniper. thank god the americans have some decent body armour or that bullet would have gone thru his heart. in the same week he was involved in an incident where a suicide bomber parked next to his RV and detonated. bro-in-law was fine but the RV was bent and twisted like a paperbag and he spent the rest of the day having to clean up the bodies from the immediate area.

I guess hubby has a lot on his plate right now. after reading what i have typed i see he has a lot of stress. hes doing a bigger job right now and is always working.

will have to spoil him a bit later. not sex tho...i dont feel that sorry for him LOL.
Hi hun - re the boiling water thing - I have all of my shakes hot and use a Kenwood Frothy maker that heats them up to a nice temperature without boiling them. You can drink them straight away - whereas I have to wait for ages to drink a cuppa peppermint tea with freshly boiled water.

I wouldn't be without mine and feel full of energy as all the vits and mins etc are preserved intact.

Just a thought, hun xxxxxxx
wow thanks!!

that would never have occured to me but sounds like a fab idea. thanks loads. xxxx