God I feel like absolute cr*p today!
Day 3 had my check in and Ive lost a measly pound!
Add to that the fact I had to go to the FPC to get my contraceptive pill prescription and they were like "You'll have to lose some weight or you'll have to stop having sex!"
Blah blah blah!
I said "I don't drink or smoke I'm under 35 so what are the risks really? And Ive been on this pill 10 years and overweight for half that time"

She said "You are too fat"

Lovely woman I feel like crying tonight.
oooooooooooo what a witch!!

People like that make me sooo angry:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!!!!

What right to people have to comment on you in such a personal way. Well Pix, you show her by doing this plan and succeeding.

Well done on getting this far & remember your goals and focus on that and forget that horrid women!!

Oh forgot to mention.

After my check in I had only lost 2lb and was so devastated so I know how you feel. That early on in the plan it can go either way you could lose alot & it will really spur you on or your could lose a little and it will knock you off course. Dont let it be the latter.

I came on this site and thanks to the fantastic support on here decided to look at the positive - it was a loss not a gain & with a conventional diet you would've been lucky to lose that in a week!!!!

Don't worry - after your first proper week you WILL lose more.

My first proper weigh in is tomorrow and I am a mix of excited and scared all at the same time!

Oh, for heavens sake, Pixie! That woman!

I can scarcely believe she actually came out and said that (you're too fat). Had you had health problems associated with overweight, perhaps she'd have a point, although it would be hardly motivating to be so insulting.

I see from your ticker you are only wanting to lose 60 lbs - that's only just over 4 stone. As far as I can reckon, you are not at serious risk of health problems at the moment.

Just in case you DO drop dead, what flowers would you like? I would like carnations, because they last for ages and I like value for money!
Morning ALL
Day 3 for me & I had an okish night's kip! I can't tell you how cold I have been! Last night I took a book up and was in bed with a tracksuit & big fluffy dressing gown!!!! I've woken up hungry, don't want food but could really do with a fag - told myself I don't actually need it & that I will feel more fed up if I do than if I don't bother with it!
I'm off for a hot berry juice then to get ready for work at leisure, rather than the mad rush of yesterday!
Oh poop - I've got the kids pack lunches to do as well...grrrrrr xxxx
Hi Everyone

Day 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weigh in tonight - scared & excited.

I do feel better though and feel like I have lost weight, not shed loads but clothes are ot quite as tight as they were.

decent nights sleep at last - that is until 5.45am when my 2yr old came in wanting to play football (AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!)

Still feeling ok & positive. Tried the vanilla with coffee last night, really did not like it was a struggle to get down. I do love the Tai Chilli Soup so can't wait to get more tonight.

How you all doing today?

Hi Skinnyminny,

Yesterday was my day one, so was discovering the delight of the LL PAcks.

Agree about Thai Chilli - mind you, gotta find the method to make sure no lumps of powder - yuk. Had the Vegetable Soup also which was nice - reminded me of the juice you get in chow mein from a chinese (I thought hallucinations came on Day 3?).

The choc and raspberry shakes also pleasant. However, the cramel this morning - way too intense a flavour.

Tell you what though - it was not chewing anyhting that I found weird. Everything was drunk and chewing is so satisfying.

Best of luck for the weigh in - I am sure you will be astounded by the numbers - clothes don't lie.


Of course, there was also the vastly increased exercise program of running to the loo much more often - I had to drive 90 miles to Sheffield to collect my lad after a car prang (long story - on diary thread) and had to stop 3 times for the loo - and the blinkin loos were always theother side of the motorway so it was up and over the bridge at an ungainly and undignified, fast scuttle/walk
Good morning Skinnyminnie!

Having a lovely morning. Son woke up tired (that's because when he is going to bed, he is not turning his light off until late) and grumpy. I had to read the riot act to him. Tonight it's an early night for him AND I'm taking his light out of the bedroom!

Getting lots of comments on my weightloss at work this week. Of course, no one has seen me for a couple of weeks. I am being asked questions about how I've done it.

I go to my meeting tomorrow night. Our group is now amalgamating with another as we do the continued development.
Thai Chilli is my fav too - best cooked this way so no lumps... Mix powder in small saucepan with cold water in to runny paste, then add hot water and heat on the stove stiring continuously. but not til it boils as you can lose some of the nutrients.

There are little lumps in the soup but that is dried mushrooms & not to be confused with lumps of unmixed pack!

I sometimes add few dried chives, plenty of black pepper & tabasco sauce!!!

Hi Mindless

Try the caramel with a spoonful of coffee - really nice drink and was enjoying it immensley until hubby decided to throw it down the sink half drunk :mad: (see previous post for details)

Agree with you re the chow mein sauce flavor of the chicken soup! delicious :D

PS. Read your diary thread and I have to say what a fantastic read, you really should consider writing proffessionally, you have such comedic warmth in your "mutterings" it would be a real successful book as how many books are there out there about Men's battle with weight?? You would make a fortune!!!! I would certainly buy a copy.

