Let's give this a try...

Day 34
Weighed-in today: have lost just over 1kg, not quite sure how that works on refeed. Still, not complaining :)
We decided that for the next three weeks, I'll replace one meal a day with a maintenance bar. Unfortunately the pharmacy only had one week's supply in stock, so they're ordering them in today and I'll go on Thursday and collect the rest.

Breakfast: Summer fruits shake. It's a bit too frothy for my liking, but it tastes like ice creams in the sunshine.
Lunch: Apple and maintenance bar. Was hungry.
Dinner: ...? Will think on this.
Day 36
Today I went back to the pharmacy and picked up the rest of the maintenance bars, so I'm set for the next few weeks :) I'm going away on holiday to Venice on Saturday, then to Essex two days after I get back, so I'll unlikely have any time for blogging. Am really hoping that the maintenance foods help me to not put weight back on!

Breakfast: Summer fruits maintenance shake
Lunch: Tuna sandwich. Felt a bit odd not putting margarine on, but didn't really miss it. The bread was some gluten-free stuff my mum gave me, I've had far worse but it still wasn't that appealing.
Snack: Maintenance shake. The sandwich wasn't really filling.
Dinner: Pasta bolognese. Less pasta than usual, but it still seemed like a lot to me. Maybe I'll cut down more on pasta, if having less doesn't feel different.
...and I confess, I had two white chocolates. They were heavenly, and I'm in a way proud I only had two (one in the afternoon, one in the evening). Still, must not make this a habit.

Cycled to campus and back, got a bit lost trying to find a camera shop (I took some photos the other day on 35mm film and can't find anywhere that develops them) so in total I spent just over an hour on the bike. I found it a bit easier going uphill, considering I haven't cycled in a while, so that's good. My bike's giving up on me though, I might switch to another bike soon.
...and I'm back :)
Italy was wonderful, very beautiful and I walked around most of Venice visiting churches. Then my walk to Walsingham was a wonderful experience, there's nothing like carrying a heavy wooden cross across three counties to bond a group together. On that note, Happy Easter everyone, hope it was great whatever you believe!
While I had a great time on both trips, I did overindulge... ice cream, pasta, pizza. Cakes and far too many sweet milky teas. They kept me going through the walk, and I'm sure the walking will have burned off calories and made me stronger (calf muscles are still aching a fair bit). All the same, I'm not particularly looking forward to weigh-in.
I had another thought about going back onto TFR for a while. Two reasons: 1, I'm in my final year of university and have exams coming up, and cooking is stressful and time consuming when I have revision and essays. 2, graduation. Two of my friends were comparing their graduation photos, and accurately pointed out that one of them took up twice the size of the frame as the other. I'm thinking that my graduation photo will stay with me for life, and I don't want to take up so much frame.
I'll talk this over on Tuesday and see what my pharmacist thinks.
wow you're doing really well! the first three days are horrible...but its all fine after that. i'm on day 6 now and lost 9lbs this week!! try putting pepper in the soups. and coffee in the vanilla shakes, varies it a tiny bit lol!! i don't understand the ketones either...but if you're loosing you're loosing! Who cares how! lol....
Today I went back to the pharmacy - have put on 4lb, which is admittedly less than I'd thought I'd have put on. We agreed that I'd go back on TFR for a while - she reckons that I'll be at a healthy weight in a month and a half if it works as well as it did last time - so fingers crossed for that. Given that I'll be away next Tuesday, I'll go for weigh-in on Friday. So... TFR starts again on Friday. Not dreading it this time, since I know I can do it, and hopefully there'll be a bit less temptation since I intend to skip church meals in order to revise. That, and I've got support on here, which really helps, so thanks everyone and wish me luck for TFR Part 2! :)
Cuqsuita hun you have done incrediably and TFR will do that extra wee bit you want hun goodluck xxxxx
Thanks :)

