LeaE's Jelly Wobble

demonp said:
Omg-i go away for a few hours and come back to so much to comment on-lucky its my lie in day today so i have some peace and quiet. Ok,firstly, as someone who has also opened one of those emotional boxes on this forum, i salute you for your post above. I know how hard it is to finally admit out loud to some of your deepest secrets. Trust me, you will now be able to make better sense of it. Until i met my husband i had said i would never get married for similar reasons to you-plus i was convinced i would get hurt. Get this-even when we did get married, i told him i didn't think it would last more than 18 months. Nice huh! Defense mechanism-just like making fat jokes about myself before anyone else does. We are now approaching our 10 year anniversary but i still have wobbles-and that's not just my thighs! Big admission now-my low body image has also ruined our sex life and Im not really sure why he is still with me, but Im bloody glad he is as he is my world. When you meet the right one LeahE, your heart will take over your insecurity and you will say yes-and you will make the most beautiful bride! Next thing-smash up your bloody scales-seriously girl, how many times do we have to tell you! Stop putting yourself through it! Next thing,the christening is just one day of your life. Relax. You are stronger than you realise. Just keep offering to hold babies and then you won't have any free hands for food and drink. Next thing-good luck with wi. Whatever you get will be amazing because you are still in control! And just keep thinking about those jeans. Sometimes lost inches say more than scales. Last thing-off subject-has anyone else read,'fifty shades grey'? Someone at work recommended it to me-started reading it yesterday and boy does it make you blush. If you after some escapisim here it is-could only have been written by a woman! Anyway-good luck again hun-everything crossed for you. Try not to sneeze on all that fairy dust that Sharon is sprinkling around for you:) x

Ah love thank u so much for that post it was like I was chatting with myself x our sex life goes up and down too ! Maybe an over share but I feel I should say this to u because sometimes u feel as though it's just u and all yr problems are worse than everyone's else's so brace yrself for this post pip x my bf sex drive has never been high x it's got better since he has been with me an he finds it difficult to talk about but due to previous relationships his sex life consisted of no fore play him climbing on top a few mins pump and then a squirt lmao got to make this light hearted lol and that for me is def not worth having to bare my flab for lol so over time we have progressed he still has some weird hang ups eg oral but he's a little better ! Well now I have made head way with his issues I now have to defeat mine ! I like going on top as it makes me look thinner but def no doggy as I just think omg my fat ass in the air my stomach and boobs wobbling all over and to be honest that makes me feel sick x I have sex in the dark ! Under covers ! With a vest top on etc to cover all my sins and even then sometimes when we are actually having sex I can't stop thinking how sorry I feel for him having to jump on a bouncy castle like me and how he prob cheats on me to get someone prettier and slimmer how mental is that while having sex ! I have so many tactics to cover and hide my body not just in the bedroom but in all aspects of life and just yesterday I had to angrily admit to my bf and sister I wasn't booking to go to alton towers this month after my excuses wore thin because I'm too fat and I'm scared I won't fit on the rides ! It nearly killed me saying that to them but it's part of the healing process and yes it was difficult but it makes it more real so means I have to deal with my weight now x anyway pip hope that over share helped and this post is a just for u to make u feel better and hopefully help u like u do me hope it wasn't too grafic but at least yr not hungry now after me making u want to vomit lol xxxx
Ah thank u guys xc Sharon I nearly choked on the bloody fairy dust this week lol but keep it coming as I lost 4 lbs this week x and good god I needed it I really really did this week ! I now feel set for the day food ! Food ! Buffet ! Deserts ! What are they ? I don't need them they make me very unhappy and are nothing but evil I'm armed with my tetra and bars ! I will be fine x I'm happy infact really dam happy ! It could rain all day an I would still feel sunshine now x

5th weigh in
Lost 4 lbs
Total 29lbs
Current weight 17stone 6lbs and guess what I'm actually happy to be weighing that this week lol
Bmi 39.4 yes I'm now out of the danger zone and I'm simply obese lol and I'm pleased with that also even though it's awful bmi still it's better than 44.2 where I started
And my waist is 34 inch down from 38inch xxxx
Thank u everyone for all yr help u are an amazing set of ppl xxxx
My girlies in rollers getting ready for the christening lol my tan went well too x


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Oh well done hun-that is fantastic! Now will you please get rid of the scales! You can see that they lie to you. Will reply to your other e mail tonight as i now have 2 screaming boys running round. Have fun at the christening. X ps fab photos! X
Well done on the loss hun that's amazing u are doing fab!
demonp said:
Oh well done hun-that is fantastic! Now will you please get rid of the scales! You can see that they lie to you. Will reply to your other e mail tonight as i now have 2 screaming boys running round. Have fun at the christening. X ps fab photos! X

Yes I have just put them in the wheelie bin after reading yr post they have caused me a nightmare this week ! Total bloody nightmare x
ayshaahmad said:
Well done on the loss hun that's amazing u are doing fab!

