Kim's diary of being a new mum

Hi honey! Loving the bump :D :D xx

Hope you're feeling alright now, sorry to hear you were feeling a bit "iffy" this morning xx

I've never suffered from heart burn either lol so would be interested to know what it feels like!!!

Have a good evening sweet :) xx
Thanks girls.....i don't think it was heartburn...i sort of had this weird pain in my chest/boob - difficult to know if it was my chest of boob, definitely not burning more like a sharp type pain......i guess it's probably changes in my boob. I REALLY am not looking forward to heartburn sounds awful :(

Feeling a better this evening, although still at work, but at least the "odd" feeling has gone....and my stomach hasn't really gone down, so maybe i have "popped". God knows if i am this big at 18 weeks i'm going to be MAHOOOOSIVE at 40 weeks! :eek::eek: Maybe it is a growth spurt - it seems to have quite a few of those at the momenti either feel odd or i feel ravenous!
18+6 weeks

Last day of being 18 weeks, and another week closer to the 20 week scan and half way point! :D

All is ok here, not really feeling baby yet which is making me impatient although this morning i had lots of weird feelings after eating my coco pops but couldn't work out if it was baby or just my tummy digesting said coco pops! Keep telling the baby to grow strong and give me a real kick to tell me it's definitely him/ far it isn't really listening!

Hmmm next week i have my 20 week scan! cannot wait - i am excited but a bit anxious at what could be wrong, but i am hoping that baby is happy and healthy in there and that it behaves!
18+6 weeks

Last day of being 18 weeks, and another week closer to the 20 week scan and half way point! :D

All is ok here, not really feeling baby yet which is making me impatient although this morning i had lots of weird feelings after eating my coco pops but couldn't work out if it was baby or just my tummy digesting said coco pops! Keep telling the baby to grow strong and give me a real kick to tell me it's definitely him/ far it isn't really listening!

Hmmm next week i have my 20 week scan! cannot wait - i am excited but a bit anxious at what could be wrong, but i am hoping that baby is happy and healthy in there and that it behaves!

I've only started feeling baby moving and only for its so regular now n different it could be easily dismissed as something else..
My movement is generally about an hour after I've eating...

I too do tell baby to give me a good kick to let me know its OK in there but so far is very disobedient!! LOL
I've only started feeling baby moving and only for its so regular now n different it could be easily dismissed as something else..
My movement is generally about an hour after I've eating...

I too do tell baby to give me a good kick to let me know its OK in there but so far is very disobedient!! LOL

I'm glad i'm not the only one with a disobediaent baby! I know my placenta was (i guess still is) at the front so i know there is a chance that that is cushioning the movement, but still very impatient. I've had about a week of nothing and then this morning had that weird feeling after eating but nothing since so i'm thinking it was probably something else other than baby. Mike keeps telling me to appreciate that i'm not being kicked and prodded all the time, but it's funny i just want that reasurrance that baby is ok!
I'm glad i'm not the only one with a disobediaent baby! I know my placenta was (i guess still is) at the front so i know there is a chance that that is cushioning the movement, but still very impatient. I've had about a week of nothing and then this morning had that weird feeling after eating but nothing since so i'm thinking it was probably something else other than baby. Mike keeps telling me to appreciate that i'm not being kicked and prodded all the time, but it's funny i just want that reasurrance that baby is ok!

Sarah has that same placenta issue.. It seems to cushion allot ya.. I'd say it was baby.. To me.. If feels like.. You know when you were little and used to catch butterflies (or was that just me?! lol) and hold them in yer hands and they'd be fluttering their wings like mad??? That's how my little movements feel.. But maybe a little stronger than that...
I know a few people describe it differently but that's how it feels for me..
I've got anterior placenta too, like Frances said, and I've only really started feeling it often the last fortnight maybe. When I feel it it's really low down and sometimes it feels like it's kicking me in the lady bits. But I've read they can kick your cervix so that's probably what it is. Some people have anterior placentas and can feel it all the time. I think it depends on baby's position, ours must have its legs dangling down haha.
Same as Sarah says above for placenta is anteria/at the front too so i think that even now i dont feel a lot of movement thats going on unless its really obvious.