Day 2
Yesterday felt a little odd, going back on shakes. We're staying at a caravan park this weekend, so the temptation of snacks is quite high. Still, yesterday didn't drag on too much. Hoping today will be good!
Day 2 (again)
Darn, this is hard. I know it gets easier after this, but I'm feeling hungry, and helping to make my brother's dinner and watching him eat it isn't helping... when I started last time I was at my university-house, and didn't have to watch my housemates eat. Now I'm with my family until Friday, being on TFR isn't easy with all the food around.
...okay, self-pitying over for now.
Day 3
Transition-into-ketosis isn't going as smoothly as it did last time. Am hungry, body feels colder than usual, and felt a bit depressed earlier. On the plus side I'm not headache-y and am able to do some academic work (dissertation due in a fortnight!), but still. Time isn't dragging on as such, but still I'm half-tempted to go back to normal food. I know it'll get easier, though.
Day 4
On the plus side, I don't have to worry about making meals while I'm working on my dissertation. On the minus side, I still feel hungry and am having difficulty focusing. And my hands are still cold - I remember last time I was on TFR I felt colder than usual, so I think it's just something I'll have to get used to again.
So now I've set a goal date for my weight loss - 15th June isn't a momentous occasion or anything, but it is 8 days before the annual Chaplaincy ball at university. I'm thinking that I'd quite like to eat that evening, so I plan to end TFR and refeed by that time. After that it's a few weeks until graduation, but hopefully sensible eating will keep the weight off until that day and beyond. So... 28lb to lose in 2 months? I'll take things as they come.
PS. My Minimins picture is of me at the ball last year - hoping that this year I'll look better!
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Day 6
Am out of shakes, so today and tomorrow I'll be on just flapjacks. I quite liked having a shake for breakfast and dinner, perhaps I'll work out how many I'd need for that to happen next week. Today and yesterday I was distracted by my dissertation (yay...), and suddenly tomorrow is weigh-in. It feels a bit odd that almost a week has gone since I started TFR again - I miss food, but I don't crave it anymore. That's a good thing.
Day 7
Weighed-in today: have lost 5.1lb, so the holiday weight and a bit extra have gone :) The first week gives me the incentive to keep going, plus watching the ticker move each week is a real boost. I got an email from Church about a free soup lunch for students, on a cold day like today it is tempting but I'm going to keep TFR-ing until I'm happy with myself. Hopefully the sun'll come out soon.
Day 10
I felt hungry when I got home this evening at about half 6, so I ate my flapjack then. Two of my housemates are usually out on Monday evenings, so I didn't think I'd be too tempted by food. Wrong - they're both home this evening, and they're both great cooks. I'm upstairs and can smell their food, and feel hungry. Not so good. Also, things aren't going too well on the dissertation-front, so I don't have a positive distraction at the moment. Not good.
Day 11
Felt really lethargic today - work isn't going too well, and I felt like I'd drop asleep halfway through the afternoon. Hopefully today was just a blip with the amount of work I've got, but I'll keep an eye on my energy levels.
Hi Cuqsuita, you are doing really well , its hard when you smell food isnt it? I just think ooooo that smells nice and when Im finished L.T i will have some of that but I will be slim when I do lol keep up the good work :)
Thanks :) This morning I still had no energy, I confess I cheated a little and had some honey to perk me up. Feeling more alive now, I won't let a blip stop me!
Day 12
...and now my housemate's food is tempting me. That'll teach me to cheat. Was it this difficult on my first time round? Please let weigh-in come soon, that might motivate me to stay focused...
Day 12 (again).
Damnit, I cheated. I made a cake for my housemate's birthday, and ate some leftover cake mixture. Later when icing the cake, I ate some of the leftover icing. Ack. Not good. It would be easy to say I won't do it again, but I need to be honest with myself. I don't know if it was a peak in energy levels and craving sugar, or wanting the taste, or what. I'm going to try and not fall again.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Day 13
Today was going well, until I got back and my birthday-housemate suggested that we should eat birthday cake. I'd have said no if there'd been more people, but it was just us two, and she doesn't understand that I'm on this diet. She's the sort of person who'd awkwardly not eat cake if I didn't have some too. I had half a slice, which is half more than I should have. When my second housemate came back, she ate the second half of the slice for me - I'm glad of that, since I'd have been especially sad to bin it.
The last (I think) temptation comes on Saturday, when we four housemates (the fourth was asleep during all this) go out for a birthday/end-of-dissertation meal. I did say that I'd come along for the company but not have any food due to dieting, which the others seemed to accept.
Two days of cheating is really not good. I haven't yet tried the ketone pee-stick, I somewhat dread to think what it'll indicate tomorrow. Coming clean to the pharmacist won't be fun. I brought this on myself, though.