Thank u love my little hero x if anyone else hasn't read ayshaahman diary u really should she is doing so well x
LeaE said:
Thank u love my little hero x if anyone else hasn't read ayshaahman diary u really should she is doing so well x

Ahh thankyou hunni x
Thank u guys x yr all so kind x well quick moan for u ! Why oh why I why doesn't the bottom half of my belly ever reduce ! Yes that's right my stomach is so big it's in two halves ! Top half has shrunk so why won't the bottom half ! I'm sporting tight tights a pair of knickers and my pull in Bridget jones pants and still in my dress u can see the stomach standing out to everyone ! I'm wearing the dress even though that has just wound me up as its a size 20 and if I don't then I hopefully won't be able to again and it's a nice dress but by gum my legs and stomach do my head in x don't worry fellow minimins this isn't going to make me pack in it is infact going to make me stick ss 100% all day as it reminds me why I need to but come on big man up there give me a break and let my stomach and legs shrink a bit ! I'm working hard and I dam deserve that at least !
Well done on the wi :)
Your girls are gorgeous, such a sweet picture.
Tummys, my tummy is my biggest problem, compared to the test of me it's huge, it wobbles it's actualy disgusting.
Skin and fat, I need to work on it big time!
Enjoy your day :) x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
LeaE said:
Ah thank u guys xc Sharon I nearly choked on the bloody fairy dust this week lol but keep it coming as I lost 4 lbs this week x and good god I needed it I really really did this week ! I now feel set for the day food ! Food ! Buffet ! Deserts ! What are they ? I don't need them they make me very unhappy and are nothing but evil I'm armed with my tetra and bars ! I will be fine x I'm happy infact really dam happy ! It could rain all day an I would still feel sunshine now x

5th weigh in
Lost 4 lbs
Total 29lbs
Current weight 17stone 6lbs and guess what I'm actually happy to be weighing that this week lol
Bmi 39.4 yes I'm now out of the danger zone and I'm simply obese lol and I'm pleased with that also even though it's awful bmi still it's better than 44.2 where I started
And my waist is 34 inch down from 38inch xxxx
Thank u everyone for all yr help u are an amazing set of ppl xxxx

Oh my God!!! That is bloody brilliant sorry for overdosing you but thought you needed it!!! Whoohooooo and great inch loss as well you rock chicken!!! Your right your so much better than the crap food and Oh my God the bmi how awesome are you sooooooooo bloody happy for you gorgeous. Xxxxxxx
demonp said:
Oh well done hun-that is fantastic! Now will you please get rid of the scales! You can see that they lie to you. Will reply to your other e mail tonight as i now have 2 screaming boys running round. Have fun at the christening. X ps fab photos! X

Here here pip!!!! Xxx
LeaE said:
Ah love thank u so much for that post it was like I was chatting with myself x our sex life goes up and down too ! Maybe an over share but I feel I should say this to u because sometimes u feel as though it's just u and all yr problems are worse than everyone's else's so brace yrself for this post pip x my bf sex drive has never been high x it's got better since he has been with me an he finds it difficult to talk about but due to previous relationships his sex life consisted of no fore play him climbing on top a few mins pump and then a squirt lmao got to make this light hearted lol and that for me is def not worth having to bare my flab for lol so over time we have progressed he still has some weird hang ups eg oral but he's a little better ! Well now I have made head way with his issues I now have to defeat mine ! I like going on top as it makes me look thinner but def no doggy as I just think omg my fat ass in the air my stomach and boobs wobbling all over and to be honest that makes me feel sick x I have sex in the dark ! Under covers ! With a vest top on etc to cover all my sins and even then sometimes when we are actually having sex I can't stop thinking how sorry I feel for him having to jump on a bouncy castle like me and how he prob cheats on me to get someone prettier and slimmer how mental is that while having sex ! I have so many tactics to cover and hide my body not just in the bedroom but in all aspects of life and just yesterday I had to angrily admit to my bf and sister I wasn't booking to go to alton towers this month after my excuses wore thin because I'm too fat and I'm scared I won't fit on the rides ! It nearly killed me saying that to them but it's part of the healing process and yes it was difficult but it makes it more real so means I have to deal with my weight now x anyway pip hope that over share helped and this post is a just for u to make u feel better and hopefully help u like u do me hope it wasn't too grafic but at least yr not hungry now after me making u want to vomit lol xxxx

