Katy's Diary

Straight back on it! First day back today. Went ok as I was doing revision session. Didnt manage lunch as there were kids around and didnt want questions about shakes. I'm nervous about line manager situation though... Can't lie. :-/
I'm at the gym, by the way. Very impressed with self. Keeps me motivated.
I did- she shuffled away down corridor. I was in diff part of building.
That was so short- soz- was in car! It was all fine. Discussions to happen this week- it's the kinda thing that upsets me and had thrown me off the wagon before now :-/
Found this quote which is IDEAL for you Katy...

Sabotaging Thought: I’m too stressed right now to work on healthy eating.

Response: Even during times of stress, I brush my teeth, put on my seatbelt, take care of my kids, etc. Since I don’t let stress be an excuse to stop doing these things, I also can’t let it be an excuse to stop practicing my dieting skills.

Don't let work or this woman sabotage you doing this for yourself and being the weight you want to be! You'll feel better about staying on track in the long run. Well done on the gym and getting straight back on again xx
Thank you soooo much! I love this. I might write it down somewhere in my diary! The behaviour's got to change, hasn't it? As soon as something happens I can't be wolfing monster munch and dairy milk! Xxx
amymarie you should be on commission :D:D it's soooo good though I'm going to send it to everyone at work when I get there today they'll love it! Might 'like' the facebook thing of it cos they might post a different message on my wall every day to motivate me.

Well done for staying on track Katy - don't let her ruin your diet :D Do it to spite her :D
Thanks girls! I'm all parked up and ready to go in. Roll on the next few months when Ill know more about the future. I put something on fb about visiting the college and several people asked me yesterday- my references and bosses know now, so I don't need to keep it underground!

Makes for interesting conversation. As long as the kids don't find out!

Mixed crispy choc and hazelnut this am- and had them warm! Mmm mmm!

Good days to you all xxx
Thank you soooo much! I love this. I might write it down somewhere in my diary! The behaviour's got to change, hasn't it? As soon as something happens I can't be wolfing monster munch and dairy milk! Xxx

Ahhh monster munch and dairy milk.......sorry distracted! Yes use this as a reason TO diet not a reason NOT to, to make your self feel better. Well done on being a gym bunny :)
Ok- the meeting I was dreading today was fine... I did no sabotaging and got myself a new line manager!!!

Another work out today too. Determined for some visible change. Saw myself in the work mirror & look just the same!

Week 1= 8lbs (and a curry on sat!!!)
Ok- the meeting I was dreading today was fine... I did no sabotaging and got myself a new line manager!!!

Another work out today too. Determined for some visible change. Saw myself in the work mirror & look just the same!

Week 1= 8lbs (and a curry on sat!!!)

Fab loss!! You should take photos and compare, I don't see any change when I look at myself in the mirror, I only realise when I look at old photos. Glad your meeting went well!

Ok- the meeting I was dreading today was fine... I did no sabotaging and got myself a new line manager!!!

Another work out today too. Determined for some visible change. Saw myself in the work mirror & look just the same!

Week 1= 8lbs (and a curry on sat!!!)

Well done on the 8lbs and the kick ass meeting getting a new LM :)
Haven't done photos yet, but must.

Proper fancied a smoked sausage all week, so I've had half a half fat one with loAds of leeks, cabbage, broc, mushrooms with a spoon of boilliuon. Flipping yes! Amazing!

I know the sausage isn't a good idea... But it was incredible!
I actually made swede chips and I can't manage them! Wow!

I'm feeling a bit run down and physically crap. I've been working hard- actually at work and working out and have hit a bit of a wall. Had to stay in bed today. Cheered myself up by changing the sheets and having a coke zero.

Last week I had a bit of a tuna salad accident in my handbag and my lovely purse now stinks in a very special rank way. Got myself a new purse which I think is rather fitting for my new career (if it happens). It's cute and doesn't stink!


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