Katie-x's Ketosis Journey....

Hi Katie. How's it going? You seem a little quiet, are you ok? :) xx
Coolio. Thanks :) xx
Hey Katie I'm back again :)

Hope you and the family are well - not caught up with Danni's diary yet.... its taking me ages to wade through everyones to get up to speed after missing far too long on here! You are doing so well and I hope you have an amazing holiday if you don't come on here before that then I hope you HAD a great holiday! lol ;) x
I'm back! Honestly I've not been avoiding the site I've just not had a minute to myself I was literally out all weekend, I've got to admit to a bad food weekend but I'm not regretting it - as of today I'm on a healthy low calorie diet, no treats or additional food items allowed. Today the only thing I've had is a big healthy salad for tea with a mackerel fillet, some bits of smoked trout and a few prawns - no oils or sauces or anything.

I'll weigh in tomorrow but I'm expecting a five or six pond gain but I can live with it. I was going to go back on TS today but thought it was hardly worth it as I'll be finishing again on Thursday so went for the next best option.

Going to try and catch up with diaries this evening, hope everyone is fine and doing well xx
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay your back :) xx
Good to have you back x
I hope you are pleasantly surprised for WI today :)
Good morning, the lovely scales have me at 12st 9lb this morning which is a 4lb gain - I'm happy with that as I was expecting worse. I've got to be honest and say that I am already looking forward to getting back from holiday and being able to focus on being 100% TS again - it's so much easier when you've weeks ahead of you without any interruptions ;)

I got the results of my blood tests back yesterday and I'm a little confused but hopefully will know more on Friday - the ones for my under active thyroid, diabetes and cholesterol all came back as 'no action needed' even though I've not taken a tablet for any since September 2012.....which I know is wrong and I'm not condoning at all however I'm hoping when I see the nurse again on Friday that she'll tell me I no longer need medication for them!

For some reason I have to go back and have another full blood count, not quite sure what was up with the one taken last week but should find out from the nurse. On the day she was just concerned with my blood pressure which was low, 100/70 but apart from that one time when I went very woozy (thought I was dying) after a bath I have been fine???

Chatted to our friends who we are meeting on holiday last night, we are going out with them this Friday and I'm all excited as they are seeing if they can change their return flight so that they can spend an extra day or two with us in Amsterdam, I'm really hoping they can :D

On that note I'll end this marathon post, hope it's a lovely day for everyone xx
A nice surprise :)
When do you go on holiday ?:)
That's only a small gain if you were as bad as you say :). Glad to see you are well (possible blood issues aside!) and looking forward to getting away :)
4lb is nothing and the way you're going, you'll lose it in a tick, inspirational woman! X
You're winning with the salads there Katie. Lots of variety available to keep your taste buds satisfied so all good xx
A pound loss for me this morning - totally shattered as only got in from work at 10:30 last night, extra long day....got a mad busy day today with 3 meetings and an appraisal then a walk with TH this evening....no rest for the wicked ;)

Hope today is a good one for all xx
If you have shaken a pound already then you are certainly on the right tracks - just make sure you stay on the right track with TH later cause there's trouble in them there hills! Lol

Have an ace day :)
Day not completely to plan, I'd forgotten the youngest had an appointment with the neurologist!!! So I'm now sat in the Walton Centre waiting to probably get no information at all, but you never know ;)
Hope its not a waste of time Katie, very frustrating waiting for answers.

1lb down & eating, that's what I call a win/win situation. Well done XX
Fingers crossed for him! x