M-Mouse's Droppings

s is snack Jo.
the only time i fancy one is around 3pm but ive usually got some lunch left over so munch on that :)
How many calories are you on per day Vicky? (I must feed my intake into a site that will tell me mine - but I know you do already...)
1589 today Jo. might be less if i dont finish my lunch but there thereabouts. (bad on a friday with the g and t!)
1589 today Jo. might be less if i dont finish my lunch but there thereabouts. (bad on a friday with the g and t!)

That's great Vicky. I thought you were far lower when I looked at it... I just fed in my food today, and I'm only at 1,300 yet looks far more!! I don't understand how it counts carbs. Mine are humungous! (436)?
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Jeez Jo what are you having? can i look at your diary on there?
ahhh Jo - no your total cabrs for the day are 32 - the 466 is what fitness pal think you should haveand the 434 is what they think you should have left. id ignore that column just go with the totals one :D
ohhh haaaa! So I've had 32g carbs, and it thinks a normal person needs 466g per day. How healthy are we? NOT!

My protein looks a bit high too... but I can see why. I'm having too many eggs today!
yes but read this....
The Big Fat Lies about Britain's obesity epidemic | Mail Online

if you think about it its right. and the amount of diabetics etc
Diabetes (type 2)CAN be controlled with diet - my dad has type 1 diabetes (ok he has to have injections)and he has ALWAYS watched his carbs etc, preferring to eat meat/fish and veg with minimal carbs.
Look at some people on here - they had type 2 diabetes and now their bloods are fine due to low carbing.
Interesting article.

Oatbran is supposed to help with cholesterol too... but what I see when I'm in England is (and I'm generalising wildly here) that people drink a lot and that it's WAY cheaper to buy four doughnuts than two apples, for instance... and while that's the case, things will never even out. Also people do have a lot of takeaways and ready meals from supermarket, something which isn't as prevalent over here, although obesity is catching on!

I'm quite staggered at how many people are my previous size when I come home now... whereas when I was that size, I seemed to be the only one! Perhaps an impression!

I remember my GP telling me that, at my previous weight, losing weight was more important to my health than quitting smoking (at a certain stage, he started nagging about the smoking again too!). It's true that being humungously overweight is not healthy so far better to do whatever, even a VLC meal replacement diet, to get rid.

At our level though, with one stone to go, I wish I could do it the other way though... anyway I'm mind wandering in Mousey's diary... she'll forgive me!
Do you not think you could lose that last stone with healthy eating Jo?
I tried, from September to December, and just didn't have the willpower to get through a weekend "clean" or say "no" to anything offered to me, and ended up heavier than I started!

I am also convinced that my metabolism is messed up... too much dieting... yoyoing... doesn't help in that area.
yes very true and also as we age..... unfortunately!
It's true for most people that ageing is an issue but, for me, I feel YOUNGER at my current old age than I did in my 30s... or 20s... or teens... so it's just my body which is ageing. My mind is younger than ever!!
"healthy eating" low fat, low cal ... didn't work for me....:( and I was good - logged all my intakes etc and exercised...nothing! :p....since June 2010....low carb has been a godsend ! :)
and you don't have the wild fluctuations either (a little more at NY I notice)... but I've been messing with low carb for a while now...
Thanks for posting the article, Vicky:). My main health worry is diabetes, it messed up my parents' health so much and my brother has T2 now (although he controls it well - with meds).

So low-carb for life it is then. I'll survive!
But, if my memory serves me well, Robin... you also advocate a decent dairy intake because of osteoporosis risk...