M-Mouse's Droppings

Morning all. Not going to be on on tuesday until the evening as still tied up at work (this is getting to be a habit):D

Had a good day today but eaten too much asparagus and feel like gagging with the smell every time I pee!

OH been called to his Mum's so by myself with the kids tonight - just have to try and make sure this doesn't = snackfest, although to be honest I don't ever feel hungry on this diet - just crave after things I shouldn't have.

Had salmon this evening - a nice change from chicken, although chicken is just do easy. My face has become really spotty over the last few weeks - may go to the docs because it is very red and itchy and is driving me mad. I have been taking a good multi vitmin so I don't think a lack of vitamins can be the cause, but it does feel as though it is spreading. I may well wake up Tuesday morning looking like elephant woman:needhug:

- you may notice that I am trying to outdo Sarah with her smileys - have just notied there is even an almost sausage dog:chores016: - well the nearest you're going to get, anyway!

Have been playing with kitty this evening and now taking a break - I should be catching up with some house work, but I c999999999999999999999999999999an't be arsed :kissass::kissass:oops sorry - that was Mung on the keyboard
hey mouse ,wot is little mung like ,he wants to join in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning all. Not going to be on on tuesday until the evening as still tied up at work (this is getting to be a habit):D

Had a good day today but eaten too much asparagus and feel like gagging with the smell every time I pee!

It's a diuretic :) so it's good for the old weightloss anyways :D

OH been called to his Mum's so by myself with the kids tonight - just have to try and make sure this doesn't = snackfest, although to be honest I don't ever feel hungry on this diet - just crave after things I shouldn't have.

Had salmon this evening - a nice change from chicken, although chicken is just do easy. My face has become really spotty over the last few weeks - may go to the docs because it is very red and itchy and is driving me mad. I have been taking a good multi vitmin so I don't think a lack of vitamins can be the cause, but it does feel as though it is spreading. I may well wake up Tuesday morning looking like elephant woman:needhug:

What sorta spots?....tea tree oil is supposed to be good :)

- you may notice that I am trying to outdo Sarah with her smileys - have just notied there is even an almost sausage dog:chores016: - well the nearest you're going to get, anyway!

:D keep trying :) I'm :queen: you said so! :D

Have been playing with kitty this evening and now taking a break - I should be catching up with some house work, but I c999999999999999999999999999999an't be arsed :kissass::kissass:oops sorry - that was Mung on the keyboard

Heya don't work too hard... take it easy ok - don't want any cases of exhaustion... xx
Heya don't work too hard... take it easy ok - don't want any cases of exhaustion... xx

WARNING - Dont use Tea Tree Oil if you have cats. It's toxic to cats :cry:
I believe it's if they ingest it but I'm not 100%. My friends kitten died from it :cry:
notied there is even an almost sausage dog:chores016: - well the nearest you're going to get, anyway!
yeyyyy sausages.
have you taken an antihistamine for your spots. low carb does do strange things to your body, i get spots, then next thing i know my skin is lovely.
yes dont work too hard ;) salmon is lovely - have you tried trout aswell thats one of my faves. oh and scallops!
I think we get lowcarb acne just like lowcarb flu, then it goes and we look and feel ace :D

But its not good if you're feeling itchy with it, have you changed shampoo, conditioner etc? Or have they changed (improved formula..).
Fascinating SPOT conversation here... I had some last week... they came up during and after my 9 day OFF low carb and are clearing up nicely now that I'm back low carbing.

Go figure! I do everything backwards!

Awh.. mung wants to play with the keys... one of my cats LOVES it if ever I print anything at home... oh and when I put a DVD in or take one out...
Hi everyone. another busy day but solved some issues so that was good. I am being good too but TOTM :sigh:

I have a chicken in the oven at the moment and an allspice cookie; mmm chicken:)

OH still with his parents and really missing him - makes me realise how much he does around the house! I asked my daughter to gather all the towels and put them in the machine when she got home. I got home and there was one towel in the washing basket. I commented that she hadn't done a very good job and she replied that she had delegated it to her little brother, and then had a go at him for not doing it properly!

Working from home tomorrow but no lie in as have to get the kids up. Quite peckish now but chicken not due out for another half an hour!

Sorry to read that so many people aren't feeling well - I suppose it's getting to that time of year now. <goes to rescue warm cookie from oven>.cookie out; having some yoghurt to keep the hunger at bay.

