Lipotrim TFR 100%

thanks onedip. feeling a bit guilty......i only ever seem to moan in any of my posts.....usually not this type of a person!! so hopefully this is just a passing faze for me :)
Hi Summergurl, having seen your impressive weight loss can I ask if you went to the gym whilst losing weight? Did you have problems with saggy skin? I can see myself needing a full body lift :)

Ive just started LT and was wondering if you have any ideas of how to make the vannilla shake taste better.
jeno said:
Ive just started LT and was wondering if you have any ideas of how to make the vannilla shake taste better.

Hi - if you like coffee mix a teaspoon with boiling water in a cup and allow to cool. Make the shake in your usual way them mix in the coffee to taste. I know some ladies make the whole thing warmer too so it's more like a latte. The coffee is also nice in the choc shake x hope this helps x
hi everyone
Hi Athena.. I presume you are new here... Welcome to the forum, and good luck .. We are all here to support and help each other, so if you need any help, or just a general moan, we are always about!! x x
Hi SlimmerSu....well observed, i'm a newbie, i've finally figured my way around here...kinda. Anyway, thank you for the warm welcome.

I'm on day 8 on LT 100% and although i started my period a few days ago my first weigh in was -8lbs which i am really pleased about. I was expecting to lose more but have put it down to the fact that i am on my TOTM.
I have had a particularly stressful couple of days and my self control totally slipped today...i can't discuss that here right?
I'm determined to be back to normal and push through the rest of the weeks.

I have to say, you ladies (and any gentlemen) are really inspiring on here and I hope some of that positive spirit can rub off on me too.
Hello all, It's day 2 and I managed to get through day 1 unscathed and without eating one morsel of food despite sitting across from my fiance in a restaurant with him eating a taglietelle carbonara! Fingers crossed I get through day 2. Am taking this in small steps. Any encouragement/stories of serious 1st week weight loss would be greatly appreciated to keep me going.
Angellove I was just looking at your weight loss and that's amazing :D have you been doing extra exercise or anything because I think its so incredible that you have lost 2 stone in 4 weeks?
Well done terrific weight loss I expected to loss more. I went fom 96k to 93k I am on day 2 of my 3rd week. On my last weight in last Tuesday I was 91k. I am no good at this weight measurement, I think in stones and lbs. Keep up the good work everyonexx
I agree you people are great I love getting on to this site where we all support each other on 100% total lipotrim.
Hi slimmer Su great weight loss. Great encouragement for the rest of us. I am Mary50 on my 2nd day of the 3rd week on TFR lipotrim. I TRIED TO GET THAT FLICKER THING ETC no luck to date. I believe it would help me to see my progress everytime I log in.
Well done it gets easier I am now in my 3rd week. I keep busy so I do not think about my tummy to muchxo
Well done amazing weight loss. Friday is my weight in day and because I have not been weight since last Tuesday I am expecting great results