lipotrim is awful

no comment...............wouldn't even acknowledge it with a response......

Interesting to note she has not come back to defend herself........:wave_cry:

Yes, I think so too - I keep popping back to read her defense!!! xxx
No she hasn't, but I'd bet a months salary that she's reading them all!!
My message to her is Goodbye and never be that rude and ill-mannered to people that genuinely wanted to help you, EVER again.:character00115:
I am sorry that you have not been able to cope with the Lipotrim diet. Of course it's not for everyone, it's very tough initially and requires a lot of will power to get through the first days. I have a huge amount of respect for my fellow LTers, but also for everyone who tries to resolve their weight issues in whichever way. There are many other ways of losing weight and everyone needs to find the one that suits them best.

It's disappointing that you feel you have to post on this forum so negatively. Your accusations regarding the safety of Lipotrim are incorrect. It is medically certified to be a safe and healthy option for losing weight as many people will testify. In fact I feel really well whilst taking it. It is unlikely therefore that it will be banned!

You posted on this forum several times that you were having problems and many kind, thoughtful and supportive fellow dieters took the time to respond offering you support and friendship. I think that perhaps you have input this post before engaging brain as surely no-one could be so dismissive of other people's efforts? I am very grateful for the help/support and friendship I have received from other members and try in my own small way to offer the same in return.

We are not obsessed with what we are doing, but it is a part of our life which requires like minded people to support us - and that is why we log on to this site. We are all trying our best to lose weight and support our new found friends to do the same. Maybe you don't feel the same way?

You obviously had concerns about your weight too otherwise you would not have purchased the shakes or registered for this forum - Are you obsessed?

I hope you find something/somewhere which you feel is more suitable for you. Good luck.
Never ever again will I ever do lipotrim and anything else like it again. Coming on here made me see how obsessed you all are wth weight loss. What made me laugh was there were some women talking about there periods how messed up they were. Yet they said it was fine because thewere losing weight. I have 2 stone to lose and I will be doing it healthily and happliy the traditional way. Lipotrim should be banned!!!!!!

I just hope for your sake you never have 10 stone+ to lose and try for over 15 years, get bullied, called names, feel embarrassed for your kids, and get told you may die by your doctor, but then if you did, maybe you would have a bit more understanding! 2 stone to lose? All I can say is poor you, I now only have 1lb to lose!!!!
Well just having read theough this, of course were all obsessed with weight loss - we all have a goal to get too!

I guess with ANY diet you do there is a price to pay, but you cant slate people on here because there doing Lipo trim.

Each to their own, we all follow our own roads to sucess.
Wow - lovely what a lovely positive attitude - like the way you take YOUR failure out on all the people who have spent time supporting you.

Lipotrim takes mental strength and positivity and focus... some people have it - some people dont - thats ok - its not for everyone but if all you focus on is mcdonalds you are not going to loose your weight no matter what diet you go on....

You must have issues to have done so well on your first weigh in and then go straight to mcdonalds? Maybe you need to work on your slef concept - you know everyone deserves to be fit and healthy including you.

Make sure you dont super size that mcdonalds now...

Nic and Julz

Thank god Nic and Julz haven't been on yet ..... Don't worry pizzle pazzle I did not feel the thread warranted a specific response but I have seen worse on other chat rooms - I am amazing supportive friend but you don't want to be an enemey ( I am a cancerian we have very sharp pincers ) I value my friends and family higher than anything else and my cyber friends just a close. So I will continue to support them in whatever way I can - hey ho life goes on - ooo time for my strawberry lushness:D
Thank god Nic and Julz haven't been on yet ..... Don't worry pizzle pazzle I did not feel the thread warranted a specific response but I have seen worse on other chat rooms - I am amazing supportive friend but you don't want to be an enemey ( I am a cancerian we have very sharp pincers ) I value my friends and family higher than anything else and my cyber friends just a close. So I will continue to support them in whatever way I can - hey ho life goes on - ooo time for my strawberry lushness:D
oops...too late he he
T x
I just hope for your sake you never have 10 stone+ to lose and try for over 15 years, get bullied, called names, feel embarrassed for your kids, and get told you may die by your doctor, but then if you did, maybe you would have a bit more understanding! 2 stone to lose? All I can say is poor you, I now only have 1lb to lose!!!!

