Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

Yuk, 2 days off CD and already feeling bloated and heavy and constipated.

I miss that empty belly feeling, and it scares me that I am permenantly feeling hungry!
Morning Kez

Hope you are well, coming off CD is hard in a way, if you aren't following any kind of diet as such, can you keep up the water to stop the bloatedness?

Last week on SW, there was a girl - Snuggle who followed a fish diet all week on EE, but restricted carbs and ate loads of fish, and lost 8lb! But what she said was that she never felt bloated during that week as she would normally do when she'd eaten carbs. Gonna give that a go myself next week, gotta be worth a try and can only gain from the extra brain cells, lol... xxx
Definately worth looking into, I never know what to do with fish. Have had pasta the last couple of days and it's sitting so heavy. Think I might be having a few stir frys over the weekend. Lots of veggies!
Try and stick to a red'ish sort of week, which in turn gives you lots of meat or fish plus veggies and fruit. Its healthy and with the water too, it'll stop that bloated feeling. The thread if you fancy looking at it to see how she did loose 8lb (and near target too) "my fishy week" in the main sw forum. Got my meals planned for next week, already, lol.. even if I loose half that, it'd be great. x
Hey hun, just had a big catch up because I've been AWOL for the last couple of days, sorry to hear about the application and CD. Don't think of it as a negative though, it's giving your body a break, and if you stick to Atkins/SW Red days you'll still keep on losing. I'm a fine one to talk though I've completely lost it, dread the scales and I can't wait to get back to normal on Monday because I totally hate feeling this bloated and yet hungry at the same time.

I feel like an elephant, and I feel really uncomfortable. However one positive from this week of complete meltdown is that in the past I never used to feel this way until I was approaching 18st. I don't think even I've managed to put on almost 5st in a week so I guess my threshold for feeling gross has lowered at last, so no matter what I'll never get up to nearly 18st again.

Sorry hun I seem to have managed toake this post in your diary all about me :( hope you're okay, and stay on here, no matter what diet you do xxxx
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is having a lovely weekend? I'm back on CD today, not sure how I am going to find the money, but I will manage somehow. It's payday on Wednesday, so I'll just have to tighten up on another budget somehow?! lol

I need to do CD, in 4 days I've managed to put on 7lbs. I've just been eating for the sake of it, def not tackled my bingeing issues in the slightest. I'm terrified I am going to end up back where I was and never get to where I want to be.

So I am 3 shakes short off making it to an appointment with CDC on Thursday. I am off work on Wednesday, so might ask her if I can pop in and pick up a week worth and catch up with her next week when I am back into it.

I know the next few days are going to be hell as I have been properly carb bingeing, but I already feel better for going back onto CD.

Quick catch up.....

Have had the crappest week at work ever, feeling very low about things. Have sent out a few applications for jobs, but after talking to my boss about how demotivated the girls in the office were, he started going on about how he would be lost without me, so now I feel torn. Do I walk away and go for more money and new oppurtunities, knowing that my leaving will cause a lot of hassle for the company. Or do I stay with the company out of a mixture of guilt and loyalty and ride the wave? Hoping things will pick up again?

We went to Moss Bros yesterday and picked out the lads suits for the wedding, they're going to look so handsome! Also finally picked my engagement ring up from the jewellers and it looks completely different and I'm not sure I like it? Thing is they have done what I asked in the sense of I wanted the diamonds to be secured, but I hadn't planned on it looking like a completely different ring??? Sometimes I look at it and like it, other times I look at it and don't?! Hmmm........

I've spent most of the past few days with my horsey that has returned as she has poorly feet :( So I've had to hire a stable from a friend and bed her down. Bless her, she's so foot sore I can't even lead her out across the concrete yard to the paddock. Luckily she LOVES being tucked up in a snuggy stable, so she isn't complaining too much. Farrier is out again on Wednesday to check up on her and she'll probably have to have some shoes put on to lift her off her soles and ease the pain.

Not a lot else to report, now going to have a catch up on other peoples diaries and check whether Scott is ok or not, because it sounds like he is cleaning the bathroom... :)
Hey hun you sound like you've had a similar week to me, work has been horrible, I've eaten for the sake of eating and the bingeing is far from being under control.

