Kellmo's conso (sort of)

Thursday 3.1.13

Weight - 9 stone 10 (why?!)

Breakfast - muffins, yogurt and raspberries

Lunch - roast chicken. Permitted slice of brown bread with lightest Lurpak (never eating margarine again after that TV program last night!)

Tea - fish in tomato sauce with fennel and BNS

Snacks - tomatoes and beet root. FFFF with SF jelly crystals.
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yeah told my dad who eats marg for health reasons lol hes going onto lurpack but small amounts xxx
Oh what programme?

It was on channel 5. It was crap really but margarine is full of hydrogenated fats which are NASTY. Comparing marg to butter today in the supermarket and considering I hardly ever eat it (but my children do daily) it was a no brainer.

They also gave harsh warnings on aspartame being carcinogenic which is scary but what else can we do?! It's have fattening sugar or, er, aspartame!
Weight - STILL 9 stone 10 (going to have to do all weekend on PP I think, with some walking!)

Breakfast - rhubarb, FFFF and muffins

Lunch - leftover fish in tomato sauce

Gallons of water

Tea - chilli with salad and apple. I piece of tomato bread (ooops).... A hoof load of bloody smarties, kinder, quality street



I hour walk with dog and friend!

Considering PP all weekend.

* added wheatbran to tomorrow's muffins to aid erm 'digestion'
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yeah told my dad who eats marg for health reasons lol hes going onto lurpack but small amounts xxx

Wasn't it scary? I hardly eat marg but my healthy family have sandwiches every day (packed lunches for the girls and they love toast/bagels). YUKKKK!


I needed to make muffins but CBA making individual, fiddly ones so I made a muffin loaf. Divided into 4 pieces for 4 days and bunged in freezer. Et voila!
mmmm that looks like a ginger cake, come on Kell we can do this lets get our mojo back..................STARTING now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never thought about making the muffins into a loaf, I suppose you could make a big trifle ...........I must stop now !!!!!!
Ok. On a mission with Sid (and anybody else who'd like to join in) to lose the Christmas lbs. 4 of them. I'm doing PP today and tomorrow (can't do it Monday as I'm at uni) and will see how the scales are after that. The ONLY tolerateds are muffins and rhubarb as that helps with erm, transit (also adding wheatbran to aid this)

Sat 5.1.13 - PP day

Breakfast - muffins, rhubarb, FFFF. Tea

Snack - 2 litres of water (yummeeeeeee!)

Dinner - 4 small pieces of quick fry steak. With salt and pepper.

Tea - Roast chicken

Snack - FFFF with SF jelly crystals

More water, SF Vimto and tea and coffee.

35 min walk with dog.
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Sun 6.1.13

Yey!!! 2lbs off this morning so half way there, only 2lb off goal (and I'm not having my usual BM so hopefully when I get back into normal routine this will come back)

Weight - 9 stone 9.
Goal weight - 9 stone 7.

Another PP day today and hopefully get rid of 2 more.
Kell 2lb fantastic tw with in a week at this rate. Whats on the menu today??????? I cant face food yet I just about kept my paracetamol down.(will I ever learn lol)
Kell 2lb fantastic tw with in a week at this rate. Whats on the menu today??????? I cant face food yet I just about kept my paracetamol down.(will I ever learn lol)

Oh no, get some alka seltzer!

-4lb is wonderful after a nights drinking! The trouble is when I drink I eat like a cave woman that's not been fed for a week! Not attractive.

I'm actually below my TW as I didn't follow Dukan from the beginning so I shouldn't complain but I got used to 9 and a half stone so it's there where I'm aiming for. Think my true weight is 10stone 2.

I hope you're better soon Sid x

Oh menu -

Breakfast - muffins, rhubarb and yogurt

Lunch - steak and 2 fried eggs. FFFF with SF jelly crystals.

Heaps of h2o

Tea - chicken with Thai 7 spice and yogurt with coriander.

Snack - FFFF with jelly
Last edited: reminded me I have rhubarb in the freezer, mmmmmmmm
Your doing fab, you'll be back at your goal weight by the end of the week I bet ! X