Lanarkwitch and SW The Epic Saga Continues

I was tiddly after one and a half beers on friday night :p

Were you on the firewater? x
Hi everyone, I am joining you today at 14.3.8 (it's good to be accurate lol), I came back from holidays weighing in at 15st 1 :)eek:) on 10th August and have managed to get off just over 11lbs of it so far, with a combination of SW/JUDDD, for health reasons I am not fasting any more so I expect I might be here a a few weeks. My target is 12st 10, seems high but anything below that is almost impossible for me to maintain, but we'll see how I get on. I've tried SW a right few times and always seem to have great results for 2 weeks and then get disheartened in week 3/4 when it slows/stops.

Doing it from home as I am based in Egypt, but all signed up online as I find it better motivation when I've handed over money!
Hi hun! You're back :)

I hope you're well and you can do this! I know it! :D

Good luck xxx
Aww thanks PP, I was just catching up on your diary yesterday, love the bump pics too xxx

Aww thanks :) Yeah, lots has gone on I think since we last spoke :D ha ha. Just over 15 weeks pregnant now xx
Well I have to say I am feeling much closer to normal since I stopped fasting, really enjoying being fully back on SW plan and the lbs are going nicely.

Should be studying, and as usual I am not, but feeling more able for it, choice between giant pile of ironing/ studying, what a very interesting life I lead!
Glad you're enjoying SW hun :) It's a fab plan! xxx
Well weigh in today and I am 3.2 down for the week, not even a full week as I only switched from JUDDD (after 3 up days) on Sunday, so was very pleased at weigh in this morning, my challenge for August was to get my holiday gain of 15 lbs off ( well it was 14.2 lbs technically) and I think we'll call it a a success as I now have a total of 13.6 lbs off since I came back on 10th August. A little worried about the weekend though but we'll see how we get on, I was glad to read in a SW article that saving syns for the weekend is absolutely fine, I had always thought this was a grey area but it seems not, this week I've done 777 since reading about it in a post by the lovely Jodieboo (thanks for that :)) and really upped my water intake, hasn't felt like a diet at all this week and no complaints from OH on the evening meals either so overall a great first week.
Wow! That is amazing, well done you!!! :) xx