Good luck with today

Good morning all, I am so addicted to this site, must do some work today:eek: :eek: :eek:

I will post my diary thread in a bit but first i wanted to make a list of all of us on this thread, please, if i miss anyone out this is not on purpose, it's because I am still a bit scatty:rolleyes:

It would be great if we could keep this going, posting against our names start date, start weight, goal weight and weekly weigh ins, what do you recon? I will start,

Start Date - 4th Jan 2007
Start Weight - 13st 3.5lbs
Goal Weight - 10 stone
Week 1 - Being weighed tonight

Nowor Never
Amanda Jayne

Hope you think this is a good idea, and if your new to this site please please join in.

Just copy and paste the above and we will have a record forever, yippeeeee!!!!!!!!

Be back in a bit
Toots xxxxxxxx
Fab idea
CLUCKS (Clare)
Start Date - 8th Jan 2007
Start Weight - 12st 3lbs
Goal Weight - 10 stone
Week 1 - I'm being weighed Thu but it'll only be 4 days in as started bit late due to allowing nicotine withdrawl to bed in first. My weigh in will be every Thu & its 6pm class xxx
ooh not sure what happened there, anyway try again!

Start date 4th Jan
Start Weight 14st 4lbs
Goal Weight 8st (maybe a little ambitous but will see how it goes - want to be a skinny minny again)
Day 7 being weighed tonight!!!!!!
Day 7 and feeling fine

Mornig all you beautiful people:)

I feel great today!!! Thank goodness!!!

Was still a bit shakey last night but much better than I have felt but today I feel blooming marvellous! Still really cold though, does anyone know if this lasts all the way through, if so roll on the spring:)

Last night I really need to chew so took some advice from this site and made some crisps, they were great, just what I needed and they really filled me up. I tried them with two flavours, Veg and Thai Chilli. The veg ones were delicious especially with lots of tobasco in the mix but the chilli ones were disgusting, much better as the soup. They really do get crispy, think they may be my salvation.

Slept well last night and after my first coffee this morning I felt on top of the world.

My skin however is not so good. I suffer from acne roseasa. It has been brilliant until I started this diet. I think it may be all the Xmas toxins trying to get out and should hopefully clear up in a week or two.

I am drinking about 7/8 litres of water a day and finding it really easy, peeing non stop mind you. It's lucky I am in an office on my own with a toilet so no one has noticed yet!!

Hubby and daughter are still being absolutely wonderful. hubby has started a diet with me, just cutting out all the crap, having three healthy meals a day and he has lost 6llbs which is great. Daughter is a bit upset though. One of her favorite pass time is to stand behind me and play my bum like a set of bongo drums!! She is worried my bum is going to get smaller and it wont't sound the same:confused: ;) :D :D

I have found that I am alot more sociable in the morning with my family, for the last 3 days we have actually all sat down and eaten breakfast together, something we have never done.

1st weigh in tonight, excited and aprehensive all at the same time. Will be great to see all the other women in my group and see how they have been. Also looking forward to the first bit of councelling. Clothes are feeling looser so hopefully I will get a good result. I think this is the first diet I have not cheated on once, not a morsal has passed my lips except foodpacks, coffee, mint tea and water, really proud of myself. If I can do a week feeling a rotten as I did then I will finish what I have started.

May not be on much today, loads and loads to do.

have good day all
Tootsie xxxx

Amanda Jayne
Start date 4th Jan
Start Weight 14st 4lbs
Goal Weight 8st (maybe a little ambitous but will see how it goes - want to be a skinny minny again)
Day 7 being weighed tonight!!!!!!
Start Date - 8th Jan 2007
Start Weight - 12st 3lbs
Goal Weight - 10 stone
Week 1 - I'm being weighed Thu but it'll only be 4 days in as started bit late due to allowing nicotine withdrawl to bed in first. My weigh in will be every Thu & its 6pm class xxx
Start Date - 4th Jan 2007
Start Weight - 13st 3.5lbs
Goal Weight - 10 stone
Week 1 - Being weighed tonight
Amanda Jayne

Start date 4th Jan
Start Weight 14st 4lbs
Goal Weight 8st (maybe a little ambitous but will see how it goes - want to be a skinny minny again)
Day 7 being weighed tonight!!!!!!
Start Date - 8th Jan 2007
Start Weight - 12st 3lbs
Goal Weight - 10 stone
Week 1 - I'm being weighed Thu but it'll only be 4 days in as started bit late due to allowing nicotine withdrawl to bed in first. My weigh in will be every Thu & its 6pm class xxx

(opps, missed myself off)