Kirsty's Diary - Need a kick up the bum!!!

David was in aw of me last night telling me how much slimmer I look, felt really good! :)
Felt so hungry last night, just wanted to eat and eat! Had a banana before dinner and kept going in for handfuls of bran flakes, naughty me! lol Last night was a nightmare I even nearly had a bowl of bran flakes for supper at 9is but David stopped me and I went in a huff, how pathetic! lol I think it's cause I never went to the gym so wasn't busy to keep my mind off food! Plus tom is due and have found the week before it I tend to get really hungry!

Still have that horrible feeling I am going to stay the same this week, let's hope not!! :)
Feeling more energised today! :) and really happy for a change. I think yesterday off the exercise was probably good for me and now have my energy back for Friday tomorrow!! :) Haven't started back on the squats and dumbells yet hopefully will have the motivation to do it tomorrow, if not next week xx
It's Friday! Woo! Grabbed my energy with both hands this morning and broke out of my sluggish cycle for the week, managed 3 sets 20 squats and my dumbell exercises! :) Yay me! So glad I found my energy back :) xx
have a good day kirsty!
Thanks Ria you too! good luck with the interview! let us know how u get on! :) XX
Friday night - and wasn't too bad! Had a bottle of rose wine and a couple of white wine spritzers with sarah, we sat and watched twilight tonight, sarah is completely obsessed with it! lol I have the books but have been halfway through the first one and can't seem to get back into it, that should prob give a challenge for me to complete it when I am thinking about eating. Also jackie got a doner calzone and had a few bites of it :( oops, anyways hopefully that won't affect my weight loss although I do feel like tom is due so may stay the same this week! :( xx
Hahahah! Just went to the gym and it is so laughable, only done 20mins! This heat is killing me! lol :) xx
Weighed myself this morning and 1lb down! :) Am happy, with tom due I am glad I still managed to lose! yay!! It's so exciting, I am now 13st 10lbs.

Want to push that next 4lbs for my birthday in 3 weeks time on 17th June I am really wanting to be in the lower half of the 13's for my birthday, that would be the best birthday present I could get! lol :)

3 more weigh-ins until bday and hoping to be 13st 6lbs at least! Then that means 1 stone to lose for Zante! It's so exciting! :)
Well done kirsty! and just think, looking at your statistics you now have less weight to lose than you have lost!
Yeah I am over half way to my Zante goal! Can't wait! :) xx
W/Beginning 24/05/10

B: Bran flakes, milk
S: Apple
L: Tuna mayo, pitta, cucumber, apple
S: Banana
D: chicken, mayo, sweetcorn, baked potato, salad, lil coleslaw

B: Bran flakes
S: Apple
L: Tuna mayo pitta, cucumber, tangerine
S: Banana
D: Chicken, mayo, baked potato, sweetcorn, salad

B: Bran flakes, milk
S: Apple
L: tuna mayo, cucumber, pitta, tangerine
S: Banana,
S: Apple
D: chicken, spanish herb mix, peppers, onion, peas, sweetcorn, salad, bit coleslaw

B: Bran flakes, milk
S: Apple
L: tuna, mayo, cucumber, pitta, orange
S: Banana
D: chicken, mayo, sweetcorn, baked potato, salad

B: bran flakes
S: apple
L: tuna, mayo, cucumber, pitta, orange
S: banana
D: chicken, mayo sweetcorn, baked potato, salad
A: can smirnoff and cranberry
S: slice pepperoni pizza at jackies and some red bull! :) still buzzing from it!lol

B: Bran flakes
S: Apple
L: Greggs tuna sub roll
S: Beef hoola hoops
D: tesco chilli chicken sandwich, some tesco chip sticks and maltesers, red bull
A: 1 and half bottles rose wine - night in with david lol was soo good! :)

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Thanks Ali and well done on your 6lbs loss!:)
11 weeks to go to Zante! And am so glad I have managed to find my energy again for squats and dumbells this morning. Tried on my size 16 jeans last night and were easier to slip into and button up. Have a long way to go to get rid of the muffin top and thunder thighs though! lol Felt good though that it was easier to fit into them :)
That really good kirsty! i know what you mean about thunder thighs lol
Need to find more exercises to get rid of the fat on my thighs, want to be toned and get rid of the yucky bits! lol I suppose I'll just keep doing my squats and resistance at the gym and there's not much else I can do for them... The bums, tums and thighs class is on tomorrow night but don't think I'll have the courage to go. David keeps telling me I've to stop letting other people jeopordise reaching my goals to be a happier me, I wish he knew how I felt though.

Have begged Sarah and Jackie to go but neither will! lol xx
I totally agree with it being difficult, that why i go to a little council run gym instead of somewhere like virgin, dont like the thought of lots of people watching me sweating lol
Lol Ria.

Squats and dumbells done this morning! :)

Bums and tums tonight :( I don't know what to do?! :( xx
Well its completely up to you babe, wish i lived near ya id come with!