I must do a tesco online shop - my mouth was watering when vicky mentioned trout and scallops - yum. I just hope I haven't exhausted the nation's supplies of chickens yet - I fear us Dukaneers (I love that word Sarah) are going to edge the humble hen towards extinction. I keep thinking of getting some chickens but I am just worried they will be hard work. I just love knowing where my food has come from, although I am talking of the eggs here and not the actual chickens!
Hi everyone. another busy day but solved some issues so that was good. I am being good too but TOTM :sigh:

Evenin' Manda :) sorry it was a busy one - but glad it was productive :) big hugs for the totm (hug)

I have a chicken in the oven at the moment and an allspice cookie; mmm chicken:)

mmmmmm Chicken nom nom nom (I'm not convincing anyone on this diet - am i? :rolleyes:)

OH still with his parents and really missing him - makes me realise how much he does around the house! I asked my daughter to gather all the towels and put them in the machine when she got home. I got home and there was one towel in the washing basket. I commented that she hadn't done a very good job and she replied that she had delegated it to her little brother, and then had a go at him for not doing it properly!

Ooh she's prime for a career in management!! :D

Working from home tomorrow but no lie in as have to get the kids up. Quite peckish now but chicken not due out for another half an hour!

Eggs? Yoghurt? Cottage cheese? something to snack on while you wait :)

Sorry to read that so many people aren't feeling well - I suppose it's getting to that time of year now. <goes to rescue warm cookie from oven>.cookie out; having some yoghurt to keep the hunger at bay.

Ahh good plan ! :) (read this after typing the above)

I must do a tesco online shop - my mouth was watering when vicky mentioned trout and scallops - yum. I just hope I haven't exhausted the nation's supplies of chickens yet - I fear us Dukaneers (I love that word Sarah) (I love it :) - we're swashbuckling dukaneers, swordfighting with the pounds:) in very fetching ladylike outfits :) are going to edge the humble hen towards extinction. I keep thinking of getting some chickens but I am just worried they will be hard work. I just love knowing where my food has come from, although I am talking of the eggs here and not the actual chickens!

I looked into chickens... it read too much like hard work :) and mess...conclusion: don't need anymore stuff to deal with :)
Hi everyone. another busy day but solved some issues so that was good. I am being good too but TOTM :sigh:

I have a chicken in the oven at the moment and an allspice cookie; mmm chicken:)

OH still with his parents and really missing him - makes me realise how much he does around the house! I asked my daughter to gather all the towels and put them in the machine when she got home. I got home and there was one towel in the washing basket. I commented that she hadn't done a very good job and she replied that she had delegated it to her little brother, and then had a go at him for not doing it properly!

Working from home tomorrow but no lie in as have to get the kids up. Quite peckish now but chicken not due out for another half an hour!

Sorry to read that so many people aren't feeling well - I suppose it's getting to that time of year now. <goes to rescue warm cookie from oven>.cookie out; having some yoghurt to keep the hunger at bay.

I must do a tesco online shop - my mouth was watering when vicky mentioned trout and scallops - yum. I just hope I haven't exhausted the nation's supplies of chickens yet - I fear us Dukaneers (I love that word Sarah) are going to edge the humble hen towards extinction. I keep thinking of getting some chickens but I am just worried they will be hard work. I just love knowing where my food has come from, although I am talking of the eggs here and not the actual chickens!

lol i had 6 chicken in my back garden destroyed the grass ate anything evil things ...but were so sweet too used to follow me round the garden waiting for me to feed them lol
was thinking of getting another two as my others went to a friend when i moved ...but might wait till new year
Morning everyone (first time I have said that at the right time this week!) Thanks for all the spotty advice, chicken advice, everything advice - keeps me going and if I am feeling fed up I have a read and you all make me chuckle :).

It's a horrible day weather wise here today and the fridge is looking empty but I have to work so can't really go to the supermarket. Don't want to go across to the village shop either as the damned place is full of chocolate!!! I will do an online shop while I am working - far less hassle than actually going!

OH is still down (or I suppose that should be up) in Wales - had 2 nights at the hospital but still nothing.....

Dear little kitty had left some gifts in the shower this morning (the kids informed me) so have cleared that up but not put me in the best of moods:badmood:. Still I will be around today so you can all make me laugh. - and it is heading towards the weekend again:)

Oh and just look at this little smiley - I need to wi again:scale: - I think this must be a TOTM WI smiley:)

Well done for recognising the "danger zone" ;)...village shop sounds good though...because I haven't eaten my brekkie yet :D...oops!

Best of luck with your WI :) I hope it is a super duper good one for you xxx

Well done for recognising the "danger zone" ;)...village shop sounds good though...because I haven't eaten my brekkie yet :D...oops!

Best of luck with your WI :) I hope it is a super duper good one for you xxx

No Wi for me until Sunday or Monday so got a few days yet. Trying to conentrate on eating enough, drinking enough and staying off the yoghurt.

I had two fried eggs for breakfast - I think breakfast is the meal where I have least inspiration, especially when I am trying not to eat too much yoghurt and I want to save my oatbran for later. What I would really love is some toast and cereal!