Hi Needs2
I'm sorry you feel as you do at the moment. You haven't lost it completely.
As our LLC would say, so what aboutthe rest of the week when you've been fine.
Build a bridge, get over yourself and get back on track.
I've looked at your goals for each stone you want to lose. You've got some major motivating reasons there. Keep sight of them - especially the last one. Try and
help your husband to help you. If he's giving your daughter her tea make sure you give him full instructions before you take yourself ouut of the way. We know they can't do it on their own!!!
If you want to achieve that last goal you'll have to be nice to him!!!
Good luck, I'm sure you can get back on track.
Hi Sam - You got into this once, you can do it again. You are not on your own. I have been picking this week. Today, I realised it was getting more and more frequent when before i knew it i ate a hotdog and bread. I wasnt hungry, i wasnt bored it wa because it was there. Then i thought to myself, what the hell am i doing!!! i have done so well, i really dont want to undo the good work. i am not looking forward to weigh in, however, in a way i hope i stay the same or put on as a punishment.

I cant believe how strong peony is! i thought i was doing well, but she is amazing.

I going on holiday monday. My other half is going so there wont be any secret eating. I need to get over the mental need for food even though i have no physical need for it at the moment.

I have no doubt that i will get to the end, but i need to knuckle down again.
Keep the faith girls, put the mistakes behind you, draw a line under them and start fresh! That is the wonderful thing about this journey, learn to forgive, understand the why, then forget it and move on... one small step at a time, and you will get there! Take each little blip as a chance for a bit of self examination to see what lessons you can learn about yourself and your habits. Once you are aware of them, it is so much easier to avoid them.

Keep strong lovelies!!! The results are really, really and I do mean really worth it! :)

Come on girls, you've got such a strong supportive group here. You owe it to each other to keep going.
Mel, there's no such thing as secret eating - you are only cheating yourself and the scales don't punish you - they only reflect what you've been doing - a bit of crooked thinking to straighten out here.
The holiday season will be over soon, everything settles down into autumn and those few months ahead. Think where you could all be by Christmas and those little black dresses for party time.
It's a small investment to make for your future.
Agreed- all those thingsd you want will still be there at the end of abstainance. ;) This is just temporary. Make a commitment and stick to it. Ibet if you made a commitment to a friend you would keep it - so why not yourselves? Aren;t you worth it too? ;) Of course you are!

Well done PEONY! Isnt it great - you broke your 2 stone barrier, and now you are running for gold. Well done you!!!

Come on ladies - you can do this!!! Put your mind to it, and follow through. You are worth it.....adn the time spent in abtainanace is merely a blink of an eye compared to how long we spent fat. So - buckle down, focus, and power through!!!

GO FOR IT!!!!! Don;t let ANYTHING get in your way!!

I totally agree with you BL. When I started abstinence, I thought OMG, 14 weeks that is forever, but it has gone by in a flash and each week has brought me new joy and new changes both internally and externally.... I am now at the start of my 16th week and will probably do another 2 or 3 more, depending on my losses, but it seems like just the other day I was huge and out of control! Now all that has changed! Ladies you deserve the best you can give yourselves, and BL hit the nail on the head,saying that you would not let down a friend you had made a commitment to. You should be treating yourselves even better than you would treat a friend, after all you are the most important person in your life!!

I still feel crappy. I have made the mental decision to get stuck in, but i dont feel the buzz i did before. I just feel guilt.

I think i will feel better once i have been to my meeting tonight. I know i will succeed but i am getting a little fed up of feeling like a naughty kid every time i slip up. Maybe i should make myself a sticker chart - lol
Hey everyone
The experienced ladies have said it all really. I can only agree with everything they have said. Focus on the parts where you have done well - you haven't pigged out every day for a week either of you, you have just slipped up and to err is human.

I know you both have the strength in you to refocus and achieve your dreams, you are just going through a bit of a wobble. Work it through with your counsellors and consider where you could be in the future if you don't give it your all now. I am 37 and weighed 20 stone and 9 lb when I started this. 8 years ago I weighed under 11 stone. It is frighteningly easy to put on weight steadily - but keep at it this now, get to where you want to be and you won't be facing 20 stone 9 lb on the scales in the future!

Thanks so much for all your kind support everyone - you are right, I am extremely focussed. I think you just get to a point where you go right that's it. I am not going to be a fat girl anymore. I am not going to put up with it. It is only x months of my life - I can eat tasty food again and drink yummy wine when I am at target - just far less frequently and in far tinier portions. My journey is going to be so long anyway I personally couldn't risk extending that by breaking abstinence.

I seem to have done something in my head that has distanced me mentally from food when it is around - I don't have a choice to eat or not, food is simply for other people not me at the moment. I liken it to when I stopped smoking the day I found out I was pregnant. I had tried loads of times before but the moment I knew I was preggers something clicked and as soon as the choice had been removed I found it easy.

That all said I wonder how this will change when I start RTM as choices will be there. All I can say is that I know I won't be allowing myself to be fat ever again in my life, I am building a 7lb boundary by setting my target to 7 lb below healthy bmi and that is my impeachable line.

Well if you have managed to stay with me this far, I am delighted with another 4lb off this week bringing me to 3 stone lost in total in 8 weeks. I am VERY pleased as you can imagine.

