Lisa's JUDDDing Shizzle


Silver Member
Thought I'd start a diary, day two done, looking forward to tomorrow's DD actually, does anyone find it hard to eat enough?! I think because of previous experience you're always told to eat less so its weird to try and eat 'normally' x

Day 1 DD - 600 cals
Day 2 UD - 1900
Much better DD today, had a shake for breakfast, been busy all day and fancy eggs n soldiers for tea so today will be 534 cals x
Day 1 - 600
Day 2 - 1900
Day 3 - 530
Day 1 - 600
Day 2 - 1900
Day 3 - 530
Day 4 - 2065
Day 1 - 600
Day 2 - 1900
Day 3 - 530
Day 4 - 2065
Day 5 - 496