Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Sam, are you still using your fit wristband? Are you still in love with it? Tesco still haven't got them in stock which is a pain. Clubcard points are burning a hole in my purse!
Yes I'm wearing it 24/7 and finding the info very useful. Some days I'm much lazier than others. I'm noticing the correlation with the weather too and when I start back at school next week I expect it to pick up again a little bit.

Been a bit quiet over the bank holiday weekend as been applying for jobs. I just can't face another year teaching. I'm committed to Christmas but would like to find something, anything that will allow me to get out of it. Am I mad to just want a job where I can leave work at work and go home?
Oh that I could!! I just want to do something else. Teaching is so so political these days. I can't see a future for me in it unfortunately so its time to look further afield. I wish I knew what!!!
I can thoroughly recommend Funeral Directing :D Best job I ever had! Varied, interesting, challenging at times but ultimately very rewarding and I definitely get to leave work at work ;)
How do you get into that? Sounds very interesting. :)
I kind of got into it by accident ... I'm a trained public sector accountant but hated the sheer soulless grind of it and switched to customer service roles after my youngest was born because I wanted more contact with people. I'd done that for years but then got stuck in a job for a company I hated after I had my cancer and no-one wanted to take a chance on a new employee who might end up on long term sick :(

Then, when my husband returned to work (he stayed at home and raised the children because childcare for 3 was prohibitive) he started at a tiny, independent, very local FD as a driver/bearer and, as it happened their main office administrator/funeral director was looking to retire but they had had no luck finding someone who could do the job. Because it's such a small company, the role basically includes a bit of everything - from hair and make-up for the deceased to dealing with bereaved families, to the (hand written, double entry!) accounts, wages etc and all stops in between. Finding someone with all the skill sets was apparently a bit of a challenge - people were either comfortable with the physical and emotional side but not up to the accounts and admin (there is a lot of paperwork associated with funerals) or vice versa.

Now I'm not squeamish - my Mother was a geriatric specialising SRN and I'd been raised with death as an un-remarked fact of life (plus grew up in a farming community) and had been dealing with customers in all kinds of stressful situations for years and obviously the admin and accounts weren't a problem, so I was lucky enough to just walk into the job. A 'right place/right time' stroke of serendipity :D

The bigger companies do often offer training places though - especially the Co-op and Dignity groups - and they are less likely to involve actual hands on work with the dead as their staff tend to specialise in particular areas like Funeral Arranging. You're good with people, empathic, patient and have a great sense of humour (pretty much essential that last one! Surprisingly many families do appreciate a little levity at appropriate points) so I think it's something you could definitely do :) The NAFD also do part time courses that are open to those not currently working in the profession too, so they might be worth a look if you're interested :)

Overall I love my job ... yes, working for a very small company where I'm pretty much the main resource can be a little exhausting in terms of time off etc, but that's more to do with the size of the outfit rather than the work itself and wouldn't be any different if we were engaged in a different field. The work itself however is emotionally very rewarding - I never have a day when I go home thinking 'well that was a waste of 8 hours of my time', and I love knowing that I've done something, no matter how small, to do those last things for people's loved ones and to ease people through hard emotional times.
That sounds a lot like what I want from a job. I am definitely going to look a bit deeper into that! How wonderful to just come across something like that that you love so much. I thought teaching would offer a lot of that but it's just so so political and "face fits" if you know what I mean? Although I am considering some roles with places that offer a more pastoral element, for example I have applied for a teaching role within a children's residential care home and one as a teaching assistant at a facility for kids with SEBD (social emotional and behavioural difficulties). I do love the description of your job though Molly. I'm getting on to that tonight to research! Thanks! Real food for thought. :)
Yes, sadly teaching is a long way from the vocation it used to be - it's all so regimented and yet subject to change almost without notice. It often seems to me that teachers, like social workers, are in an impossible situation - whatever they do they will be condemned roundly by someone :(

Pastoral care is definitely 'where it's at' for me - my inner hippy thinks of it as feeding my soul (sappy though that sounds lol). The Residential Care Home job sounds potentially challenging but rewarding :) I know it's not the same thing at all, but I have a couple of friends who foster - one long term and one specialises in short term placements for vulnerable mothers and babies - and both absolutely love what they do despite the inherent trials and tribulations. I'd love to do it - especially the mother and baby side - but my husband just doesn't have the inclination or patience sadly.
I've been called and had my referees requested and told unofficially I will be interviewed so its a live line of enquiry :) I'm wondering if its TEACHING per se or if its the type of teaching I'm doing and the place I'm doing it and maybe taking my ball and leaving for pastures new may fix my itchy feet.

I looked at the entry level courses for funeral directing and am very very tempted to do the exploratory one to have an idea of what it's all about :)
Thanks! That sounds good! I do like a good courgette. They are so versatile! I've had a bad week foodwise. I think it's the dread of Monday coupled with letting myself off leash for the last week of the hols. Because I've been feeling so down I've just eaten my emotions. But no longer. Yesterday was, in my head, the last day of excess. I have no doubt the damage done will take a few weeks to remedy but no matter. I'm here for the long haul and the odd scenic detour won't matter to the ultimate destination. Ooh get me with the clichéd talk. Anyhoo I also think people showing an interest into professionally, even if it goes no further, has boosted me somewhat. Right....where's my pineapple
What age do you teach? I'm also a teacher and totally understand your 'dread of Monday' I have only started sw in the holidays and I have no idea how I'll cope during term's going be tricky! I'll be interested to follow your journey to see what employment there is after teaching.....
I teach gcse/a level. To be honest SW is easier for me at work as its so regimented! No time to think, let alone snack. Thanks for joining. What do you teach? I'm just blocking tomorrow out totally!!
I'm primary, year 4 this year. Quite different to your lot I'm sure :) I've taken on extra responsibilities this term and ofsted are imminent so it ain't going to be a fun term! I think I'll have the age old lunch problem and also resisting the staff room goodies. Hope you have something fun planned for today to help....we are going to play badminton....and then I guess I'd better plan something for tomorrow :-/
Commiserations on going back to work tomorrow! Luckily my school doesn't go back till Wednesday, but I am already feeling the end-of-holiday blues.
Don't worry about the little blip , you're back in it today and it'll soon drop off. I'm gutted about having to go to school again soon too , although I have a week left...
*runs and ducks for cover* x
I feel borderline sick at the prospect. That's not right is it. I need it over with now. :(
That's an early start! but how nice to have the rest of the day and know you are done. I just can't get my head into school mode and it's getting me pretty agitated for a variety of reasons. So far though I'm not giving in to the food!! :)