needs to change, I think ;(

Morning all - sorry for lack of updates - busy weekend.

H had a gym comp (hence not being able to go to Brum for Jimmy Spices :() She did well....didn't fall head first over the vault as she has been doing lately!!!! So, no injuries and a gold "group sequence" medal and silver overall. Proud mummy again.

Working Monday and out at meetings yesterday - stuff to do today.

Haven't actually weighed myself as I like to do it first thing and haven't got round to it - will do tomorrow and post result. Not hoping for much as had a major carbs frenzy - and we all know where that leads - fat bits over the top of the jeans!!! Probably not gained but probably won't have lost either

(just to add though - I did enjoy every mouthful, but felt totally bloaty afterwards :sigh:)
Just popping in to say hello - hope you are ok :) xx
Congrats to H! :) Hope Wi goes well. Have a good day. xxx
Good luck for WI when you get round to doing it. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and a fab weekend xxx

I'm bumping this in the hope you will be back on soon. I've come back and you're gone:(xx
:wave_cry: - can I come back, PLEASE - I need the support, and the kicks up the backside.

How many of these little blighters do you think I would need to show to let you know just how BAD I have been since I have been gone from your watchful eyes????? 28!!!...yes, 2 whole, fat stones have gone on my body - and I am so, so, seriously p***ed off with myself.

Not only have I eaten more carbs than you could possibly imagine, I have acquired a taste for amarula (no low cal options for me when I decide to start, the high calorie, cream laden stuff all the way) - you know that way, when you start getting into bad habits and one "sod it" moment starts to last days, then weeks, then months...well this, my friends, is the net result!

I have been lurking around this morning and can't believe how good most of you have been. An amazing well done to all of you who have stuck with it and are now looking super slim and super gorgeous - there have been some totally astounding losses.

Thinking that I will be on a VLCD cos my willpower switch is back to ON and that means that abstinence works best. I have some packs left over from before, so will get them down and in the next couple of days, decide which one to go for. Thinking it will be W8 again as I liked all their packs and its easy for me to do as I can order online rather than having to go and get them.

When my head is in the right place, I don't really need the "fear" of being weighed by someone else - and I know that I need to get this weight gone by Christmas - if for no other reason, than I have absolutely nothing to wear and refuse to buy a whole wardrobe full of clothes again.

I look longingly at the size 8 and 10s that hang in my wardrobe feeling very left out as I reach for the stretch size 12's I have had to buy recently....

So, water at my side - I will start to fight the good fight once more.

After a couple of weeks, I will get back into my exercise - done absolutely none of that either - you can just imagine how much of a "sod it" I was in, can't you?

I will let you know how its going and get back to being inspired by all of you who are stronger than me....xxxx
aww hun, well done for coming back - its so difficult to take that first step!

have really missed having you around - it was so lovely to see your face in my diary.

much love xxx
Rosie-was just thinking about you the other day and womdering what happened . Good to see you
I am doing the Harcombe diet and its brill-i think you would really like it-11lbs in 4 weeks so far-and that includes red wine !!

Anyway whatever diet-great to see you !!
Hi Rose! Nice to see you back, but shame about the circumstances. I know you can do it again though :) Size 12 is far from disgusting, I'm sure you still look fab but I know it doesn't make a difference really if it's not where you want to be. You can get there again!
Thanks all for the warmness of the welcomes back....

Jess, I know that a 12 is not awfully big (the fact that even they were getting tight was my wake up call) but its still just annoying after all the effort I had put in.

Today has been ok. I knew what to expect so the hunger and the feeling of wanting to eat my own arm was not a shock to me!

I am doing a very generous vlcd cos I need to eat more than 3 times per day - so I will be on 4 packs or 3 plus a bar. On the W8 diet you also get some milk - although think I will have a look at exante as its a lot cheaper if you buy the bulk pack

Jane: Funny you should be on the Harcombe diet - I worked alongside Zoe when we both worked at Mars confectionery - I clearly ate the chocolate while she worked out how to stop people eating it!!

Off to read up on my months of missed news....why was mini's down for so long today - or was it just that I had worn it out with all my diary surfing this morning?