Learning to stay Thin Inside and Out


This is where I think we are blessed doing LL rather than most other diets
"there are reasons"
that's what LL helps us acknowledge and plan to confront - the reasons.
At my class last night one of the ladies recognised that the reason she's been putting weight back on is to get back at her partner for his rotten behaviour.
There are so many reasons that are not on the surface.
You'll get that weight off in no time. xx
We've missed your posts.
Aw thanks guys. Feeling very positive and happy to have got through day 1.

A small part of the problem has been all the snow. We have a lot of it and it is affecting every decision to leave the house. Treacherous walking or driving anywhere. Was great fun to start, but it has snowed every day since 18 Dec and even the kids are fed up of sledging, snowball fights and igloo building. We have postponed a trip to the Borders as the snowgates on the road south have been closed a lot.

Having trouble typing as very slow so finishing now.
Day 2 of corrective abstinence and so far so good. 3 packs in and no real cravings. Looking forward to a hot banana shake again tonight. And I'm looking forward to temps getting into positive figures again one day soon! xx
Good on you TI, we have had a fair bit of snow today, beautiful but playing havoc with the roads, so can't believe how you have coped so well up there.

The idea of a hot banana shake is fab, I miss mine, so might have one tomorrow as a meal instead of food.

Day three went OK until 10pm when I was clearing the kitchen and decided to wrap the remaining christmas cake up and store it until I could have a small piece in a couple of months time. I resisted the cake fine, but when it came to cleaning the cake board I found a few crumbs in my mouth :(. Arghhh. Then my thoughts were all about having a big piece of the cake I had just wrapped up. No packs left, so I had a sf jelly. I don't think this will have done any damage and the scales continue to head in the right direction.

Hoping to have a pop-in tomorrow to see where I am and get a surge of motivation. Today day 4, I am off work and taking the kids swimming which is always fun but stressful.
Hi T_I, sorry I've not posted for a while.

Don't stress about Christmas, put it behind you & move on (it looks to me like you already have). Many of us are trying to correct the December excesses so you're in good company.

So what if a few crumbs found their way into your mouth? You noticed, stopped & came up with a strategy to resist the temptation for a slice of cake. Well done :)

Stick at it, the excess will soon vanish & a slim Spring to look forward to.
Well done TI, sounds like you handled that brilliantly :) I can understand how hard it is, the weather is just making me want to eat, it's hard to stick to salads and light things atm. You are doing brilliantly.

Hi T_I how's it gone today - you sound like you are doing well. keep up the good work
daisy x
Day 4 was OK, but added some jelly last night too. All good so far today, but will have a bit of jelly later.

Had my pop-in this morning - to see how I was going and to have a chat with my LLC. Lost 8lb in the 4 days, so delighted with that. I explained about the jelly and asked if it would keep me out of ketosis. She thinks I am probably in ketosis given the loss, but suggested that it shouldn't metter as I am looking to lose a few lbs as part of learning about maintenance. It is about awareness and not letting a little bit of jelly become a little bit of a lot of things that are less helpful. ;) I think I am coping OK with this idea.

Thanks for the support.

Daisy, Sean and Jez - how are you going with managing to lose the Christmas lbs? I'll go and check out the maintainers refocus thread.
8lbs in 4 days -:wow:
Makes me want to go back on packs !
Thanks SB. I needed to see the big gain come off quickly so I can get back the feeling of control. I'm there again now. xx
Um... I guess not posting is my way of trying to hide in shame. wi last night was a gain of 6.5lb in three days. It scares me how quickly I can put on weight. Refocusing again. I need to learn to do something else to passtime. also not to beat myself up about lapses as this leads to more self-destruct.

Working on it. Still here.
First of all - well done in finding the courage to come here and say it! That is the first step to getting yourself on track. :) You are acknowledging your guilt to yourself more so, than to us. Remember, this diet, this lifestyle choice, all this, at the end of the day is for YOU.
NEVER give up on yourself. Never lose the belief in the fact that you deserve only the best chances in life - but those chances need to be inititated and kept up by you. The rest will follow.
Do not despair, this small slip is one of many in your life. But that's the thing: in the grand scheme of things, in the grand scale of what LIFE IS: this moment is so small. It is your choice as to how big you make it out to be. ... and to be honest : the WATER gain, is not a big deal. NO ONE CAN PHYSICALLY gain 6.5lbs of FAT in an extremely short amount of time. That is an excess of 22,750 calories on TOP of the 2'000 daily intake. Did you consume that much? Even with the largest, most stodgy food, I highly doubt it. Water-weight is the only thing that we can lose or gain in about the space of a week. Fat deposits simply do not work that quickly.

Therefore, I'm sending you much love and positive thoughts!! Do not give up on yourself, you are very much worth the battle. Do not view it as a failure. View it as a chance to prove yourself, prove to the rest of the world that you are strong and powerful. ;)

ditto to all minerva said

keep going you will get there!

daisy x

As Min says there's NO WAY it's fat, so please don't stress & don't feel ashamed. We all have these challenges to overcome, it's part of therich tappestry that is life (I know doesn't make you feel any better but it is a fact). Look at any of us & our posts over the pas 12 months & you know it's true.

The key is not to worry & put it behind you. Move along, nothing to see here!

Also, TBH I think it's a reality that we all need to face up to that we WILL 'fall off the wagon' from time to time, wether by accident or design. This isn't how I thought the World would work post LL, but sadly reality often disappoints!! lol...

So, pick yourself up, dust yourself down & start again --> but don't forget, look back at Jan 2009 & smile :) you've already come a long, long way :)
A positive note to myself. Remember, this time last year I was in my first week of abstinence. I weighed over 8 stone more than I do today. I wore size 22/24 shapeless clothes. I lacked self-esteem. I lacked energy. I felt tired, depressed, sad. I tried to hide in corners and not be noticed. I was a poor example to my kids.

Today I am a size 12 and can be a size 10. I feel great. I look great. I have energy. I can run! I command more respect at work. I have greater confidence to tackle difficult issues. I am a better example to my kids. this list can go on and on.

Hurrah for me!

Fabulous post - congratulations xxx
great points TI- and great attitude x
Yes. Now I gotta believe it and stop sabotaging myself! 10lbs on in the week :eek:. At this rate I can regain 10 months of loses in about three months.