That was some very brave sharing! Here's mine-that no one else knows. It is me that has lost all sex drive and its been gone for about 7 years-maybe more. . .bear in mind Im only 35.i could probably count on my fingers how many times we've had sex in that time-and when we do its lights off etc. When we first got together we were like rabbits and then it just went. And its killing me. We have a perfect marriage otherwise apart from the fact that i live in fear he is getting it elsewhere-and who could blame him. Its like a constant elephant in the room-we don't talk about it because Im scared of what if might say. Im just praying that my libido is hiding under all this Flab. And yes, i have spoken to the Dr about it-they were crap-always an excuse for it-you've recently had a baby, medication you are on will effect it-come back in 6 months. Trouble is it takes so much courage to talk to them about it that i never in back. I hate the thought of counselling-Im afraid what might come out. So yes, I've got a lot riding on this diet! Sorry, tmi info for a Sunday eve but i thought after you were so honest it was only fair that i was too. Phew-like i said,-never told anyone, apart from Dr, about that and now i have just told a load of people who i have never met! This diet is mad! X
You two are truly amazing!! I don't need to say anything else yes I can add my bit but ya know another time maybe!! Love you both xxxxxxxxx
LeaE said:
Ah thank u guys xc Sharon I nearly choked on the bloody fairy dust this week lol but keep it coming as I lost 4 lbs this week x and good god I needed it I really really did this week ! I now feel set for the day food ! Food ! Buffet ! Deserts ! What are they ? I don't need them they make me very unhappy and are nothing but evil I'm armed with my tetra and bars ! I will be fine x I'm happy infact really dam happy ! It could rain all day an I would still feel sunshine now x

5th weigh in
Lost 4 lbs
Total 29lbs
Current weight 17stone 6lbs and guess what I'm actually happy to be weighing that this week lol
Bmi 39.4 yes I'm now out of the danger zone and I'm simply obese lol and I'm pleased with that also even though it's awful bmi still it's better than 44.2 where I started
And my waist is 34 inch down from 38inch xxxx
Thank u everyone for all yr help u are an amazing set of ppl xxxx

Fantastic well done acknowledge this wonderful achievement :)
LeaE said:
My girlies in rollers getting ready for the christening lol my tan went well too x

Wow your beautiful :)
LeaE said:
Thank u guys x yr all so kind x well quick moan for u ! Why oh why I why doesn't the bottom half of my belly ever reduce ! Yes that's right my stomach is so big it's in two halves ! Top half has shrunk so why won't the bottom half ! I'm sporting tight tights a pair of knickers and my pull in Bridget jones pants and still in my dress u can see the stomach standing out to everyone ! I'm wearing the dress even though that has just wound me up as its a size 20 and if I don't then I hopefully won't be able to again and it's a nice dress but by gum my legs and stomach do my head in x don't worry fellow minimins this isn't going to make me pack in it is infact going to make me stick ss 100% all day as it reminds me why I need to but come on big man up there give me a break and let my stomach and legs shrink a bit ! I'm working hard and I dam deserve that at least !

So know how u feel top half of tummy gone second half won't go away. I have a big do to go to tomorrow bf's family and am terrified they will think I'm preggers!!!
WillpowerWoman said:
So know how u feel top half of tummy gone second half won't go away. I have a big do to go to tomorrow bf's family and am terrified they will think I'm preggers!!!

A girl came up to me at my sons football match and asked me if I was pregnant ! I turned looked and said no and just stared at her I wanted to punch her on the end of the nose lol ! But it gave me the kick up the bum to lose weight . I'll show her when I'm slim ! ***** haha x