Lots of new members - shall we do an intro thread?

Hi Gemma

Its going really well. Can you see my ticker thingy?

In developers now and hopefully not too long before move over into maintenance :D

I can see your ticker thingy, must've had blinkers on first time round. oops! you're doing so well. we'll have to keep in touch cos i'm way off developers and i'm interested to know what its like! x
Hi all, I'm new to this site, but wanted someone to talk to!
I have just started week 3 of LL. Never imagined I would last this long, as my will power is nil. I have stuck to the plan though, no cheating yet, and it is getting easier.
I have lost 15lbs so far, which is great, but about what I put on last year, so don't really feel I've got started yet. I was 18 1/2 when I started so I guess I have about 8 stone to lose, but I will stop when I feel comfortable with myself.
If I am prepared to put on a cossie and take my daughter swimming, that'll be good enough for me!
Hi Littleblue, if you're after people to talk to then you've come to the right place as there are loads of lovely people on these boards.

Well done on your first 3 weeks (I'm just into week 3 too and I've about 10 stone to lose), you've done brilliantly to get so far. What day is your group on? You'll have to post your losses on here as everyone will celebrate them with you - you'll also find the answers to many questions on here and more than anything you'll get so much support.

Stick around :)

My weigh in day is Thursday, so the weight loss was 2 weeks, lost 11 in week 1 and 4 in week 2. Am I likely to lose more than the 3 stone in foundation as I am so much overweight, or doesn't that follow?
Hi Girls

I had my second weigh in today and have lost another 10 and a half lbs. 21lbs in 2 weeks! Im over the moon, i only have about 2 and a half stone to loose now to get down to a size 8-10 and it seems do-able after the last couple of weeks now.

I hope your all ok - keep up the fab work

Wow Kels that's amazing - well done .... you'll be at your goal in no time :)

:wow: Kels that is amazing :D

:wavey: Hi and welcome to Minimins LittleBlue
Hi everyone!

How are people doing??? Has anyone been weighed this week???

I've been weighed tonight and have lost 4lb - total of 20lb in 3 weeks now .... and am happy as larry (whoever larry was he must have been happy)


I'm Helen, aged 42, married, with one child aged 8. I am now in week 7 of lighterlife and have lost 28lb!!!! I have never stuck at a a diet for this long before and am thrilled. Its getting easier by the day and I just wish I'd done it years ago! I have about 6 stone left to lose still though I am not setting myself a definite target for a while. This site is great, so inspirational - Thanks!
Cath, that's fab! You must be so proud of yourself :clap:

Hi Helen, I've been doing lighter life for 5 weeks now so we're not too far apart either, your loss is wonderful, well done! :clap:

I had my weigh-in on tuesday and i've now lost 24lbs in total so i'm chuffed! still another 8 stone or so to go but it's looking good :D

Gemma x
First post for me, but I've been longing to join in for a while now.
I'm coming to the end of Week 5 on LL. The weekends seem to be the hardest time for me - hence why I'm now posting!
Just getting the hang of the board, so hopefully I'm in the right place and this message is legible!
Hi Tiger Girl, yes it worked :)

Welcome to the group - you've had a really good loss, 2 stone is excellent. Quite a few people do find the weekends worse - the good/bad thing about them is that they're only 2 days long so at least the other 5 are easier for you :)

Thanks Katie-O!
I am pleased with the loss - never thought I could lose 2st in a month. My week 5 weigh in is on Monday. Bearing in mind how tough I've been finding the weekends, I think I'm pretty lucky to have my weigh in on a Monday. I'm so ready for my group by then!
Whinge aside, I'm really pleased with progress so far. :D
Don't blame you for being pleased, you're doing really really well.

My weigh in is a Wednesday which I like as it breaks up the week for me. The weekends are harder but at least you have yours on a Monday which brightens up the end of the weekend for you.

Keep us posted as to how you get along.

Hey everyone

Im really deflated this week - i had my weigh in on Thursday and have put on 2lbs!!! I dont get it - i havent cheated and don everything else the same (other than the time of the month!) do you think that this could be it??

Im finding the weekends so boring and all i can think about it food. I know i wont cheat - but its mental torture. Plus my boyfriend and brother keep eating loads of yummy crisps in front on me! :cry: