Liz's CD Diet to Goal

welcome back hun and glad you had a super time away.
The weight will fall back off with "normal" eating and exercise i have no doubt!
I think its nice to have "milestones" rather than goals.
So i know that i would like to lose weight by my birthday (2nd december) and that i would like to be the same weight at the end of jan (or less) but i dont see them as goals as such....more as achievements.
They wont be all consuming, but they will give me the motivation to stick to healthy eating when in the past i have gained and gained without thinking about it!
Hoping this way works better than obsessing on numbers too much

Think a December challenge might be in order to keep us on track though ;)

Hey Liz, how are you getting on being back home? Hope it isn't too much of a shock to the system... I have posted a question about where to place a challenge thread - but perhaps we can set up a 7 week challenge which will take us to the start of December which is my appt and Lizz MB's birthday?

Hope we get to see some fab holiday pics soon - take care and have a good day x
Hey Liz, hope all is good with you. Have set up the challenge thread so come and join us x
Thanks Wales, Katy and Laura for checking in. Been having a really crappy time since I got back from holiday.

Had the post holiday blues big time, combined with putting on a stone and just carried on eating :eek:

Been deliberating for days and days over what to do and haven't really wanted to come on here until I'd made my mind up.

The original plan was to calorie count and exercise when I got back, but I feel so fed up with myself that I was also considering going back to CD SS or SS+. None of my clothes are fitting me and I bought some lovely things in the US that I really want to wear. :( I've literally been umming and ahhing every day wondering what is the best thing for me.

I've decided to go back to SS+. Haven't called my CDC, as have some packs left, but will ring her tomorrow and probably go and get weighed on Wed as usual.

I made the decision because I think I had gotten to the point where I was just sick of CD really. I was also sick of work! The holiday has rejuvinated me a bit on both counts though.

I'm still quite a long way from my goal. I've set it as 9 stone, but if I get to 10 stone and feel good then I'll stop there; I'll decide as I go along. It's taken lots and lots of soul searching to reach this decision. As most people will know, you have food demons in your head that try to dissuade you from doing things and mine have been going crazy this week.

So today was my first day back on CD SS+ and it's not been so bad. I have had a rumbling tummy, but I drowned it with water. I've had one half of my brain saying 'just calorie count' 'start off low carb' 'an omelette won't hurt' etc etc.

I decided I needed to get the motivation back that I had at the beginning in April, so am doing everything to encourage that. I'm drinking lots and am about to go in the bath tonight to pamper myself and then fake tan.

I'm also going to pick out a new goal outfit (as I can get into my original comfortably still) and hang it up downstairs.

I also decided to change my original start weight on my details. It was 209lbs I think, but in order to get the motivation back I need to see this as the start, not a re-start, if you see what I mean. So I'm starting from scratch - it seems easier that way for me.

The things that helped me immensely last time were goal outfits, hot choc shakes, baths and reading, so that's me sorted for the next few weeks.

Sorry haven't had chance to catch up with people's diaries, but haven't wanted to come on at all really, what with feeling fed up and not knowing what to do about the diet.

Off for a bath now, but will catch up with how everyone else is getting on, as that's another thing that inspires me.

So I'm not a maintainer now :cry: but hoping that I will be before too long again :)
Hey Liz - well done on making the decision to go back to SS+. You are still a maintainer, only one that is having a final push to goal. Like you I often decide to start a certain plan and then throughout the day I talk myself into changing it to a less strict or even off plan day, so good for you for not listening to your gremlin trying to convince you to veer off plan!

The last stretch is so hard and I think many of us will have to accept that for some time to come maintenance is all about putting on a little, go back on the diet to lose it, put on a bit, lose it etc. I think it will take some time before we find that equilibrium where we can maintain our weights relatively easy.

Keep drinking that water!!:7834::7834::7834::7834:
Thanks for that Alli - you make some good points. Makes me feel less bad :) Your current weight is something that I aspire to.
Liz, so sorry you have been struggling and keeping it quiet. I so understand. It does sound as though the reflections have brought you to a decision and one you are motivated to follow thru. I too need to pull in and get back on track so I am with you. Good luck hun and keep posting, we are all here for you.

Thanks guys :)

Laura - you're right, it is tough. At least I know that it gets easier, so that is keeping me strong.

Katy - definitely feel motivated and pleased with my decision. The only thing is that it's made me realise that I feel safe with CD and the hard part is definitely eating again.

This time I've decided to do SS+ with 4 packs instead of food. Finding it easier actually. Day 2 so far. Hungryish today, but got another shake left yet and it's nice to have a hot choc one at night, then a bath (my water rates will be sky high at this rate), then early night again.
Hey Liz, Good luck with your SS+'ing, i think everyone understands what you are going through so good for you on making the decision and sticking with it! well done on 2 days so far, wishing you a fab day 3!

Aww thanks Lelly.

Am just trying to delay my last shake tonight. Having a choc mint, having been to see my CDC and get some more.

Have put on 5 inches on my waist apparently. How is that even possible? 1 stone, but 5 inches? That's depressing. Maybe I need a big poo? TMI?

Oh well, put me in a bit of a cr*p mood, but hopefully it'll be off soon.
Something at work has really wound me up massively today as well, so feeling a little sorry for myself.
I also remember when I first started CD I felt quite depressed for a long time, so perhaps that's part of it.
Irritable, angry, teary, cold, annoyed with the world in general.
Can't wait for BF to come home and give me a big hug.
Just got in and had a coffee. Next is a big glass of water and maybe a bath to try and warm up.
Hope everyone that reads this is having a good day :)
Hug for Liz... you sound so fed up hun. Five inches seems very harsh... and work probs won't help. Bath, choc mint shake and snuggle up with BF... bet you feel lots better in the morning.

Thanks hunnie :)
BF is 1 hr late, so not in until 8:30 :( Typical.

Appreciate your kind words.

Just having one of those days I guess.
Morning Liz, How are you feeling today? Cheery up, wishing you another great ss day!
Happy Thursday hun, you can do it...

Liz I can relate to your thoughts at the moment....hope you had a nice snuggle and are feeling better today! Well done for sticking to the SS+
Thanks everyone :) Having a much better day today.
Resolved the annoying work situation this morning!
Been busy all day, which helps it go quickly and take my mind off food.

Am getting to the forgetting food stage though. The thing that I loved about SS and SS+ last time was the point that you get to where food doesn't become part of your life for a period of time...and you don't mind that.

It became something that other people did, that I would do again, once I'd learnt how to handle it.

Think I'm either about to go into ketosis or very nearly there, as less stomach rumbling/hunger pangs. Got 1 tetra left to have and 1 hot choc shake tonight.

Weighed this morning and am 7lbs down!!! Am so pleased. Still not into 11's, but hopefully it won't take too much longer. Am still pretty shocked by the inch gain, but I figure that it has to come off eventually; it's impossible for it not to.

Hope everyone is having a nice day and thanks for checking in on me :) x