I agree, being bullied for weight and carrying it a long time is devastating and well done you for losing all that weight and your pics are stunning, you look like a whole new woman! x
I just hope for your sake you never have 10 stone+ to lose and try for over 15 years, get bullied, called names, feel embarrassed for your kids, and get told you may die by your doctor, but then if you did, maybe you would have a bit more understanding! 2 stone to lose? All I can say is poor you, I now only have 1lb to lose!!!!

well done with your weightloss and the new you gosh you really do look amazing. I expect your really proud of yourself you bloody well should be. Thankyou to all of you just looking at your signatures of weightloss takes my mind off that burger/kebab/chinese etc. You have all lost so much weight in so little time. I can do this and i will do this.
Just had to add my tuppence worth!! I know i dont post on here a lot but i do read a lot of the posts with great interest. I can honestly say that without this forum to read, i would never had stuck to LT, i would have never made it through the first day!! All of you guys on here are such an inspiration and i never feel as if i am going through this alone. My friends and family are really supportive but reading the posts on here from people who actually know what you are going through is worth its weight in gold. So, i would like to say a great big thankyou to all of you great people and good luck with your journeys. As for the negative attitudes - who needs them when you have support like this!!!

All the best

A big LOL at this stupid, narrow-minded failure of a person who feels the need to take it out on others that she's jealous of!

Im a nurse and all the physiology of how LT works is correct and makes complete sense to anyone with half a brain.

Good luck making other people feel bad...i believe in Karma...what comes around goes around so you'll soon get your comeuppance. :wave_cry:

Ive just finished week 1 and love it :D
If it's good enough for the Doctors to advice me it's good enough for me, you never know it could just as well increase a lot of our life expectency. Bad comments like that could do a lot more harm than good possibly not a very responsible comment.

I Love Lipotrim. I've lost 21lb in 3 weeks. I've got my weigh in tonight so fingers crossed and i'm very proud of myself.:p
Lol just because you failed at it... :D

That was to the orginal post of the thread by the way not to you weight lossers in the middle x
i think she is totally right LT is crap:rolleyes: It just doesnt work:D:D:D:D:D

Bless her it must be 'time of the month':p

(Juicy Lucy my mums from Thurnscoe, many moons ago):)
Never ever again will I ever do lipotrim and anything else like it again. Coming on here made me see how obsessed you all are wth weight loss. What made me laugh was there were some women talking about there periods how messed up they were. Yet they said it was fine because thewere losing weight. I have 2 stone to lose and I will be doing it healthily and happliy the traditional way. Lipotrim should be banned!!!!!!

OBSESSED ...... cool word
How many of us do u realy know on this forum ?
and as for periods and LT...are u sure ur female , how many other things can mess ur periods up ? hhmmm things like the pill... implant ... stress n so on .....:sigh:
my periods where/are messed up before LT, implant is wonders, like im gonna stop that just cos of them hhmmm i not think so .

enjoy ur happy living heathy diet bet u wont stick to that either , for u to go on lipotrim in first place u couldnt do it ,

cya wouldnt wanna be ya
Vicki, I am truly sorry you have failed at LT and I wish you luck shifting your weight whichever way you choose.

For me, I have tried every diet going but never managed to stick to them. LT is the first one I have stuck to for so long and found so easy. My GP originally suggested it to me and I have to say that I have never felt so good. My skin is clearer and my hair is looking better than ever.

Yes I may come across as being a little obsessive about weight on here but that is coz I know everyone is in the same boat and we can discuss it. I barely talk about my diet and loss off the site as OH is way too busy at work and other people aren't as interested.

I'm sorry LT wasn't for you but I haven't been this weight for 14 years so forgive me if I stick to it for a bit longer coz I'm loving it!!!