Usually I feel kicking down, this is why for the last month its felt like he's kicking my bladder and i keep needing a wee lol

When i use my doppler...usually i can hear him moving around, but im not feeling it. So i think that the frontal placenta stops me feeling the more gentle movement
19+2 Weeks

Wow sorry girls, i was MIA over the weekend. We had my niece for the day on Saturday, she's 9 months and my sister wanted to decorate her living room...and doing that with a 9 month old is not an easy job! So i had a few bits to get in town so said we'd have her and take her with us. Well it was the most amusing thing ever, we walked around the shops with her in her buggy waving (like the queen) to everyone.....its her new trick that she's learnt how to wave and she was keeping us entertained with it....couple that with the fake laugh she's mastered too she had us laughing the whole time. It was lovely spending the day with her (apart from the poo explosion that saw me changing her completely in the back of my car as there was poo everywhere when i got her out the car seat :rolleyes:)

Saturday night my friend had her baby, another boy! So thats 3 of my friends all with boys......they are all waiting for my one to be a girl - we shall find out in Feb! She had a pretty horrific delivery (baby's shoulders got stuck) which worried me and my mum spent most of Sunday trying to reasure me that my pelvis is bigger and i shouldn't have that problem.

Other news is i think i have started to feel baby moving.....not kicks yet, but i had a few episodes of feeling like i was on a rollercoaster ride and my stomach sort of turned, and i've had a fair bit of fluttering type feelings from last night and again right now after eating my lunch. I haven't had any definite kicks or anything yet, but happy to feel something as it's reasurring.

Thursday i have my 20 week scan and i cannot wait i am just hoping that baby co-operates and we get at least one fairly decent photo as our 12 week scan photo isn't the best!

Hope you girls are all OK!

Well this morning i am working from home while i wait for the surveyor to come and do whatever mortgage surveyors do when they go to see a property. Surveyor is meant to be here between 10-12, so lets hope he/she turns up soon as it's now 11.15!

Definitely starting to feel baby now, still flutterings and the occasional tummy flip that makes me feel a bit queasy!

Went to see my friends and her new baby last night and he is so cute and has 2 teeth! yep a newborn with 2 teeth, it's just the cutest thing ever! I do feel for her as she is breastfeeding him (ouch!). He had been very content and sleepy in hospital and last night found his lungs and woke up.....she thought something was wrong and called me worried, but when i went over he was fine, just making his presence known! ;)

2 more days to the scan! wohooo! hurry up Thursday!!!!

Well this morning i am working from home while i wait for the surveyor to come and do whatever mortgage surveyors do when they go to see a property. Surveyor is meant to be here between 10-12, so lets hope he/she turns up soon as it's now 11.15!

Definitely starting to feel baby now, still flutterings and the occasional tummy flip that makes me feel a bit queasy!

Went to see my friends and her new baby last night and he is so cute and has 2 teeth! yep a newborn with 2 teeth, it's just the cutest thing ever! I do feel for her as she is breastfeeding him (ouch!). He had been very content and sleepy in hospital and last night found his lungs and woke up.....she thought something was wrong and called me worried, but when i went over he was fine, just making his presence known! ;)

2 more days to the scan! wohooo! hurry up Thursday!!!!
OOOOCHIE... Teeth n breastfeeding not a great combo...
Aw that's cute. I'm prepared for a baby with teeth. Got a baby toothbrush in the Kiddicare sale for 50p. Haha. And I'm not breast feeding so suppose it makes no difference to me if bubs has teeth. People looked at me as if I was mad when I said I'd got the toothbrush. I'm going to read them your thread and show them I'm right!!!
Re: Kim's pregnancy diary

Hehe aww good planning with the toothbrush. Best to get these things when you can :) good to be prepared!
Re: Kim's pregnancy diary

Eeeeek it's scan day today! An hour to go! Fingers crossed baby is cooperative :)
Good luck hun. Xxx