Lipotrim to Exante questions


Silver Member
Not sure where to post this Q...

I've just seen the exante stuff (not heard of it before).

Now I see it's about 650 calories a day compared to lipotrims 450ish. So I assume the weightloss will be a little slower?

I rather fancy trying exante as my main problem with lipotrim is the boredom- I can put up with the hunger but I really only like the chocolate flavour - I'd love a little variety. Also I love the idea of having a bar that doesn't taste like dog food and is larger than a matchbox.

Can you swap straight over or does this cause problems?

Is it better to refeed first on Lipotrim then have a rest then swap?

I only want to lose another 2 stones maximum.

Any ideas?
Hi and I had this same filename as can't keep going to the chemist coz of working hours. As far as I can see the cal gap is about the same so shouldn't be a problem switching right????
I'd forgotten about this post!
This week i've been trying S&S - no official weigh in yet but I think i've lost another lb or two.
Starting exante for a few days tomorrow - going to use it to refeed too as I've got a cooking course coming up and don't want to be on a diet.

But yeah the consensus is you can just swap between VLCDs. :)

Ty for the replies.