Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Katy .....catch
Climb on honey. I'm finally riding at the front thanks to keto and the scales moving in the right direction. Hope you have a great day and enjoyed yesterday

Brilliant Miss JT!! Well done! Hooray!!

I am hanging in tight too, think there must've been a naughty bit of slippery grease on my part of the rope, but have regained a tight(ish) hold. OH was very strict with me last night, and I was a bit sulky but it worked and I didn't ruin everything.

The sun is shining here and the desk I am at today faces windows to open fields and trees.

Hold on tight everyone x

Good for you Wales, difficult if someone says something isn't it? I feel murderous then, even though they mean well. :)

Its brilliant katy, before I disappeared if you slipped up it would be a long slip up, but since I have got back you immediately get back on track.... definately a more confident Katy now I think... keep up the good work.

You are right, now you mention it it's so clear...that's real progress Katy isn't it? The kind of attitude that we all need for the rest of our lives as slim people. I'm learning lots here!

Aaaggh, had the worst sleep ever (again). Thank goodness its my last night shift tonight. Have been rubbish food wise also.
Bad Sleepy.
Hope you having a nice day Katy :) x

Poor Sleepy, hope you get a good rest tonight.

Katy, hope you've had a good day and are feeling a lot better.

So far this week l'm doing ok, but tomorrow l'm going out for dinner, hopefully l'll be straight back on track on Saturday. If you find me going astray please lassoo me & rope me back in, l've got to stay on this wagon.

Yup, we all will, riding along together. No one's allowed to be left behind, if any of us fall off, we stop the wagon, pick them up, sit them back on and set off again. :)
Did someone mention singing before, how about a chorus of this oldie but goodie to keep spirits up on the wagon...
Horsey, Horsey don't you stop
Just let your feet go clipity clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up we're homeward bound.

Horsey horsey on your way
We've done the journey many a day
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round

Giddy up we're homeward bound.
We ain't in a hustle, we ain't in a bustle

Don't go tearing up the road
We ain't in a hurry, we ain't in a flurry
And we ain't got a very heavy load
Friday morning... on the wagon and staying put all day after a slight wobble. (Staying on board beyond today, too, but one step at a time). At home working this morning and mid afternoon taking mum to town, but no soup/coffee-stop planned so all should be well. Just shakes & bars and a protein meal, and joining in the wagon song.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.


xx :)
Hope everyone's having a good day. Let's keep this wagon rolling. :)

In my head l'm singing that song to a tune l heard in a western, wish l could remember the name of the film.
Dis, I am remembering another wagon song... not sure who sang it, but it feels appropriate!

Three wheels on my wagon,
And I’m still rolling along
The Cherokees are chasing me
Arrows fly, right on by
But I’m singing a happy song...

There's even a line that goes, 'woman, get back in that wagon!' Lol.

In my head l'm singing that song to a tune l heard in a western, wish l could remember the name of the film.
Oh no Disney now im singing too lol
'rolling, rolling, rolling
keep that wagon
rolling along'
Its from a western my dad used to watch.

Glad your doing ok today Katy.

Aaaggh, had the worst sleep ever (again). Thank goodness its my last night shift tonight. Have been rubbish food wise also.
Hope you got home at a decent time, i noticed the major road was at a stand still this morning too :mad:
Dis, I am remembering another wagon song... not sure who sang it, but it feels appropriate!

Three wheels on my wagon,
And I’m still rolling along
The Cherokees are chasing me
Arrows fly, right on by
But I’m singing a happy song...

There's even a line that goes, 'woman, get back in that wagon!' Lol.


I remember this one!

Oh no Disney now im singing too lol
'rolling, rolling, rolling
keep that wagon
rolling along'
Its from a western my dad used to watch.

My OH says it's from Rawhide, he's much older than me of course!! :8855:
Rawhide? Has someone had that rope out again?

Still on track. One hot choc, one bar and half a shake in a coffee just now. I have had a few brain-flip moments... found myself with bread & banana, looking for a knife... but woke up in time and put it all back. I need to get into the zone... the slow rocking of the wagon will lull me along.

Off out shortly, will do my very best not to mess up.

Woohoo, go Katy, putting your banana and bread back, well done...
I remember this one!

My OH says it's from Rawhide, he's much older than me of course!! :8855:
Thats the one lol!
found myself with bread & banana, looking for a knife... but woke up in time and put it all back.
Well done for putting it back shows your will power :D

Ive been to see my CDC today to see about getting sponsored :party0011:Was quite nervous too. Ive now got to make a list of why I want to do it. Truely believing in it just isn't enough!
Here's to a great weekend Katy x
Happy Saturday everyone... hope we all get to relax and enjoy! Keep that wagon rolling...

One hot choc shake down and a half pint of herb tea to chase it with...

Well done! xx
Have just had a porridge, which was nice and warm... maybe another hot choc in an hour or two. Feels nice not to be rushing all over the place today.

How goes it Katy? I've put a book box in the wagon and have put in one I've just finished and think is fabulous - Mary Lawson, The Other Side of the Bridge. I've brought lots of cushions too. :)
Oh... don't know that one. A book box is a great idea! Just had quorn sausages, rocket & an illegal lo-fat jelly... maybe a hot choc for later. An OK day.

Katy, sounds like you're doing well. :)
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