I think as far as work is concerned you need to do what's right for you, you can't think about how leaving will affect the company if that's what you chose to do, because you need to do what suits you not others.

I hope your poor horsey gets better soon, poor thing!!! Anyway no doubt I'm going to be on here lots and lots over the next couple of days. Minis really helps me get through the rough times and I feel a bit guilty for not being here for everyone this week. But I'm back now :) good luck with your restart too xxxx
Hmmm, just come on. So the next few days are going to be even harder as I'll be wanting to eat everything!!!!

Spoken to my CDC, popping in to see her tomoz, but told her I don't want to weigh. Will go back next week and weigh in properly, she wanted me to weigh, but I told her I want to remain in the 16's, so don't want to weigh again until I know I am still there.
I didn't get weighed last Wed, but I think I need to this week, but not going to find out what I put on just want to know how much I've lost next week, I think it's the only way I'm going to get through the next couple of weeks.

I took 2 packets of the pill back to back because I'll come on the day I go to New York if I didn't and I know it's ages away but I'd forget if I didn't do it now. I don't know if that's contributing to me feeling bloated too (probably not lol, it'll just be the food). Be strong Hun, you can do it!!! Xxxx
Afternoon all, I am getting a new car!!! Well an old car, but new to me. Well it isn't new to me, because I used to own it...sigh!

I'll explain....when I got my 4x4 my dad bought my Golf off me, for my sister to learn to drive in. Now she is selling it to upgrade to a newer model and I'm buying it back off her. Because as much as I love driving a 4x4, it is very juicy on the fuel.

Sister has kindly said she will except month installments as well, as def can't find the cash up front. Just got to decide whether to sell the 4x4 now, wouldn't get much for it. Maybe £600?! Or whether to keep it up at the fields as a workhorse.

Just got to find sis a car to buy now!

Am feeling super bloated and achey, have been peeing lots which I am suprised at as have got my TOTM and have only had 1 litre and 3 coffees?

Also, I am drinking blackcurrant squash. I know it is naughty, but I love blackcurrant squash and it's so much easier to neck down the litres when it's a bit yummy. As long as I am only on my 3 shakes a day, I can't imagine it would stop ketosis, as SS+ doesn't and an SS+ meal contains more carbs that squash does?

OH and I have decided I am not happy with my engagement ring, they ahve completely changed the design and shape without consulting me. I almost like it, but there are a few things I want changing, hopefully I won't have to fall out with them as I have a £150 credit to spend with them now.
hi, good luck with today. not good about your ring, i would go in and complain.

oh, and i know all about work stress!!!
How're you getting on this evening? I've got horrible belly ache, never had it before on CD, it feels like indigestion but I don't see how it can be that because all I've had today are two shakes and 2 litres of water. Very annoying!!

I'm really looking forward to feeling more normal again, give it another couple of days and I'll be back in ketosis and feeling a bit more with it. Hope the jewelers don't give you too much hassle about your ring!! Xx
Me too, just want to get through the next couple of days. Am feeling very shitty, another rubbish day at work and I am feeling so hungry. Just going to go to bed I think :(
Night Hun, hope you have a better day tomorrow xx
Woww, your thread is fast moving hun. Hope all is well. Glad your horse is back and hope his feet are ok, must make you feel better, knowing you can get to see him now, I know how my mum is with her horse, when she had them.

Good luck with CD hun, im sure you can do it. Chat later, as just popped in to check all was ok :) xx
How're you doing hun? I've had another good day and I'm back in ketosis, I've never gone into ketosis so fast. Its my dreaded WI tomorrow, part of me wants to know what the damage is but I'm going to stick with the plan and not allow myself to be swayed by the numbers. I don't want to become fixated on the 12's again because they're my mental block at the moment, instead I'm fixated on the end, 40 days away!!!

Hope you're okay hun, xxx
Good for you Hun, I don't want to weigh in in Thursday, going to try to go a whole week on my own as well. Have to do it sometime! By next Thursday I'll be back into new weight loss.

Got an interview tomorrow, kacking myself! Head of finance for roddas, the people who make clotted cream. Don't think I've got enough experience to be honest, but will be good experience as not had an interview in years and years.

The scales should show me the 16's again tomorrow so will be pleased to see them again. Nite x
Good luck with your interview and getting back into the 16's!!! Xxxx