Lil Mrs Sunshines Shrink Down Diary


B - Branflakes with Decaf coffee and semi-skimmed milk
L - Apple and Muller Light Yogurt and a hot blackcurrant
D - McDonalds Chicken Salad Deli without the chicken tomato and cheese and a hot blackcurrant
S - Grapes & Sugar free polos
B - Branflakes & Decaf coffee
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - 200g Mixed Peppers

S - Sugar Free Polos


B - Branflakes & Decaf coffee
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - Chicken Soup

S - Sugar Free Polos

Exercise: 80 minutes

I had a bad evening. Ate much more than written down. I know why, I know i shouldnt have done it. But today I am back on the wagon and strong. Hope this doesnt jepordise this weeks loss.

We will find out on Monday.
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Wannabeaminime said:
exactly with the amount of exercise youre doing you need to eat more

I'm sorry but I have to agree; your body cannot sustain itself on just cereal in the morning and just an apple and yoghurt for lunch. For the amount of exercise you're doing you need carbs before exercise so your body has energy to burn and lots of lean protein after to repair the muscle. Eating the amount you are your body is going to start feeding off and attacking the muscle tissue as there's not enough food going in.

I'm not having a go but I'm just concerned for your welfare as you are just not eating enough.
Gosh! I would collapse eating that little and exercising that much! Though I do admire your determination, tbh I was losing about the same amount of weight per week on the Weight Watchers plan and eating 3 square meals a day and snacks!! I did *exercise* walking about 6000-10000 steps a day as I got a WW pedometer. And aside from that tbh I was a lazy moo and didn't do much else lol. but I was eating regularly which I think boosted my metabolism. Just an idea but it might be worth looking into ?
I think something else to consider LMS is your vitamins and minerals. Are you taking a supplement? I doubt your limited diet is giving you enough nutrition. Surely that is what healthy eating is all about?

Your evening meals are mostly looking better, but I also don't feel that an apple and yogurt is nutritionally enough for lunch.

I hope you don't feel put out by my comments, I just want you to be healthy.

B - Branflakes with Decaff Coffe
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - WW Ocean Pie

S - Sugar Free Polos

E - 80 mins DVD
B - Branflakes & Decaff coffee
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - Vegetable Soup

S - Sugar Free Polos
E - Hannah Waterman 80 mins

B - Branflakes & Decaff coffee
L - Apple & Lettuce & Beetroot
D - Peas

S - Sugar Free Polos & Starbucks Venti Latte
E - Debbie Rush 60 mins

B - Branflakes & Decaff coffee
L - Apple & Lettuce & Beetroot
D - Jacket Potato & Peas with side salad

S - Sugar Free Polos

Today I am weighing in at 138.4lbs - meaning I have lost 1lb on last week. I am happy with this considering my binge evening on Wednesday. I am pushing for more next week.
I have decided to stop posting what I eat. Mainly due to criticism, but also because I dont want to get too obsessive and addicted to it this time like I did the last time around.

My first aim is to be 9 stone by May 20th - when I go away for a weekend. My ultimate goal is to be 8 stone by my wedding anniversary - 14th August.
Hey Lil Miss Sunshine,
Keep posting here if it's helping you. I don't think that anyone is critiscising you to be mean, more like constructive critiscism. You have to admit that eating just peas for dinner is shocking?. I read your diary and it makes me hungry..ok, so you may not have much of an appetite but maybe you could try to include more nutrients in your plan so that even though you are eating less, you are still healthy?. Do you take a vitamin supplement?.
I think people are just worried for you, so I hope you stay.
I am contemplating upping my calories - maybe to doing something low carbohydrate and high protein. I am not quite sure yet. I am going to keep posting.
Ah that's good!. Did you check out the Atkins threads?. You're doing so much exercise, I bet you'll do well when you up the calories.
I think everyone is just concerned rather than criticising you. I hope you keep posting if it's helping you, we're just trying to support you and help you reach your goal.
dont be offended Lil Mrs Sunshine, but i think you should consider joining a weekly slimming group like WW or SW where you can be personally guided, supported and informed on proper healthy eating for the sake of your general health cos you appear to be a little confussed on what constitutes a healthy diet good luck x x
Sorry i dont mean to be rude, its just your menus are so..well almost like eating nothing. I just dont want you to make yourself ill.

hi i'm new on here and thought i would take a look and see what everyones eating and had to do a double take when i saw peas for dinner :eek:
looks like ur not eating enough which can have a negative effect on ur weight loss good luck :)
I am struggling big time at the moment. One day Im eat eat eat, the next I'm grazing like a bird. I think I need to stabilise - get regular, constant meals, focus on not overeating and not undereating.

I think from tomorrow morning I am going to have three meals a day. Good meals. All the DVDs I have show 1200-1500 calorie diets with the 4 times of DVD each week. I am planning on doing the Jillian Micheals Banish Fat Fast one week and Debbie Rush Bulge Buster the next. I thought this would keep me interested without getting bored.

I think really the big picture is my bingeing - I think if I can sort this everything else in life will come. Any suggestions how to avoid the big binges and cravings for sweet sweet stuffs?
I think that you have the right idea, three good meals and day and snacks if you need them, should keep you from bingeing. I think eating too little isn't sustainable, that why you end up bingeing in the end, which isn't a healthy way to go.

Best of luck, I think your plan is great.

I agree with rooie, you may find things work much better if you eat more. Our bodies are clever things - if not always
helpful :rolleyes: - If we eat to little we start holding on to fat stores as a reserve and that will slow things right down.
I think your idea to resolve to have 3 good meals is very sensible and will help you a lot.
Lots of luck to you! x
Hey Lil Mrs Sunshine,

Just had a wee snoop through your diary. Can't really say anything else that hasn't already been said. I think you're probably a 'healthy/normal' weight for your height but what matters is how you feel about yourself. If you're not happy then good for you for having the willpower to change it. Just do it sensibly - and by all means keep posting! :)

Good luck!