Kat's journey to slim...

So another good day yesterday. Although as it was sunny again we were outside all day, so now I have even more cleaning to do! Speed cleaning it is :rolleyes:

I've got a friend coming over today. We used to work and live in the same place years ago so got close then. As time has gone on we've both moved further afield and we don't see each other very often, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her. We've dieted together before, and ironically we're both dieting again. She's using slimming world. I think I'm going to tell her that I'm doing s&s, I've not told anyone else yet. Everyone still thinks I'm doing 5:2. Although if they actually paid attention to the number of times I say "no thanks I'm on a diet day" they'd realise.

Ah well, enough ramble, the cleaning is calling......

Have a good day :)
Good morning all.

I got another delivery yesterday - after a bit of drama of it being delivered to the wrong place :eek: S&S company were great and followed up on my behalf.

Anyway I'm thinking this might possibly be my last full delivery before I switch to 5:2. So my plan is for the next 28 days 100% on plan! which takes me nicely into a re feed for my night out. See where I am then and plan the next stage.....

With this in mind I did a sneaky weigh in this morning and I'm ecstatic, I'm now 9 st 11lbs :D

Ok I might not get to my final goal by then, but my aim will be to be at 9 st 7 lbs.

28 days 100% - day one and counting :cool:
Ur doin brilliantly omg i wud do js abt nething to get i 9.11 ne tips for me plz lmaoo awww soo happy for u its goin so well hun :) xxx
fantastic news on your weight
must the the nice weather ensuring you drink enough - keep up with the water
and another 28 days could see you quite a bit lighter
you never know you could be at the 9 by then stick with it :)
H x
I've had a few lightheaded episodes today!! Just as I've stood up, so think it's probably a blood pressure thing. I've had plenty to drink. Just having my last pack. I feel fine other than that and they only lasted a few moments. I'd rather they didn't happen too often though. Has anyone else had this? And any tips to reduce them would be gratefully appreciated.

On a plus note, just trying a toffee shake, which is surprisingly nice, didn't think it would be to my tastes.
Often. It's a very common side effect. Water will help and I think salt with meals helps me ( good for cramp too). Also spacing packs out well.

Oh thanks, I hadn't thought about salt, I'll give that a try.

feel better this morning. One of my fav shakes for breakfast - rhubarb and custard today - puts me in such a good mood! I'm thinking a may continue with a shake for breakfast once at goal, they're so yummy! I do however have them a lot thinner than s&s suggests, I put 400mls into them, still taste good to me and even more filling.

I've been with the girls this morning to see my grandma and even she has noticed I've lost weight, normally she barely notices me, she's always transfixed with the girls, who take great joy in entertaining her.

I'm going to sort out some clothes later, need to stop wearing my bigger clothes, it really does nothing for me. It will be good to be back in a few of my 'slimmer' clothes back at work next week. Hopefully I'll be having fewer 'fat' days and stop picking my baggy stuff to hide behind! Confidence here I come, not seen you in a while :rolleyes:
Yaay its a fab feelin wen others notice ur weight loss i defo feel on top of the world then :) yh salt is ment to help with light headesness hun hope ur kk hun :) n have had a gd day so far cc
Oh dear it's going to be a long day. Both of my little girls appear to have a tummy bug! Neither really ate tea last night and both went to bed early (at their request) which I thought was too good to be true! My youngest was back awake by half nine and started being sick not much longer after. She was up until 12:30 vomiting on and off. Then my eldest woke at 4 being sick. We've been up since. My poor babies! :(

All seems calm at the moment. Both girls are currently playing with their blocks and watching TV (bad mummy I know) so I'm hoping the vomiting has stopped. But as you can see I've not had much sleep and this is one of my trigger situations! When I'm overly tired I tend to make bad food choices!

So I'm planning on a lifestyle day so I can squeeze in lots of "meals" during the day. I've already made some jelly, split into smaller pots so I can spread it out. I've got celeriac in so will make some chips (comfort food) I've got chicken and allowed veg so will make a small stir-fry and I might even treat myself to one of the s&s wafers. That and 2 packs will hopefully keep me from picking. Who would've thought you could get so much out of 650-700 calories!?!

