Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

Thanks Marge. I'll have a go tomorrow. Not done too well on diet today - had my 3 packs but also had FOUR boiled eggs and a mug of hot milk with amaretto in it! I really need to get my act together.
A fresh and successful start tomorrow Lynne ;)
If you feel like wavering maybe try brushing your teeth and tongue or have some Boullion, you can always pop on here and start reading your diary from beginning? Seeing all my false restarts in mine is usually enough to keep me on the straight and narrow, today is a new day :) xxx
Thanks Carrie. I'll do that. I did really well until July and had struggled to get back on extante properly ever since. Was 1lb down this morning so not too bad. Have started today with a strawberry shake so here goes!
1lb is good come on Lynne.. I have a 19 day challenge I want to do...join me?!
Didn't do too badly today. 3 packs, 2 boiled eggs and a bit of chicken but nowhere near enough water. I'm back at the doctor's tomorrow morning so will find out if the xray showed what is wrong with my leg. It still hurts despite all the pain killers I'm taking! I'm up for a challenge Shrimp. What is it?
Sounds like a fabulous day to me Lynne. Week done and I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow xxx
Thanks Carrie. I'm having food for my evening meal tomorrow but only roast chicken and broccoli!
I hope all goes well at the docs Lynne :)
Thanks Marge. Can't believe it - I've lost 4lb overnight!
Wow! Good stuff! X
Thanks Bee and Lil. Hope it isn't just a blip! I blooming hope so Bee. Not cruising along on my leg though! At least I now know I haven't got arthritis which was what was worrying me. The GP doesn't know what it is, all he can tell me is what it isn't! He thinks it might be a strained tendon in my knee and splints. Now I've got to see if the physio works and if not, go back again. Also said rather than take the painkillers in large quantities just take them when I need them. The trouble is my leg hurts all the time whether or not I take them. I bought some volterol cream at the weekend but can't use it with aural anti inflamatory tablets. I'm going to not take tablets tomorrow and try the cream. I really want to get this sorted because I can't do any exercise which is really frustrating. I caught a taxi to the doctors and because it cost £5 - and also to get some exercise - I walked back. It was really difficult but maybe that's what I need to do. Doing OK on the diet today - just had porridge so far. Should be easier as I'm taking TOIL today. On days like today I wish I was one of those people who are naturally thin and fit without having to diet and 40 years younger!
hi lynne nice to meet you, well done you for your acheivements , finding reading your posts inspirational xx
Thanks Salty. I really do find reading everyone else's diaries. One of the main things I've learnt is not to throw in the towel when you lapse but to try to get back on track no matter how many times it happens and how bad each time is. When you read about those who have reached goal they have all been on a journey with lots of ups and downs but have got there through perseverance.
I think it's the ups and downs that makes you learn that however bad a day you have with food it's not as bad as it seems at the time and that if you just get straight backs the wagon you can deal with it. Before when I have had a bad day I've just given up and said to myself well you have stuffed it up now doesn't matter if you eat another 1000 calories you are a failure! This time it's different and I think the forum really helps because you see that everyone has bad days just keep posting through it and success will come x
Totally agree with this Fiona. I've always been the same as you in the past.