Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

How's the leg today? X
Getting better I think. Still can't srouch or bend over but it only hurts when I bend it and not all the time. It's really frustrating being imobile!
I hope so Carri. I've had a new bike for about 3 weeks now without having a chance to ride it. I'm also paying my gym membership for nothing!
Lynne what ever you do...don't rush your recovery to ride your bike or go to the gym. Take it easy
Hi Lynn. Good words of advice from Shrimp as always. We can take it easy together I have a nasty virus and throat feels like I'm chewing knives. All I want to eat is carbs :( no exercise for me either
We're a right bunch of crocks on here! I hope you get better soon. A good way to deal with a sore throat is to gargle with aspirin. You have to dissolve 2 soluble asprins in a small amount of water to make a sludgy consistency and then gargle with it. I'm going back to work on Monday but am definitely going to take it easy until I've seen the physio next Friday. I'm hoping that they might be able to tell what is wrong with my leg. I'm going to a super heros party tonight gressed in a superman onesie and will have to be really careful not to go overboard with the wine and food! I look a fright in the onesie - it is a man's size and the crotch is about knee level on me!
You will have to be careful you don't fall over your crotch :) doesn't sound right but you get the idea ha ha
That has just made me laugh! I love fancy dress parties...I'm so sad! Think it must be pretending to be something I'm not!

i hope you are both feeling a little better today
You will have to be careful you don't fall over your crotch :) doesn't sound right but you get the idea ha ha

That made me laugh! I might take a photo and put it on here for a laugh. It looks dreadful!
That has just made me laugh! I love fancy dress parties...I'm so sad! Think it must be pretending to be something I'm not!

i hope you are both feeling a little better today

Thanks Shrimp. I'm feeling a lot better now. The pain is only in the back of my knee now instead of the whole leg!
I have to say I'm not that keen on fancy dress. I used to hate it when the kids had to dress up for parties and school events because I can't sew. I bought the onesie because I could use it afterwards in the house to keep warm. I've also had to buy an outfit for my son but he's going as iron man in a proper fancy dress outfit that fits!
This looks really tasty!


1 Proteins 2 Fats 0 Carbs
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 10-30 min
Servings: 1
An egg cracked into the hole of an Avocado

avocado half

[h=2]Directions[/h]Place a cast iron pan in oven then heat to 425 degrees.

Cut ripe avocado in half. Take pan out of oven and place avocado then crack egg in the hole of avocado.(you will have white run off) season to your taste with your choice of spices.
Place back in oven until egg is done to your liking. Enjoy!

Feel free to add crumbled bacon as a topping :)

I have to agree that foes look nice
That looks lovely :D
Enjoy the party. Pics of that are a must :D
Pics pics pics!
Disaster! I ate and drank last night with gay abandon, What started off as 'just one glass of wine' ended up as lots of glasses of wine and lots of eating. Have only just got up as I didn't get in until after 3 am. Luckily I haven't got a headache but I feel so sick!:sign0137: I'm going to struggle to eat or drink anything today. AND it's weigh in day and I'm 3 lb heavier than yesterday. This has GOT to be my wake up call. If I get back on plan this week I should lose that 3 lb and hopefully more. On the plus side I'm still 4 lb down on last Sunday but I've been playing a dangerous game. I've still got to lose another 9 lb just to be back at my pre Philadelphia weight. I'll post some pictures after others have posted them on facebook - embarrassing or what!
Better than last week is good! I think you were just eating and drinking to forget the onesie crotch. Photos on Facebook. Bet you can't wait for them