Katie-x's Ketosis Journey....

Well done on the 3lb loss for this week, Katie. :)

Word of advice: don't put your mats in the washing machine!! ;) Have a great day.

Lol not a chance - I'll learn from your mistakes ;) Hope your machine is sorted now. I emptied two bin bags full of rubbish out of my car and the boot is full of things I need to transfer into the house and put away.
Did a whole three hours in work today - my kind of day! :D

Got complimented lots, my weight loss seems to be the topic of most conversations now in work, it's okay but it can be a bit much - I guess that's too be expected working in a big team where there are lots of people.

Calling for TH at 6:45 to see if she's allowed to come out and play - go an do a nice couple of hours walk, it's a lovely evening too :) Going to take the dog with me so he'll be happy. I've just put a chilli in to soak so will eat that before leaving and have a shake and a bar when I get in.

Getting very excited about going to see my son on Thursday, going to be hug central :D
Great loss Katie. Bet Marco was very happy that you cleared out the back of the car for him :).

Enjoy your evening walk xx
Thanks Susie and he was indeed, he's never had it so clear :) x
Had a great walk with TH, we did 4 miles and had a good chat - Marco loved it especially when he was off lead, though I hope the farmer can't tell tomorrow that a dog has had great fun running through his crops!

We've decided that if the weather is good over the weekend then we are going to do the 10 mile walk again around Chorley that we did a few weeks ago - oh we are getting brave :D
Sounds fab! I've just bought a book that has loads of walks in it so I might work my way through it :) they all focus on tea rooms though :)
Spot the dog! X


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Your weight is really falling off..well done
Sounds fab! I've just bought a book that has loads of walks in it so I might work my way through it :) they all focus on tea rooms though :)
Ooh now they sound like good walks to me :) x
Your weight is really falling off..well done

Thanks Shrimp, I'm definitely feeling better and fitter these days :) x
Day 44/59
Start weight - 14st 8.25lbs
Todays weight - 12st 5lbs
Loss since yesterday sts
Loss to date - 31.25lbs

No change on the numbers front this morning, ahh well lol!

Done a walk with the dog this morning so he's all settled down and happy :)

Got to get sorted and packed later ready to go to Norfolk to see my son tomorrow - all very excited :D x
Yaaaay found you! :)
Ooooooh I bet your excited to see him. Have an amazing time xx
Yaaaay found you! :)
Ooooooh I bet your excited to see him. Have an amazing time xx

Hello there and welcome to my ramblings and wafflings xx
You are doing smashing Katie :)
Have fun tomorrow :)
Decision re food has been made, I'm eating - my mum is now here for the day and we had a chat and she also thinks I'd be best to with not seeing them hardly - so in the end I've started a day early. Had some bacon earlier and a piece of toast and I've having a salad this evening.....cannot wait to eat a spring onion :)
Glad you've come to a decision. Have a lovely re union tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about it all xx
Ooo enjoy your spring onions :)