Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

A kettle bell would be a good doorstop.

Have you done any new recipes recently @lickthelid ? I'm learning all sort of things by 2 weeks of group. It's interesting what people manage to make from their healthy extras or free food.
A kettle bell would be a good doorstop.

Have you done any new recipes recently @lickthelid ? I'm learning all sort of things by 2 weeks of group. It's interesting what people manage to make from their healthy extras or free food.

Haha to the door stop. I hula hooped tonight I'm not tackling the kettle bell until after my little sojourn. I'm finding recipes and blogs hard with DD off school :( must try harder!!
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It's been lovely. I've been good-ish. Not terrible but thinking the amount of walking will help with any excesses. Had bread and some biccies here and there and didn't bring the scales to measure haha. However I have done some hooping. I may call holiday this Thursday and get back into normal routine before I weigh in officially. Heading back tomorrow late :)

Hope you have a good break @craftermary yiu are going to see your eldest if I remember right?
I'm back :) I've been on but not perfect so have decided to take this week as a holiday week and give myself the extra days to get back on the programme. I have no intention of carrying any thing over to home and I have by no means been awful but I was being so very specific before that my feet feel puffy with water :eek:

I'm on it today. SP style for a few days and with now ten days to go until next WI I'm hoping to rectify any damage done
I'm back :) I've been on but not perfect so have decided to take this week as a holiday week and give myself the extra days to get back on the programme. I have no intention of carrying any thing over to home and I have by no means been awful but I was being so very specific before that my feet feel puffy with water :eek:

I'm on it today. SP style for a few days and with now ten days to go until next WI I'm hoping to rectify any damage done

Lovely to have you back my dear and you deserve that holiday! I'm sure that the puffiness and water will go before next week :)
Let me know how SP goes! I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine :)

Ahh thanks Ruth. Maybe I'll get to wear a lovely dress like yours soon too. I have several from my size 12 days that I miss and came across last week whilst getting the suitcase out ;) makes me more determined. Lots of water and green tea today and no carbs is the plan. I'm aiming for the majority of my main meals to be fish based this week too :) nom nom

Starting with the the fish programme.


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Just sat with a (very yummy!) bowl of strawberries and read through most of your diary, you should be paid for this!! Very funny and inspirational thanks for sharing and i'm definitely coming back......soon!!
Lou x
Just sat with a (very yummy!) bowl of strawberries and read through most of your diary, you should be paid for this!! Very funny and inspirational thanks for sharing and i'm definitely coming back......soon!!
Lou x

Ahh thanks @Merlin79 Lou that's lovely of you :)

I mean, you CAN pay me if you wish? In all seriousness this place and the people who chat to me on here are what keep me on the straight and narrow. So please do come and visit us here :) I also have a YouTube channel, the link is below. I've not done one for a little bit but have some ideas. I just need the time and the quiet :)

Sam x
Haha honestly I would pay if i could!!
I definately will be around a lot more its already helping so much when I feel my hands reaching for the chocolate...or crisps...or get the idea:confused: I can't believe it took me so long to pluck up the courage to join!
Ummm i don't know if im being really stupid (its very possible!) but i can't see the link to your Youtube channel, would love to have a look:)
Thanks again x
Ahh thanks @Merlin79 Lou that's lovely of you :)

I mean, you CAN pay me if you wish? In all seriousness this place and the people who chat to me on here are what keep me on the straight and narrow. So please do come and visit us here :) I also have a YouTube channel, the link is below. I've not done one for a little bit but have some ideas. I just need the time and the quiet :)

Sam x
Hi Sam. Just back from final holiday and getting back into swing of things. Today is day 2 Don't weigh in again until Monday and am hoping for a sts from last one.

Catching up on here & u seem to be doing FABULOUSLY!! Well done u. I always find logging into MFP a good check as to how things are really going.

Funny u asked for folks to join in challenge:
I have stolen @craftermary s squat challenge idea and made it (in my mind) less scary. Anyone up for an exercise challenge??
I was back at Insanity class this am & told instructor she can push me a bit more and 1st thing she wanted me to focus on was my squats!! My form is horrendous & she tells me every class. So if u are doing I may join u!!
Hi Sam. Just back from final holiday and getting back into swing of things. Today is day 2 Don't weigh in again until Monday and am hoping for a sts from last one.

Catching up on here & u seem to be doing FABULOUSLY!! Well done u. I always find logging into MFP a good check as to how things are really going.

Funny u asked for folks to join in challenge:

I was back at Insanity class this am & told instructor she can push me a bit more and 1st thing she wanted me to focus on was my squats!! My form is horrendous & she tells me every class. So if u are doing I may join u!!

Thanks very much!! Hope you enjoyed Vegas! I'm loving the profile pic was that over there?

Yes the exercise challenge is proving popular. We are all doing something different and working to our own speeds. They idea is that we do "whatever" each day and form a new habit :) come and join in, we have exchanged and borrowed ideas from each other to mix it up too. I have revived hula hooping. Haha

Nice to have you back :)
I wish I could say that. You could just pop in to kick our bums. Like a virtual trainer ;)
Aww I hear you on the size 12 clothes situation. I have a wardrobe of beautiful clothes I will fit in again. I don't even want to buy anything right now because I just want to lose the flab. But I'm limited to about 6 tops I am wearing over and over again lol
Aww I hear you on the size 12 clothes situation. I have a wardrobe of beautiful clothes I will fit in again. I don't even want to buy anything right now because I just want to lose the flab. But I'm limited to about 6 tops I am wearing over and over again lol
amen to wearing them to death so we can bin them in favour of nicer (smaller) items!!!
Another SP day.

This is breakfast. Scrambled eggs (2 eggs + 2 whites) and wild Alaskan salmon (frozen and steamed in the microwave). Bit of black pepper and done.

Very nice :) :)


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Well I ate bread with gay abandon whilst away so actually it's quite a nice change to not feel bloated. No doubt I will have some potatoes at some point but I'm going to give it a few days like this. Cauli mash is quickly becoming my best friend and I have discovered that adding some strong cheddar ramps it up a bit as well. Even mr LTL has had a few meals with it instead of potato. Now THATS saying something. Although he does often jump on my bandwagon (not a euphemism)