Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Katy, your food choices during your trip were really good. Hope you have a good journey home. Just noticed this is the 100th page of your diary. :)
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Yay, happy 100th & I didn't even notice... choices good yesterday but not so good today, scrambled egg, then lo-fat yog, then skinny latte & wholemeal egg sandwich, then almond/orange/polenta cake in cafe waiting for OH to pick me up... sprouts for tea, to atone! Still, not too bad as 'indulgent' days go, and I do often have a 'comfort' day after a mad worky day like yesterday. Was so tired today almost fell asleep on train...

Katy been catching up on the posts on your threads. You really are doing so well! You've certainly inspired me and for the first time I beginning to think perhaps I too can 'control' what I eat when I am at goal as opposed the eating controlling me. Whilst I remain impatient to lose this last bit I've been nervous about the road ahead even though I have started thinking about maintenance in the future and how I will eat like a "normal/slim" person.

You are doing brilliantly!
Your meal in London sounds lush, just the fact that it was noted in a menu to be lowcab/GI amazes me. Now as much as i love sleepy, log burning Shrewsbury, we do not have such things here....! (at least, not that i recall, although my social life on the meal front has never been that busy)
Have to say, i find your food diarys astonishing, the fact that yesterday was a 'bad' day really gives me something to think about.......eekk!
btw, what do you do with beans,sprouts and feta? i like all individually but just cannot fathom how they would go together, is there a secret? xx
Thanks all, sooooo glad to be home. Lol Butterfly! I have never seen a menu choice tagged as lo-carb/lo-GI either, these things are obviously London-ish. You don't get them in the wilds of Scotland either!!! I will be out for a meal for my mum's 83rd b'day on Sat & know it will be standard frozen veggie meal, with little or no choice... but hey. One day those lo-carb options might pop up further afield! It was yummy, too.

Yesterday being a bad day... I realised after I had posted that the choices were not bad, just a 'normal' day if I hadn't been on 1200. But part of me must have known it WAs a bad day as I carried on eating, after the sprouts, beans & feta... a fairy cake son had made at school - yum - and then a shape yog, two slices of sprouted wheat bread and 1/2 banana. Much more food than I needed. I realised at one point that I was thirsty and not hungry - drank very little yesterday, running between trains & a bit coffee'd out after my mainly caffeine fueled Wednesday. And I was SO tired. Just felt exhausted. And also feel quite PMT-ish.

So... looking back I think my wednesday was probably within 1200 after all, eveb with 3x skinny lattes and the meal out; and yesterday, probably way above 2000, will add it into DT as best I can & get a rough idea. BUT... will not feel bad or unsettled by it. It was a hungry day, and an ill-planned day, but not a binge day, and that is good. And I was 5 hours on a train with a huge box of truffles in my bag from the previous nite's event, so that was no mean feat! They will be re-homed for Xmas, too pretty to let the family devour them!

So... Butterfly, it's only that I am trying to stay below 1200 cals that makes yesterday a bad day... it would have been a fine day on maintenance proper. It is just that I am trying to edge down to 10st 7lbs and hit final goal. The sprouts & beans... sorry, it is a weird meal choice but one I love, and opt for if I want a low-ish cal meal. Just a helping of frozen sprouts & same of broad beans, cooked... then 1/5 packet feta crumbled over, whole lot sprinkled with tabasco sauce. Yum. But I am probably the only person in the world to think so!

Another day... have had my porridge... still tired, & have to take mum to town later, but hoping for a little more control today!

Katy, do you think having DT is helping with things? I am only on day 2 now of the trial but i think it has focused my mind immensely to what im eating and how much im devouring :)
Im eating porridge now as i write this and plan on going back to bed in a few hours as on nights tonight and the rest of the weekend.
I love my sleep but sometimes resent having to go back to bed as i have got too much stuff to do!!
Wrapped up some christmas presents last night so pleased i have made a start. Hope you have a nice day with your mum sweet xx
DT is helping a lot, for me. I have never counted cals before, I am seriously number phobic & though I thought I had a good idea of the cal value of things, I didn't... very patchy. I am still in shock at the value of a slice of bread! On the other hand, adding up my failings for yesterday... choosing the highest cal values as I didn't always have brand names etc... it wasn't as bad as I thought. Still bad, but I was estimating like 3000 cals & it was still under 2000, just. So... DT is a taste of reality, and keeps me accountable, and when i have a not-so-good day it helps me to pull back a bit and keep things in perspective.

