Kay's journey to health and happiness

You wouldn't want them believe me, I wish mine were small least they won't hang down in your belly

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Trust me, you'd rather have that then 2 staples in your chest :p xx
Just looking back at my diary and all this boobie talk I've done tonight :eek:, please don't think I'm crazy peeps :D, but maybe just a little mad ! hehe

Night night lovelies, catch you all tomorrow ! ;) xx
Just looking back at my diary and all this boobie talk I've done tonight :eek:, please don't think I'm crazy peeps :D, but maybe just a little mad ! hehe Night night lovelies, catch you all tomorrow ! ;) xx

Ha ha ,

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Haha! I love a good boobie conversation! :D
I'd best not tell you that I'm still a 34E had I? Lol.... I used to be a GG! :eek:

Do you have anything nice planned for today Kay? Xx
Glad you had a giggle last night with your mins friends. Ive been giggleing away reading your boobgate.

Looks like ive been making a booboo with the philly! Ill have to chop my own garlic and herbs into a plain one from now on. :p
Must admit just googled it and its a very grey subject. Some do use it as hex some dont. Think your right to stick to the sw websites advice.

Hope you have a nice sunday planned. Xx

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Morning Kay. Hope you are well this am
Sorry to go back to the philly Kay but old mag i have says 57g of any philly lights (flavoured too) as a hexb on green only, could someone please check online and confirm for me. It is an old mag so may have changed. Sorry i do use it quite a bit so would like to have it confirmed. Thank you. X

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Hi bubbles. It's deffo not a hex I checked twice last night Kay also checked x

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Thanx texty. Gutted!:( crushed garlic and herbs it is then. :rolleyes: X

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Haha! I love a good boobie conversation! :D
I'd best not tell you that I'm still a 34E had I? Lol.... I used to be a GG! :eek:

Do you have anything nice planned for today Kay? Xx

See all of you are :p ah well I feel left out ;). I've had a nice Sunday thanks, my sister has been around so it was great to finally catch up. Hope you're having a fab Sunday too :) xx
Morning Kay. Hope you are well this am

Afternoon Jen :p, I'm fine thanks, hope your having a lovely Sunday hun, the sun is shinning here its lovely :) xx
Thanx texty. Gutted!:( crushed garlic and herbs it is then. :rolleyes: X

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Afternoon bubbles hope your having a nice Sunday :). I'm gutted too hun, all the recipes I wanted to do with philly, I needed to use the sweet chilli one and the garlic and herb one, guess I will add them separate like you or either if I can't be bothered then I might buy the philly with chives that's allowed @ 75g as hex . Asda have got the 300g large tub on offer for £1, think I might stock up on some xx
Afternoon everyone ! :p

The sun is shinning :cool: and I am a very happy bunny ! :bunnydance:

My sister came around this morning and we had brunch together and then went for a lovely walk to our local park ;).

I've been very productive this morning, not only did I make a delicious frittata but I also managed to cook a lovely lentil curry for tea tonight .

Here is the lentil curry bubbling away in the pan .


Here is my delicious frittata we had for brunch, I'm stuffed ! :p

IMG_0972.JPG IMG_0974.JPG

My sister has gone now, I need to get cracking on sorting my clothes out now, hard to work when its so lovely outside, feel like just chilling in the garden in the sun. Oh well duty calls lol, hope your all enjoying your Sunday afternoon, hope to catch up with you all later ! Adios ! xx
Yum yum
Looks lovely ,
Glad you've got sunshine , it's full and cold here, well I'm cold but arnt I always,
Yay to getting round to sorting your stuff out,
Catch you later

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Yum yum
Looks lovely ,
Glad you've got sunshine , it's full and cold here, well I'm cold but arnt I always,
Yay to getting round to sorting your stuff out,
Catch you later

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Hello lovely :), hope you've had a nice day, will pop over to your diary for a catch up xx
Ooo your lentil curry looks fab :) hope you're having a lovely afternoon xx

Hi Kathryn, I had a nice day thanks :), hope you enjoyed your Sunday too, will pop over to your diary in a mo xx
Evening everyone ! :p

So I just finished eating my yummy lentil curry. I feel so stuffed :). I managed to sort some of my clothes out. I have made charity bags for my big clothes. I have also made a separate pile of stuff that I want to sell. It's strange but I feel a bit bare getting rid of my big stuff, its like a security blanket incase I get big, I've got stuff I will fit into, I know it's silly really, I really should get rid of it, then I know I will have to keep my weight in check because I got nothing that fits me if I get bigger ! :D

I still have got books, stationery, music/dvds, toiletries, accessories left to do tomorrow :rolleyes:, I really thought I would finish today but started to feel too tired to finish this evening, now I just want to chill :p. I'm looking forward to doing my books and magazine section, I've got so many cookbooks its not even funny. I need to buy a folder to start cutting out recipes from my SW magazines and adding them on there. So many little projects to do and such little time lol.

Oh and foodwise I was actually on plan today, but will start posting up after Tuesday's weigh in, stepped on the scales this morning, they are now 3lb up, whoopsie its all the junk I've been eating these last few days :p, expecting a gain on Tuesday but am ok with it and ready to start fresh and draw the line.

Hope you've all had a lovely Sunday, off to catch up on diaries now xx ;)
Hi Kay
I know what yon mean about clothes. I have given my sister a lot of my old clothes ( she is following sw too so they are good for her to use as she goes through the sizes). However I still have a few just in case my plan is to get rid of them soon too!

I bought a recipe book in the lakes which is blank and you put in your favourite recipes in order. It has sections so yin can section them how you want, I am yet to fill it in but I shall be doing with my favourites very soon.
Ooh sorry missed you tonight,
The days flown by since I got back from my walk,

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