Lil miss chatterbox's food diary

I have to say I'm rather pleased with myself. Have been drinking like a fish all day - resulting in lots of trips to the bathroom! I did 30 minutes non-stop fitness stepping, fitted in 2 1/2 hours studying, and still had time to make homemade no pastry quiche. Normally I procrastinate with my studying - did it far too much last year, partly I think because I didn't get a break from finishing one module to starting the next. But am going to try to be more disciplined this year, cos stress really doesn't suit me!
well today was a bit of a blip - accidentally muched my way through about 10 biscuits whilst studying, cos was getting myself confused. i can't be doing that every day, so i've decided that if it's the chewing action that i need when i'm stuck, then i need to buy chewing gum instead - less calories, more flavour, and lasts longer, and best of all no guilt! still back on track now, so :fingerscrossed: not too much damage on the scales. Best have a super good day tomorrow!
Busy day ahead, just as well i seem to be up to it. Packing today as much as possible for going away tomorrow, and trying to get study done. Already done 45 minutes, so am on a roll today!
WOW you put me to shame. I've crawled into work and that's about it. You off somewhere nice? :D

Packing now done as much as possible, and now done 2 hours study. Off to somewhere called Keighley, which seems to be near Bradford. My mother-in-law is taking all of us, and paying for all the hotels, day out on the train, and all the meals. Seemed to good an offer to miss, but am going to have to be a wise owl with my food choices. Have downloaded menus of where we're going, so will have to plan in advance!
Packing now done as much as possible, and now done 2 hours study. Off to somewhere called Keighley, which seems to be near Bradford. My mother-in-law is taking all of us, and paying for all the hotels, day out on the train, and all the meals. Seemed to good an offer to miss, but am going to have to be a wise owl with my food choices. Have downloaded menus of where we're going, so will have to plan in advance!
A freebie into the bargain - result. Never been there but have driven past, tis West Yorks I think.

How angelic are you planning your menus in advance too. :D Well jel of your dedication. :D
WI and lost 1lb. Not quite the 2lbs I'd hoped for, but I'll take it. At least the scales are going the right way. Nearly done packing, just trying to finish laundry - gets difficult when there's intermittent power cuts - off for 4 hours yesterday afternoon to Evening, and off again from 6.30 this morning til 8.45! had to cook dinner on gas stoves for camping! oh, and got another parcel from OU yesterday with my 2nd module work in. I thought it was clever to arrive yesterday, when it's not supposed to be despatched until today! :D
Hello hun, :woohoo: on the loss :winner: ...Keighley, never been there but have relatives that live there in a place called Riddlesden....must visit one day see what it's like, most of my relatives are from that area my grandpa was born in Whitley Bay and the family are all over Yorkshire ...enjoy your break hun and I know you'll be fine with the foods, like me you have the bit between your teeth....all the better that it's freebie :giggle: xxx:hug99:xxx
Well, all back and nearly finished unpacking, and just finishing off laundry. it was a LONG weekend, and kids are very much overtired, which is not a good recipe for a Monday morning! glad to be getting back to normal now though, and to not be eating out. My stomach has been churning all weekend with the rich foods on offer, and by the end of the weekend i felt like i was going to pop. Strangely though, I packed a pair of trousers that only just fitted me, and found they were the perfect fit on Sunday, despite feeling bloated.
Glad you had a good time. Sounds fab but I know just what you mean about the rich food, after a couple of days I start to yearn for a baked tattie and beans. Ha Ha But I really do. Last time I was away we were at the Baxters factory shop and restaurant famed for their dinner plate sized scotch pancakes with jam and cream and I had........ Yep baked tattie and beans and cheese.

I'm away to St Annes this coming w/end and am going to try to choose simple foods if possible, as well as my own bodyweight in scones of course. :D
Enjoy yourself. mmmmm scones. i could make some later, but fear I'd be tempted to eat them! lol. Another busy day ahead here, trying to catch up on chores. Couldn't do washing up yesterday because i forgot to turn the water heater back on from our weekend away, and then we had a power cut (again - we had 1 Thursday afternoon for 4 hours, then another 1 Friday morning for 3 hours, not sure about weekend itself, but then another 1 yesterday afternoon/evening for 2 1/2 hours) am starting to get sick of it, and am going through far too many candles.
Another busy studying day ahead, which sadly isn't good for exercise, but i'm so desperate to get ahead, so that this year i don't end up falling behind. No further powercuts :D apparently one of the transmitters was leaking every time it rained, and shorting out, so Scottish power have been running around pole to pole trying to find the leaking one to get it fixed. We had a pretty heavy shower last night, and no power cuts, so :fingerscrossed: all back to normal!

Am finding juggling things hard at mo, between housework, study, exercise, cooking, checking emails, minimins, and OU page for updates daily, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day! but that's always the way life is.
Really not having a good time at the moment :( Got issues with my little boy at school. He got himself excluded from school on Friday for kicking a teacher, was allowed back yesterday, but today has spat in a teachers face! am hoping he won't get himself excluded again. Personally I don't feel exclusion is a good punishment, because all it did was give him an extra day off school, with only enough schoolwork set to last 2 hours! How is that a punishment? TBH i don't know what is the trigger for these sudden outbursts, but i know it needs to stop. He is supposed to be being assessed for special needs, in particular asbergers, for his behaviour, which the school are supposed to be leading. It's been 10 months since that assessment was first put through, and we saw the educational psychologist in May for the first time to learn she was moving to Australia! Now we have to see a new educational psychologist at the end of October. Am just hoping we get answers soon, so solutions can be put in place.

So, as per my usual habits when depressed, have eaten more junk food this week than i care to mention, and am finding it really hard to get back on track whilst feeling so down.