Kirstabubble's Food Diary - Back on it 100% :)

Morning all.

Thought I'd do my diary from the train today (I bloomin' love this iPad!)

Wednesday 29th June - red day

Train drink - skinny latte (hex a1)

Breakfast - 42g all bran, ff natural yoghurt and strawbs. Water

Lunch - tuna, cottage cheese, salad (lettuce, tomatoes and pepper). Fruit of some description. 1 alpen light bar (3.5 syns)

Pre gym snack - 2 x wholemeal toast from 400g loaf (hex b2) with spread (2 syns).

Dinner - salmon baked with black pepper, 71g Philly light (hex a2), peppers and fry light. Mixed veg (0.5 syns)

Total syns = 6 (25.5 for the week)

Hi hun - looking good. What do you do at the gym? I need a plan to follow xxx
I haven't been going to the gym as much recently as it's too hot in there, and when the weather is nice, I like to be outside. Normally I do about a half hour run, stretch, and then go for a swim (normally end up doing about 700m or so).

I've been going to Zumba which I really enjoy and playing a lot of tennis...I'm trying to play more, so I can eventually play matches for the club. Once I've got to that stage, I will probably not renew my gym membership, as I'll be playing enough tennis.

Blimey, that was a rambly message!

Whilst I'm here, my diary for today...

Thursday 30th June - Extra Easy

Breakfast - Skinny latte (Hex A) with Alpen light bar (1/2 Hex B) and banana.

Snack - choccy digestive (4 syns). Strawbs and natural yoghurt.

More Snack - Edamame Beans and 2 ryvita (other half of Hex B)

Lunch - spinach, potato and chick pea curry (has toms and onion in it too for SF), with prawns added, basmati rice. Muller light.

Dinner - Turkey stir fry with lots of veg and super noodles (low fat), cherries with FF Fromais Frais.

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Morning all.

Very stressful morning...not for any real reason but things kept going wrong, traffic was bad so I was late to work, then my PC packed up for a bit, just loads of niggly things that mount up and p1ss you off!

Anyway, am now sat at my desk with can of Diet Coke and feeling more chilled out now!

Food diary for today...

Friday 1st July - Extra Easy

Breakfast - sausage sandwich - hex B for bread, 1 syns for sausages, 1 syn for spread and 1/2 syn for weeny bit of ketchup. Banana.

Lunch - TBC but I think it will be a massive jacket potato with chicken tikka and salad.

Dinner - this is where it gets tricky. I am going to the cinema early and then driving home so I don't know where I will get chance to have dinner. My lunch will be mahoosive so I am hoping not to be too hungry.

May have a few pick n mix though - gonna have 15 syns today as its Friday. Weekly syns (inc today) is 52.5. Which allows me 52.5 for the weekend. Keeping 45 syns for Sat and then 7.5 for Sunday

Right, I'm going to be honest.

My annoying things keep happening day just got worse.

I went to Tesco to get some pick n mix for the cinema later and whilst I was there, spotted that my FAVE wine was reduced to a fiver. So bought two bottles.

As I was walking back to the office, the bag obviously had a hole in it, wine fell through and smashed all over the floor. So there's me in the middle of the high street at lunch, picking up broken glass, smelling like a booze hound. Great.

So I sort that out and go to the place to get my massive JP only to find that there is only one left and it is the size of a small pebble. No good, as I won't have any dinner tonight.

So instead I opt for a brown baguette with chicken and salad. And a bit of mayo.

Which is obviously well over my syns for the day.

Oh well, I shall cut my syns tomorrow to 30 which should be ok.

Awww hun, what a day hey!! Had to laugh at image of you smelling like a wino on the high street, hehe. How was the cinema? What did you go and see? I want to go and see bridesmaids. xx
Sorry u were having a bad day with the wine and JP troubles!! Hope ur ok now.

Sorry i havent been about, im feeling back on track today so i will hopefully get on here more often!!

Well done for being so good, gym and getting yourself back on track xxx
Been ok foodwise this weekend although have drunk a fair bit. Hoping for a small loss tomorrow.

I think whatever my weight is though, I'm gonna have to change my target to what I am now...I can't lose any more until after the wedding in sept as my bridesmaid dress is a bit on the big side and it's too much of a faff to alter and it's sold out so can't get a smaller size.

And after the wedding, I, ahem, am considering changing to Pro Points to do the final bit of my weight loss as I want to get to 11 st 3lb. And maybe a change of method might see me there

Thoughts peeps?

I think that is a good idea hun, ProPoints does work for people closer to target as it tackles portion control.

I personally couldnt do it as there's lots of weighing and measuring for WW isnt there? However if you want to give it a go then do - it's not like you cant change back if it doesnt suit you!!

Yea, I'm gonna sit down with my friend who is doing it when we have our hair trials for the wedding next week and see if I can get my head round it.

I probs would just do it from home, as I can get enough help here (might keep my food diary here though as I miss you lot!)

But SW is the way at the moment so here is my diary for today.

Monday 4th July - Extra Easy

Breakfast - skinny latte (Hex A), all bran (Hex B), strawbs and FF yoghurt.

Mid morning - chocolate (8 syns) with a cuppa.

Lunch - Ham, leftover pasta salad (1 syn), lettuce and a pepper. Banana.

Dinner - Not sure yet - shall update later

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I dont know enough about pro points but are you thinking of maintaining until the wedding and then starting something new. I dont see why that wouldnt work but again, i only know sw. That image of you with the wine in the street is so funny. We all have days like that. :) Food diary looking good and loving the piccys.
Still no toilet action. For someone with Crohn's, this is rather unusual!

Gonna do my nest to move things along today!

Tuesday 5th July - Green Day

Breakfast - Skinny latte (Hex A1), 42 g all bran (Hex B1), banana and FF yoghurt.

Snack - Chewy sweet thing (4 syns)

Lunch - Tesco Taco bean mix with plain rice. Strawbs.

Cake - 10 syns

Dinner - Boiled eggs, crispy bacon, potato wedges, salad.

14 syns for today.

I feel rotten. Poorly head and throat. And generally glum
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Hope ur feeling much better soon hun xx
Morning all.

Feel a bit better today - especially as I'm off to see take that today! Wahoo.

I have established the reason for my sore throat, I have an ulcer right next to my tonsils - blooming killing me. Salt gargle helps though!

Diary for today...

Wednesday 6th July - Extra Easy

Breakfast - Banana. 2 Weetabix (HEx B) with milk (Hex A).

Snack - Latte and a chocolate (5.5 syns)

Lunch - Chicken salad thing from a cafe down the road - I will allow 4.5 syns for anything not free in it (oil most likely), but it is usually just chicken, roasted veg, cous cous and salad.

Pre Take That snack - Super speed soup

Not sure if I will get any dinner as I refuse to pay wembley prices for food. I am going to see if I can find out the syns in a tofu curry from Wasabi and may have that on my way home.

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They were amazing! I personally think the last tour was better, but seeing as that was the best live show I have ever seen, there was a lot to live up to.

The only thing I had was a pint of Pimms - probably about 10 syns in it but I didn't eat anything as the soup filled me up before I go. And by the time I got in at 1230, I was so tired I went straight to bed!

Am shattered today though, I don't really do very well on such little sleep and the first thing I had to do this morning was clear up cat sick! How wonderful!

Today didn't start off so well - I had half a flapjack for breakfast! Shan't be having any more syns today then!

Rest of the day is as follows...

Snack - Banana

Lunch - Chick Pea Dhal and rice.

Dinner - Superspeed soup.

Will try and drink lots of water too