I'm hoping this will be enough to get me through today.......Oh and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee!!! :coffee:

Wish me luck! I'll post back later as I'm sure coming on here will help too
This celeraic think im the onli one hu hasnt tried it :( cnt seemt o find it weneva im in tesco n i onli eva go into tesxo for s m s ingredients for some reason dno aww hunur plan sounds beaut :) xx hope ur children get better soon x
Looks like a lovely Bank holiday Monday :character00238:

Makes up for past couple of days with all the rain showers and sicky children! Fingers crossed, both seem ok today.

I think if the weather holds we might even join the masses and get the BBQ out. Think I feel brave enough to attempt some lifestyle things. Might even try grill some salmon as I really fancy some.

Again I'm feeling good today. Just had a cherry chocolate shake to start the day. I have my shakes with about 400mls as I prefer them a lot thinner than suggested. I'm my opinion they're still as yummy, but oh my is my stomach full today. Think my stomach has officially shrunk - another lovely side effect of this diet
I've just had a bowlful of heaven....

Well ok a vanilla shake mixed with fage yogurt, but it's like cheesecake without the base! Really hit the spot. And oh so filling. Worth missing the milk in my coffee for.

Sounds delicious, how much yogurt did you use?
Sounds delicious, how much yogurt did you use?

It really was delicious. I used 75 grams of fage. Mixed the shake up into a paste with a little water first then mixed in yoghurt.
Lovely day yesterday. The weather held just, was a little cool, so we managed a BBQ. Salmon was delicious, I was going to be a bit naughty and have about 150g (my calories allowed it in the planner) but my youngest kept stealing some so bet I only got 100g in the end anyway!

The more I do this the more my brain is resetting on portion control and how easy ultra healthy meals are with just a little planning. I would happily have grilled fish and salad off plan, as I would happily just use a babybel for my cheese portion rather than the large hunks of cheese I used to think necessary to make a meal.

I think I will re-read the Beck solution, to try and reinforce some of these thoughts before I finish my journey with s&s.

I don't know if it's this diet or something else, but I feel ultra organised at the moment. Yesterday on top of sorting stuff for the BBQ I got loads of stuff done, things I feel like I've been putting off for ages. I sat down last night and felt very calm, I actually enjoyed watching a programme on TV without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else. I'm sure it made my bar taste nicer too!

Have a good day everyone
Today I think I've inadvertently had an excellent diet aid added to my body! :eek:

I've had a filling and unfortunately at the time of having it done my mouth was so numb, that when the dentist asked if it felt ok I dutifully nodded, when in honesty I didn't have a clue. That'll serve me right for being too polite :rolleyes: Once the anaesthetic had worn off I realised I didn't actually have a good bite any more. I tried a bit of a bar this afternoon and I can't really chew without causing myself pain! I'm mega busy for the rest of the week as I'm back at work tomorrow after a week off, it'll take me all week to catch up with everything. So it looks like a few days of shakes until I can get it sorted. Ah well at least it's one more reason not to break the diet!

In better news, another good day sorting and have completed my squats.
Gosh your tastes really can change on this diet can't they? I usually like sausages, so was rather excited to find out some of the low fat ones are ok on plan. I've had the tesco light choices ones before, so got them again, but ergh! I really didn't like them one bit. Worse still, now I've got indigestion!

On another note I've had a day of compliments about my weight loss :D Although, I did also get a few "you don't need to lose any more" comments. These will be ignored as I'm officially still overweight! The pleasure of being a shorty!

hope everyone is having a good day
I'm looking forward to weighing in in the morning. Only part of me is apprehensive, as I might be a little gutted if I've lost nothing in the past 10 days. Saying that, I'm so happy with the physical changes I can see on a daily basis now, it almost doesn't matter what the scales say.

We've a fairly full day out planned today, starting with the girls dancing lessons, then off to see a friends new baby, then off to see some family. I've promised the girls if they're good we'll have tea out on the way home. So I'm planning on Nando's, as I know they do a mixed leaf salad that I can have with plain chicken.

Have a good Saturday everyone