Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

I fell asleep and rolled off the bloomin waggon and can just see it disappearing over the horizon. :lost:
Gonna make my own way, rubbing my sore behind and catch up with you at some pre planned RV on Monday. Now, where's the nearest chippy? :eat:

Have a lovely valentines weekend all xxx

I fell asleep and rolled off the bloomin waggon and can just see it disappearing over the horizon. :lost:
Oh no sleppy me too :hug99: and went with a big bump. Trouble is I was only 3lb away from target again...so mad with myself!!:mad::mad::mad: Bad Miss JT:mad:

Have a lovely day tomorrow everyone :D
Oh dear, well never mind, we'll meet outside Jess's house at 8am sharp then! x
Hope you are all having a lovely Valentine's Day. :heartpump: :heartpump: :heartpump:
You ok honey? Just being spoilt rotten on Valentine's Day I hope!? xx
Mmmm... spoiling myself a bit, alas. And my 810 track record. Oops.

But... I'm OK. I will be OK. Thanks for the good wishes honeys... see you back on that wagon tomorrow.

Hey hun

Can I make an observation, I've obviously got my interfering busybody head on this eveing!? May be totally wrong and totally out of order but here goes.....

It sometimes seems to me that you aim for 810 and when it doesn't go quite as planned you "fall off the wagon" and feel down on yourself. Each time you "fall off" it can dent your confidence and you have to climb back up again. The only reason for any of this is the limitations that you are placing on yourself... if you don't have a wagon, you don't fall off if you see what I mean. At the moment you are still losing weight and therefore are still ultimately succeeding so why not throw away the wagon and just do what you are doing which is eating healthily most of the time and sometimes not.

I'm not sure I am being very clear. I guess I am trying to say look at it as a bigger picture.

  • What are you trying to achieve? = weightloss
  • Are you succeeding? = yes

If you take the two questions above there is no failure only success.

If you then apply the constraints of 810:

Did I stick to 810 every day? = No

You then start to get a more negative slant on things which can be demotivating.

How about changing that question to:

Did I have more positive in control days this week than not?

Thanks Curly.

Porgeous... whoa. I know I am in a bit of a tangle with this... your post has helped me hugely. I seem to be repeating the same thing over and over... stay good for 3-4 days then crash; and repeat, endlessly. Everyone is so lovely and patient and supportive, but I still can't seem to find the zone. I think I need to change something and your post made total sense. (Have tried to rep you but it says I can't). Change the mindset... and maybe change the 810 too. Or perhaps move betwen 810 and 1000. I feel that i am just clinging on by sheer bl**dy mindedness, but seeing things a different way helps a lot. I need to get out of the strict-diet/blow-out cycle and stop branding myself a failure.
Can I jump wagon?
I am not sure... but I have lots to think about. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
810 so far today, anyway.

Hey Katy

What Porgeous says makes complete total sense and says it alot better than I did when I said that in my eyes you are maintaining as you always pull it back and dont have as many binges - but I totally understand where you are coming from when you say you want to stop the starve/binge cycle.

keep strong and we will always be here for you whether you are with us in the wagon just keeping us company but keeping 'us' on the straight and narrow or in the wagon trying to keep yourself on the straight and narrow -
does that make sense????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you know what I mean though
Thanks Jess. I know I need to think a bit more about this before I do anything drastic, but probably a good thing to have those questions asked... sometimes you get so locked into a certain pattern of thinking & acting that it's hard to step back and see where you are going wrong. Need some perspective.

Hmmmm definately needs some thought, thanks for the post Porgeous even if it is on Katy's thread.... something we should all ponder on I should think....
Katy, hope you are having a good day. It's half term here, is it the same in your area?

Here's to a new week everyone. :)
Thanks, all. I am having a happy 810 day, but trying not to push Porge's words away... I know they make a lot of sense to me. I get weighed on Weds and think I may be the same as last time... an expensive way to tread water. I wish my CDC was able to talk about stuff like this - she really doesn't get it. She sees me as a big success but i am so struggling just now.

Dis, I know you have said something similar not so long ago and someone else did too... I need to start listening, and look at how I am behaving, and break the self-destruct.

Still thinking, but any input welcome, I am scared to let go and have no idea which way to jump.

Katy, Porgeous made a good point. l don't think you need to jump one way or the other though, just do the best you can day by day, somedays you'll eat a bit more, some days a bit less, that's normal living. As l've said to you before please don't be so hard on yourself. We're still trying, that's success.
I'll be staying put in the wagon for the companionship, support, encouragement and the laughs along the way. The journey goes on..... :)
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just do the best you can day by day

This has been on my mind so much lately. And the conversation with my friends about their weightloss and BMIs, has made me think more about it.

Porgeous is so right about looking at what is working, and having an overall balance. I think that is such a positive approach to have, and one that is really making me think.

And Dis is also right when she says you don't have to jump ship, or wagon!

Edited to add: Hope you had a lovely day xx
Thanks, both of you. I think this is what worries me, jumping off the wagon has just as many bad associations... I am scared to jump willingly off. Not sure if that is good or bad!

Maybe thinking of the wagon in a different way is the solution? As a journey, with some strict days and some less strict, and no fall/fail days. Just life. It IS quite a luxurious wagon, after all. I can't quite get all this straight in my head, but still determined to think it through and work it out.

I suppose (and sorry I'm delurking here) the question is whether the wagon could be a bit bigger? How quickly do you need to lose the weight? Could you do it slower and less painfully? Would that help you find balance? I dunno, I'm just suggesting an option.