So now I am off for a bath (mmmm). The very best of luck to you tonight Mel and to you tomorrow Sam. You lovely girls will get yourselves back on track I know you will.

Hugs all round
Peony, what a wonderful insightful post. You really are in such a strong place mentally! Lol maybe it is something to do with being 37 hehehe. I am 37 and came to the exact same realisation as you, and I will not be fat again. We are very much on the same page mentally. Congrats on your fabulous weigh in hun, each day is a day closer to goal.

Mel and Needs, good luck for your Weigh Ins and keep the faith, you will get there, small steps ladies, one day at a time!

Congratulations Ladies

Peony, you and Jez are " in da zone"
I absolutley agree with you. There just comes a time in your life when you think
"this is it - if I don't sort this out now I'll lose my chance and I'll be fat, unfit and unhappy forever.
It's so wonderful getting your life back. I give thanks every day.
I lost 1/2pound. Im still feeling the guilt. I spoke to my LLC who told me to leave it behind. I have my holiday next week which might be tough.

Im going to pop in on sunday to weigh in, and then again the sunday i get back. Hopefully that will lift the cloud.

Mind you, while im feeling so disappointed with myself theres not much chance of me eating!

I am going to get my head back in it.
My legs are covered in bruises....is this a side effect? My other half said I look like a dalmation!!
Yes, I had lots of little bruises now and again - and some with very little effort.

Do try and leave the guilt behind - it is nothing more then self punishment, which serves you no purpose.

But remember how you feel now, and perhaps that will help see you through abstaining on hols?

Good luck!
Yes SB, I know what you mean. Fortunately LL works or I don't know what I'd do - 4.5 months of WW and I lost the same as I had in a few weeks on LL. When there is a lot to shift I think you need that bit extra that LL offers.

Mel, in some ways the half pound may be a good thing (I know you probably won't see it that way necessarily) - if you have had a better loss you may have seen it as permission to lapse regularly without consequence. This way you got your wake up call and it cost less than it could have. One woman in my group put on a pound last week despite complete abstinence! At least you lost albeit a half pound - that will be easy to pull round next week.

Really agree with BL about the guilt - totally pointless emotion, try and ditch it. You have come really really far and a bad week and half a pound gain doesn't need to drag the rest of your journey down.

Good luck on your hol. Just remember to enjoy yourself.

I know your right girls (i lost 1/2 lb) i was lucky.
Hey mel,
Our LLC says " build a bridge and get over yourself "!!!
Sorry, that may sound nasty in black and white - it isn't meant to. Basically it's what BL says. look forward rather than back.
Hi ladies

well i went to group and faced the scales and i gained 6lbs not as much as i throught.I had a very good chat in group cried a good few times first time i have cried infront of stangers like that but it has just been all building up and i felt better after.today has been hard but i am more than half way through the day so i have to make it.Don,t know why but it has just been so hard getting aback on it.My councellor said to pop in saturday and pop in monday so that i get through the days knowing i have to see her the next day.Mel keep your chin up hun you had a - it could have been a + your strong you can do this you know you can.Peony what can i say CONGRATULATIONS :) on your 3 stone your speeding towards your goal like lighting.

Thank you to all the other ladies for your ongoing support it is very much appreciated x x x

x x x Sam x x x
Hi Sam - you are sounding more positive, and your LLC sounds great. Keep it up sweetie, because you know the end result will be worth it.

I have been going through guilt issues surrounding the food i ate, but im feeling better today. im going away monday, so i have to remain strong!!!

Well dopne on getting back on the LL horse!!
Hi Sam
Really impressed with your resolve, it must feel like a mountain getting back after falling off, I know I would really struggle - it is one of the things that keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Talking of which I know I won't weaken but tonight is the first time I have felt a really really strong pull to eat and drink. I have had an exhausting day at a kiddies theme park type place with 2 other kid's from my daughter's nursery and their mums. They are lovely but today I fould the whole day a bit of a strain. I am still tired from hiking round Drayton Manor and a busy day on my feet all day yesterday - and the other 2 kids who are also mostly lovely are so much naughtier than mine and they wore me out. One hit me at the end of the day and I really told him. I feel awful now as I think I may have been better off playing it down and letting his mum deal with it. But honestly my daughter would never dream of doing something like that. My dd had the bogger on her all day as she is a bit overtired and the place was a good hour and a half drive away.

So getting to the crux - hubby is out all night as he is djing at a friend's party - I bought him a tent to sleep in in their garden as I didn't want to be woken at 3 am by a drunken hubby! (also the taxi fare would have been astronomical)

So my "I deserve x as I have had a tough day" has kicked in. "Hubby has had a lovely day to himself at football and out with friends what about me?" It's what got me fat in the first place. I feel like I deserve a great big chinese and a bottle of Sauvignon blanc.

I won't of course. But I really want to.

Anyway my peanut bar is waiting and I want to watch 27 dresses which I started watching yesterday so I'll stop blathering and get on with it.

Thanks for listening!

Well done Peony!!

Such brilliant resolve :) I know exactly how you feel, the whole "I deserve it" thing, but you are distracting yourself and getting on with your journey, and in the end it is so worth it:) Nothing, no chinese, no foie gras, no caviar and no Sauvignon Blanc will ever taste as good as being skinny feels!! I am so proud of ya hun!!!

How are you Mel and Needs, any plans for the bank holiday weekend?