Sleep tight and have a good weekend!

Thank you. Looks like we are all in for a bout of bad weather-storms and heavy rain etc so I think bed is the safest place!
I was really shocked when I saw how many calories are in a small banana....I pm'd Miss J-T to say I thought that fruit was definately over rated!! On the basis of just one day of tracking, I can see my diet is very heavy in carbs...will have to watch that :rolleyes: x
Katycakes;2140349 The sprouts & beans... sorry said:
I think it sounds lovely, but shh.....is it a tad windy? I always thought the sprouts you meant were those lovely sprouted ones you can buy in some supermarkets, or make at home if you remember to water, turn, wash, give enough/ not enough light/heat to. ) As you can see I'm useless at this!!

I loooooooove broad beans too.

I know you realy like the PDT, but how do you manage finding home made food? Do you weigh everything and calculate exactly or do you try to remember and guess. I would like it to be good for me too, I could really do with it as an aid but find it difficult to use for this reason. Also, for eg even with branded things, Slimfast is a good example - the cals it gives are greater than Slimfast say on the package. And porridge oats even vary, I weighed out 50gms, DT says it's one thing and the back of the packet says another ............bit confused!?

You are doing so well Katy, on track, but not too rigid = normal then; am so pleased for you. xxxx
I was really shocked when I saw how many calories are in a small banana....I pm'd Miss J-T to say I thought that fruit was definately over rated!!
lol It's amazing how many calories are in fruit, it must be something to do with the natural sugars :confused: Veg are alot lower but cucumber pie doesn't quite cut it.:rolleyes:
What is the name of the diet tracker you are using I might have a nosey.

Glad your back safe and well Katy x
Thanks MsJT.. it is called Perfect Diet Tracker, just google & you can download a 7 day free trial. It takes the pain out of cal counting, no adding up to do!

Bess, I do add in the basic ingredients & adjust weights, but I am still making fairly simple meals like the sprouts one (no, doesn't make me windy... lentil dahl does, though, & chick peas!). Or wholemeal pitta with assorted fillings. Or a stew/stir fry thing based on quorn or lentils. I find it hard if OH has cooked one of his creations, as I'd never remember every ingredient and then you'd have to divide it between however many people ate it... that's too much like maths. But if there is a meal you make a lot you can input ingreds once & save it over on the right somewhere... KD explained... or make a 'group' entry for food you eat regularly.

I buy porridge oats from tesco so use the porridge/Tesco entry, but I don't think it would vary enough to matter. Was surprised how high oats are, even without milk, but do love them, so making now with water.

Better go do some work before I have to go out later... brr, freezing here today.

Oh sorry Katy, I keep forgetting what plans everybodys on, so was thinking about maintenance. My cdc told me the 1000 plan is quite simple to follow but reckons the 1200 is more difficult- not sure why! I'll find out soon enough i s'pose.
Oddly, i am thinking that the beans/sprouts.feta combination may be nice, its wierd what 18wks of no food does to your tastebuds! Does it matter which feta you have, i adore the barrel aged feta from Tesco, just tastes like holidays......mmmmm!
I just get regular feta from Tesco, and that's fine, & it's in my Diet Tracker, so all is good. There is a lo-fat one & I would get it if I could, but don't live near a big town alas... By the way, am not doing 1200 CD plan now, but just eating 1200 cals a day and trying to keep it fairly lo-carb as that suits me... I did do CD 1200 though obviously, when coming up the steps, & it was fab...

Just bought the Diet Tracker. See, hows that for determination to maintain!! :D:D:D:D x
I am kind of using a diet tracker, but I am on a realy reduced calorie level - am hoping for about 1500 net over the week. So knowing how much I have for a standard breakfast of porridge and banana, how much there is on average in my soup and then if I add a pitta etc, then like for my dinners this week I have made roasted veg cous cous and made it a recipie in the tracker so I can get an estimate of the portions. I also find the tracker useful for seeing just how much the mindless "treats" I have, how much I waste on just another pitta or a chocolate etc.
I know, Wales... I just had an extra half of pitta, another very hungry day today, but much better than yesterday... but DT just makes you stop and think, 'is it worth it?'. So it was a half & not a whole one! Think it will be educational too, & help me get a better grasp of what things are cal-wise for the post DT days... so far so good.

Sleepy, hope you like DT!
